做左個「你是否壓力致胖型人?」既 mindgame,個結果是:
分析結果 : 間歇性暴食型
面對不同程度的壓力,使原本神經質的你壓力倍增,幸好,你極注重體型和外表,只會偶爾以食物來減壓,情況暫時未亮起紅燈。建議不要增添無謂的壓力,以健康生活為目標,與其痛苦地面對壓力,不如以積極的態度面對,以減少暴吃的機會。 咁點解仲係會無端端暴肥既?唔通咁o岩我個排係暴食高峰期?
personal reflections, share my thoughts on movies, j-dramas, k-dramas, yoga, comics, photos, music, daily life, etc.
做左個「你是否壓力致胖型人?」既 mindgame,個結果是:
分析結果 : 間歇性暴食型
面對不同程度的壓力,使原本神經質的你壓力倍增,幸好,你極注重體型和外表,只會偶爾以食物來減壓,情況暫時未亮起紅燈。建議不要增添無謂的壓力,以健康生活為目標,與其痛苦地面對壓力,不如以積極的態度面對,以減少暴吃的機會。 咁點解仲係會無端端暴肥既?唔通咁o岩我個排係暴食高峰期?
Wow~~~ England beated Argentina and secured their third successive IRB Sevens Hong Kong crown! (of 'coz the Cup!!)
How come Haughton could run soooooo fast? A real speedster ah... Mum said, 'He's not macho but he's fit! and really runs Super Fast! And the captain, Armor is comparatively short but he's the Captain! He should have some extraordinary skills and talents!' Yup! It's quite intersting, many Rugby stars are tall and macho! (yup.. i think many are "very" macho!) But this year, I haven't watched all the matches; only the semi-finals, finals and some of the pool matches. I found... England's Haughton is not macho but fit and also Canada's Richmond. And of 'coz Armor!! [btw, I found Haughton looks a bit like Ronaldino! haha]
This year's really GREAT!!! I just watched the TV but still felt the noisy but colorful atmosphere!!! hoho! Today, the whole afternoon, just watched with Steve and Mum! We're all soooooo involved!! Started watching the Sevens in, oh no! can't remember! ... it should be still Fiji winning the match! I'm not particularly intersted in Rugby before but the matches are really exciting and "worth-watching"!! And then, is it S.5 or S.7 summer vacation, Ngai Lai went to play Rugby! And that's the first time I felt that Rugby's 'around' me, like other sports, say Soccer or basketball, and gradually like it more and more!
今日有三篇架!看埋 previous 個兩篇啦!
剛才去了韓國觀光社的 homepage,發現了一個叫「免費導遊」的服務,那些導遊都是自願的,沒有工資的!!他們可能是家庭主婦、學生或者在職人士,不過他們全都會說外語,好像是日文、英語和中國語。好像很好的服務喔,只要在線上填申請表,他們就會處理,然後就會有一個導遊替你安排路程,之後還會在機場等你喔!(那個網站是這樣寫,我沒有試過,不知道是不是真實!)那......他們是不是都已經考過牌呢?如果香港也有這個服務,我想也不錯吧!雖然沒有工資,不過我想應該可以拿個小費,一般都會給 tips 啦! (heehee~~ :P) 不過現在那麼多自由行,好像很危險似的!韓國人不怕嗎?
實在太多野要寫啦,又有好多好多既相,我要記低晒所有野,EVEN 好瑣碎既我都盡力去既低,咁我就唔會唔記得啦,至於我 D FRIEND,唔晒驚,我會整好多 LINK 比你地,SO IF YOU REALLY FEEL BORING,都唔晒看晒全部嘛!
我會 ADD 埋 D SELECTED PHOTOS 落去,至於整個 PHOTO ALBUM 就 UPLOAD 緊,比 D 時間我,我會好快搞店 (其實我係驚會唔記得晒... 哈哈!) 我個遊記 PAGE 係 http://www.geocities.com/candicetravel
記住得閒去 check 呀!我做緊架啦,就快架啦~~~~
喂喂~~~ 我返黎啦~~~~ 韓國好正喔~~~
好似我 ICQ INFO. 都有寫,今次 MEET 到好多好 NICE 同好好既人,好開心!
韓國又 INTERESTING~~ 又好玩,超正!! (唔知係咪因為我好耐未去過 D 先進國家旅行呢~~~ 哈哈....)
遊記已在 PREPARE 中,我會 BACK DATE 番個日架!!記住 CLICK 去看呀!!!! 我個 TRIP 係 FROM 27/2/04 -- 4/3/04 (包埋序同跋... i.e. 前傳同後記啦!)記住啦~~~ 個 title 係 「韓國之旅 -- 序/跋/x (數目字)」~~~~ 「
韓國之旅 -- 序」已經出左喇!!