Friday, December 21, 2007

I'm back

(moved from elsewhere)

'can@ xxx' and 'I'm back' - these have been my MSN nickname and subtitle for the recent half year!

Before changing to this company, I knew that they concentrated their business in Hong Kong or occasionally Korea! For other European or Middle East jobs, they just provide support and thus, I do not expect to travel frequent on business, unlike my previous job which I had to go to Taiwan at least bimonthly and sometimes once a month!

Yet life is always fate! After entering this company, I've been to five business trips in 18 months time. It isn't that shocking for normal circumstances even not comparing to my previous job but it's already too surprised when compared with my fellow colleagues. Last year, I went to Beijing for a training and this started my 'travelling' life in this company.

Unlike the previous company, instead of Taiwan, this year, I've been to Shanghai twice, London once and even to Japan! That was the greatest yet my most unwilling trip to Japan since the timing was not good at all. And it was so far the hardest business trip! Worked until late, had dinner at midnight! After work, still need to finish my homework so stayed up late until very early morning! Slept for only 3 hours and got up for a new day! Yet it's quite pleasant to meet some helpful guys.

And the two trips to Shanghai just awoke me from my dream about shanghai like breaking the bubble we played when we were young. along with its fast pacing development the contrast between, not necessarily the rich and the poor, but the modern western lifestyle and the still a bit backward 'chinese' lifestyle is too obvious! the bund is too bustling and just one street behind it, there's like a dark city. I'd rather go to the times square, the shopping malls, the Xintiandi and places like these instead. placing yourself in these places won't make you too sad 'coz it's really a bit like Manhattan in a certain sense. even better feeling than in hk.. or just keep yourself in the 'star' hotels like the Marriot and Raddison I stayed.

London's always like another home for many hk-ers since we have soooo many friends and relatvies and even family members there. went there for a training, in a hotel near our head office but still haven't been to our office. :P met a lot of interesting fellow colleagues and knew more about other companies within our group. thanks for the ride offered by a helpful guy.

the eurostar now departs from the King's Cross and it makes my 'usual' train home docked at platform far away :P need to pass through the platform 9 3/4 to get there... :P weekend didn't go out to London but to nearby town with bigger and more shopping malls - Welwyn Garden City.

besides these business trip, i went to taiwan. (not kidding, i really went to Taipei and Yilan with kakin, wendy and janet [in taipei for one whole day and one evening]) This is like our annual trip! :P just noticed that since the 03 trip to taipei, we've been to korea in 04, london & paris in 06. and possibly macau in 05.

busy working life these few months, ot ot and ot.....
busy stuyding life this semester... every week an assignment... a 4000 words translation... two presentations.. and term paper...

these were wht i did duirng this 4 and a half months.

just received an email from our MD attaching a memo from our Chairman in the head office titled 'China Initiatives'... well... foreseeable more frequent China trips.. >< why isn't it Asia? so i may be able to go to Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, etc. interesting places?! anyway, let's see how it goes.

christmas' coming and i'd really like to go outsdie to play!!!! but i'm running out of $$....

korea... i started to miss this country...
thailand... stronger and stronger motive to go....

so far these are the two places i really wanna go in near future..

anyone of you interesting to join me?

Friday, August 03, 2007

不能說的‧秘密 Secret

(moved from elsewhere)
雖然最近每晚都 OT 到八點多〈今晚更九點才離開呢!〉,昨晚還是「抽空」看了周董的新戲《不能說的‧秘密》。[星期四開畫那一天]
棒!棒!棒!〈哈哈!不虧我搭了五十多元 TAXI 趕去呢!〉


這裡可以看 MV 跟 TRAILER:
Official Website:

後記:今晚在等電腦 VIRUS SCAN 的時候,跑去彈了戲中出現的一點點 CHOPIN~ 才發覺這些「沒上鋼琴課的」年來,原來一直都只是在彈 NOCTURE 跟 ETUDES :P 雖然那 CHOPIN WALTZ 是從書架底 (橫放的書架) 拿出來的,彈起來不太順 (太久沒彈這麼快囉) 但還算得上完整,感覺很好~ 媽媽在 BATHROOM 聽到我彈,她說,她還以為是樓下的音樂系學生在練習呢。^_^ 真好。當然,那首 WALTZ,PROFESSOR POLA (She's a Professor of Music in Piano!!!) 有指導過我喔,我彈得,很「專業」的。

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Talking about Minneapolis bridge collapses - U.S. Life -

(moved from elsewhere)
Oh... my Goodness! Catastrophic... total failure~I've just finished a Risk Assessment on a Bridge to be built in China... umum... I should pay more attention to these... accidents?!
Anyway, God Bless!

