Don't know why the office's Windows can't type chinese again~ Originally I'm going to write chinese here la...
Anyway~ I've finally set up my new forum. This time, really an intensive one.. haha~ I quite like it. It got many boards and I'm inviting friends to be moderators!! :)
I'm thinking of what could be added to the forum, just tell me if you could think of any!!!
Now, it got my preliminary ideas! Music, Photography and Cookery!!! Also, places for sharing comments about movies or dramas!!!
Hope you would like it and make it an e-home~
personal reflections, share my thoughts on movies, j-dramas, k-dramas, yoga, comics, photos, music, daily life, etc.
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
Monday, January 17, 2005
我 Form 2 看過個漫畫,係台灣版,唔只四個字架~
我想搵番呀~ 或者知邊個畫都 OK 呀~ 唔該晒! THANK YOU!!
我 Form 2 看過個漫畫,係台灣版,唔只四個字架~
我想搵番呀~ 或者知邊個畫都 OK 呀~ 唔該晒! THANK YOU!!
Friday, January 14, 2005
哎克氏派禮斯家族大家長祖父先生台鑒: 頃接 台端投訴本網誌之語言事宜,謝甚。本網誌迅即跟進此事,調查工作現已完成,茲就 台端之投訴事項回應。
首先,本網誌願就網主大量使用英語導致 台端難以準確理解所言一事致歉。查網主遭網友投訴於網誌中大量使用英語已非首次,本網誌接獲投訴已第一時間召網主面談,且翻查網誌紀錄,經初步調查,證明 台端所言屬實。唯在調查過程中,網主強調並非故意使用大量英語以刁難 台端,更指出本網誌之官方語言原定為國際英語。對本網誌和網主並沒有事先對外公佈此事,導致 台端閱讀困難,本網誌仝人深表遺憾。
本網誌仝人感謝 台端一路以來對本網誌的支持,唯網主決定往後會更大量使用英語,有關文章的中文版本會不定期刊登在網主另一網誌平台,詳情請參考網主留言。
最後,網主將在來月對其網站進行大革新,本網誌也在影響範圍內,對未來的去向尚未清楚,在此再一次感謝 台端對本網誌之厚愛和支持。
以上所述,希能令 台端釋懷,敬祝
公關部 簡提絲
Thursday, January 13, 2005
Angel Land 4.0 Update Schedule is out finally!!
I'll update my website "Angel Land" again for a fresh look and at the same time, to be more specific.
In fact, my website got some "themes" before~ It is not only a personal site.
Ver 1.0 is inspired by Vincent's site. Ever since then, I sort of 'developed' my "website", I got ideas about the theme of my site, the visual effect and the atmosphere (incl. language) of it. I spent my Year 1 Summer Semester in making all the HTML codes. In fact, the layout was not what I intended to make. But with my limited HTML knowledge then, I could only try my best.
It is sort of informative. I got sections about my hobbies and wanna introduce my friends to all those lovely stuff. Ver 1.0 didn't have "diary" section, but a "writing" section, where I did post some articles SOMETIMES. I added a journal section in ver 1.1 to express my "daily life feelings" to all my dear 'distant' frens.
As I learnt more about the web in Year 2, I started to update my site. I intended to use Photoshop and Dreamweaver for that. But, what turned out finally, was that I didn't learn those software well. So I kept using HTML and this time with some more fancy features. I kept the hobbies section dead link 'coz I wanna make a more informative page (with more contents). And as usual, the progress in making those pages were too slow that I didn't finish by the time I wanna make the second new update. I added a Diary section in ver 2.0. This is inspired by Pinky. (The diaries were still kept on different servers now, you could check them if u'd like to; links are posted in my site) I tried to maintain a "high quality" diaries b4, proper language, meaningful contents and really "daily" "diary". Except for the "daily" target, I got them quite well done, at least I think so. However, as time goes on and on, the World changes and changes, people besides u urge me to write some 'friendly' diary!!!! That's with some oral language and more a bit in Chinese. (I wrote English diary only before) The 'workload' in maintaining the diary was heavy enough for me and none of the other sections were updated! :P Small updates were made to improve the site a bit, such as adding some fancy features by Java Script and it made the Ver 2.1.
This current version was originally made by Flash. But u guys know my efficiency in making website, so it was planned to have a layout first updated first, i.e. Ver 3.0 in HTML (of 'coz with Java Script) and Ver 3.1 to be in Flash! There, I found a new 'diary-host' site, and in early 2004, I subscribed to such a site. As all u know, the site was super unstable then and with tons of ads. So I started to develop mine again! This time, I tried the cgi and that made my Flash making postponed again and again.
And finally, here we come, Ver 3.0 with only one page Flash, an 'abandoned' cgi diary page, a 'no-ppl-at-all' forum, a 'merely-only-me' msg board, some photos link, a Xanga and a personal BLOG!
I've REALLY made up my mind. For my diaries:
Xanga - as usual: Mandarin & English~
Blog (personal) - as usual: Cantonese & English~
For my sites:
Ver 4.0 -- a site dedicated to all my music, art and technology teachers & tutors
I'll try to use different kinda multimedia tools in making the site.
Theme: Personal & focused on my hobbies!
Basic Str:
1. Pages incl. Home, Profile, Diary, Msg Board, photos & Links for my personal use.
2. Hobbies Pages, concentrate on:
a. Music (Basic history & music appreciation, my works, tools application, BLOG (my writings on music incl. appreciations)
b. Art (Different Art forms; concentrate on Photography, Computer Graphics and Paintings; history, tools, my own works and BLOG (my feelings/recommendations) with also digital camera stuff
c. Literature (pieces of great work, my interpretations, my works & of 'coz my BLOG (recommendations & feelings)
d. Performance News e.g. Concert, Drama, Opera, Musical, Movie, etc.
I hope this is not too ambitious! :P Once again, I'll first use HTML to write a framework...... (in fact I've been trying out different codes, hope can write one really match my 'layout idea'!) and really hope can use Flash to get the dynamic works!
That's my plan for my website in 2005! Hope it won't take too long to the launch of Angel Land Ver 4.0!!! :D
In fact, my website got some "themes" before~ It is not only a personal site.
Ver 1.0 is inspired by Vincent's site. Ever since then, I sort of 'developed' my "website", I got ideas about the theme of my site, the visual effect and the atmosphere (incl. language) of it. I spent my Year 1 Summer Semester in making all the HTML codes. In fact, the layout was not what I intended to make. But with my limited HTML knowledge then, I could only try my best.
It is sort of informative. I got sections about my hobbies and wanna introduce my friends to all those lovely stuff. Ver 1.0 didn't have "diary" section, but a "writing" section, where I did post some articles SOMETIMES. I added a journal section in ver 1.1 to express my "daily life feelings" to all my dear 'distant' frens.
As I learnt more about the web in Year 2, I started to update my site. I intended to use Photoshop and Dreamweaver for that. But, what turned out finally, was that I didn't learn those software well. So I kept using HTML and this time with some more fancy features. I kept the hobbies section dead link 'coz I wanna make a more informative page (with more contents). And as usual, the progress in making those pages were too slow that I didn't finish by the time I wanna make the second new update. I added a Diary section in ver 2.0. This is inspired by Pinky. (The diaries were still kept on different servers now, you could check them if u'd like to; links are posted in my site) I tried to maintain a "high quality" diaries b4, proper language, meaningful contents and really "daily" "diary". Except for the "daily" target, I got them quite well done, at least I think so. However, as time goes on and on, the World changes and changes, people besides u urge me to write some 'friendly' diary!!!! That's with some oral language and more a bit in Chinese. (I wrote English diary only before) The 'workload' in maintaining the diary was heavy enough for me and none of the other sections were updated! :P Small updates were made to improve the site a bit, such as adding some fancy features by Java Script and it made the Ver 2.1.
This current version was originally made by Flash. But u guys know my efficiency in making website, so it was planned to have a layout first updated first, i.e. Ver 3.0 in HTML (of 'coz with Java Script) and Ver 3.1 to be in Flash! There, I found a new 'diary-host' site, and in early 2004, I subscribed to such a site. As all u know, the site was super unstable then and with tons of ads. So I started to develop mine again! This time, I tried the cgi and that made my Flash making postponed again and again.
And finally, here we come, Ver 3.0 with only one page Flash, an 'abandoned' cgi diary page, a 'no-ppl-at-all' forum, a 'merely-only-me' msg board, some photos link, a Xanga and a personal BLOG!
I've REALLY made up my mind. For my diaries:
Xanga - as usual: Mandarin & English~
Blog (personal) - as usual: Cantonese & English~
For my sites:
Ver 4.0 -- a site dedicated to all my music, art and technology teachers & tutors
I'll try to use different kinda multimedia tools in making the site.
Theme: Personal & focused on my hobbies!
Basic Str:
1. Pages incl. Home, Profile, Diary, Msg Board, photos & Links for my personal use.
2. Hobbies Pages, concentrate on:
a. Music (Basic history & music appreciation, my works, tools application, BLOG (my writings on music incl. appreciations)
b. Art (Different Art forms; concentrate on Photography, Computer Graphics and Paintings; history, tools, my own works and BLOG (my feelings/recommendations) with also digital camera stuff
c. Literature (pieces of great work, my interpretations, my works & of 'coz my BLOG (recommendations & feelings)
d. Performance News e.g. Concert, Drama, Opera, Musical, Movie, etc.
I hope this is not too ambitious! :P Once again, I'll first use HTML to write a framework...... (in fact I've been trying out different codes, hope can write one really match my 'layout idea'!) and really hope can use Flash to get the dynamic works!
That's my plan for my website in 2005! Hope it won't take too long to the launch of Angel Land Ver 4.0!!! :D
Friday, January 07, 2005
Thursday, January 06, 2005
Jan 6, 2005
I got sick again yesterday!!! Gastritis AGAIN!
Early Wednesday morning, 3 AM, SUPER SUPER stomachache... then... kept vomiting until 4 AM!!!!! Couldn't sleep...
Wednesday morning, 9 AM, called back office, took a sick leave.
Wednesday morning, 11 AM, arrived the clinic.
11:45, saw the doctor finally.
12:00, got the medicine and paid the bill.
12:30, arrived home.
12:35, warmed the soya milk.
12:40, Yoga section.
13:00, Mum called back.
13:05, Piano section -- Phantom of the Opera. Ooo~ can't sing now. >.< I could still sing properly on Sunday.....
13:45, went to bed.
16:00 (was it? I forget), Mum's back.
16:01, con't sleeping.
17:15, awoke.
17:30, already eaten something <- "kong so biscuit"
17:45, cartoon shown on TVB
18:00, E.R. IV on Cable TV
18:40, Early dinner -- congee
19:00, watched MTV channel, after 'dinner', stomachahe again!! but I've already taken those 'before meals' pills! what happened?
19:30, showered
20:00, drank the soup
20:05, News on Cable TV
21:00, ATV Programme
21:30, went to bed
Today, 7 AM, alarm clock rang.
07:30, awoke
07:45, got up; ooo God! stomachahce and.. maybe 'diarrhea'!!!!
08:15, got a carton of warm milk & left home
08:25, got on the bus, on the way office, heavy stomacahe and really wanna go to toilet >,<
09:00, arrived office, pain relieved!
09:15, started work
office hours (AM): went to toilet more than 3 times, I'm quite sure it is 'diarrhea'!
13:00, lunch hour, had a nap
14:00, resumed work
office hours (14:00-16:00): again! went to toilet twice!!
16:15, got a small bowl of congee
17:00, now.. I'm going to the toilet again! haha~~ God!!!
Early Wednesday morning, 3 AM, SUPER SUPER stomachache... then... kept vomiting until 4 AM!!!!! Couldn't sleep...
Wednesday morning, 9 AM, called back office, took a sick leave.
Wednesday morning, 11 AM, arrived the clinic.
11:45, saw the doctor finally.
12:00, got the medicine and paid the bill.
12:30, arrived home.
12:35, warmed the soya milk.
12:40, Yoga section.
13:00, Mum called back.
13:05, Piano section -- Phantom of the Opera. Ooo~ can't sing now. >.< I could still sing properly on Sunday.....
13:45, went to bed.
16:00 (was it? I forget), Mum's back.
16:01, con't sleeping.
17:15, awoke.
17:30, already eaten something <- "kong so biscuit"
17:45, cartoon shown on TVB
18:00, E.R. IV on Cable TV
18:40, Early dinner -- congee
19:00, watched MTV channel, after 'dinner', stomachahe again!! but I've already taken those 'before meals' pills! what happened?
19:30, showered
20:00, drank the soup
20:05, News on Cable TV
21:00, ATV Programme
21:30, went to bed
Today, 7 AM, alarm clock rang.
07:30, awoke
07:45, got up; ooo God! stomachahce and.. maybe 'diarrhea'!!!!
08:15, got a carton of warm milk & left home
08:25, got on the bus, on the way office, heavy stomacahe and really wanna go to toilet >,<
09:00, arrived office, pain relieved!
09:15, started work
office hours (AM): went to toilet more than 3 times, I'm quite sure it is 'diarrhea'!
13:00, lunch hour, had a nap
14:00, resumed work
office hours (14:00-16:00): again! went to toilet twice!!
16:15, got a small bowl of congee
17:00, now.. I'm going to the toilet again! haha~~ God!!!
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