Monday, July 23, 2007


(moved from elsewhere)

近呢幾個月突然有好多戲看,就由今年講起,一套 NaNa2 後,有一大堆既 hollywood movies,又有外語片,多到最後要犧牲我本來好想好想看既日本片「太陽之歌」~ 雖然細佬看完返黎勁讚,但係時間同銀包既限制下,都係犧牲左,留番 dvd 先,好明顯係塚本高史既魅力未夠咁 attract 我。
之但係呢排呢,就咩都無得講啦,好在 will smith 係上個禮拜至上,愛與淚相隨就上上個禮拜。「愛與淚相隨」,勁好看!!有人話,唔係妻夫木聰,你看唔看呀?看!!仲有長澤正美!點知細佬話佢一 d 都唔靚,又唔 cute。唔 cute 咩?ok 呀,「大隻」左少少 jer~
之後係「多羅羅」呀!!妻夫木聰仲要配柴咲幸,同手塚至虫,投降了!我無力抵抗 :p
講左好多 background 都好似未入「正題」,黎啦黎啦,我要講妻夫木聰啦~
星期日係銅鑼灣發記門口等位o個陣向上望下,見到妻夫木聰同柴咲幸既巨型 poster 吊左係 world trade center 到,好似中國畫 vertical scroll 咁~ 本來同 kakin 講緊「我細佬話阿森似塚本高史 rather than 草弓剪剛 」同「媽咪今日話木村仲係好型」既話題,望到咁大既 poster 當然要講下啦,結論係「妻夫木聰可能唔算好靚仔,唔算好「傳統既」有型,但佢好型,好有自己既 style,最重要係佢「好好笑」、「好 cute」(一般男仔你話佢 cute 可能唔係太好,但妻夫木聰既 cute 係好正!絕不低能) 看佢做戲好開心,好舒暢,even 演悲劇,你唔會覺得「愁雲慘霧」,而係融入左去套戲度,唔會覺得死氣沉沉,而係完全感受到「悲從中來」,演小品又好,愛情又好,喜劇更好笑,連古裝(唔算古裝既,相對於中國既民初咁上下啦)都得!其實算唔算結論呢?定係我自己既想法?
跟住就看到一篇 magazine 訪問,被訪者話之前去日本拍戲,聽到木村話「唔會限制自己既戲路,因為拍一套感動人既電影好難,拍一部令人大笑的電影更難」(此乃大概意思,並不是直抄至 magazine) 嗯,原來木村想拍喜劇~ 媽咪就話佢好岩喎,岩咩?媽咪話木村係「全能型」,唔至單單做「憂鬱小生」喎~ 媽咪居然用木村同「阿部叔叔」一齊講!o下?木村同阿部?有咩共通點?但明明係妻夫木聰似阿部多 d 喎,我覺得~
想左好耐,究竟我同媽咪講緊既,係咪同一樣野呢?我係覺得佢地都好全面,演喜劇唔會便鬧劇,演悲劇又演得細水長流,好生活化,呢個特質係咩呢?綜觀亞洲演藝圈,好似都無咩邊幾個可以~ 對!媽咪話過,韓國既元彬,不過宜家去左服役~
今日看 news 既時候,終於解決左我既疑難了!原來這叫做「喜劇感強」既演員!看下下面既 quote:
哈哈~ 我同媽咪 d 洞悉力都幾好喎~ 係唔係有 d 天份寫「藝評」呢?係都唔錯呀,我宜家讀緊科 art translation,如果識寫,translate o個陣應該會好 d~
仲有,我發現好多 artists,不同地區,都係讀 mechanical engineering 的,看來,又一次印證 engineering 的路真的不好走~


(moved from elsewhere)


在台灣熱到爆點的《超級星光大道》第一季完滿落幕,說真的,有點失落~ 第二季的,由於還在初段,還沒有很想很想看的衝動~




水準真的很高,高到我想叫那個所謂唱的還不錯,最近不斷在「control control」的新生代女歌手 hk born abc 回去好好練習,更不用說其他的。

他們的 cd,我真的訂了,我想我會換鈴聲了。雖然我現在的也是很不錯的蔡旻佑,但我還是要換。:p

對了,我的 mp3 list 已經很久沒有廣東歌了,最近的一首是張敬軒。香港歌手,只剩下陳奕迅跟方大同。

大家除了看 American Idol 那些 11 歲的超級女孩外,也可以看看這些台灣的~



Thursday, July 05, 2007

I finished another novel...

(moved from elsewhere)
I finished 2 books in 2 days; be more exactly it is 2 nites. Great!

Good books... but all in Chinese or again, to be more exact, Taiwan Chinese. Fun and funny. It's fun to read as it's quite funny and some characters just appear too stupid. The way of writing is fun too! Like experimental cinema, total off track the mainstream or should I say Classic Literature? I don't think it should be categorised as Leisure Reading though it should have been planned to serve that purpose.

In the Preface, the author said, 'You will have more fun if you treat it as a Sci-fi. But all in all, it is in fact not a Sci-fi.' So I read it as a story happening in our Time dimension but probably in a different Space dimension. Don't know if my 'strategy' is working out properly or if it is in fact not a Sci-fi at all, I managed to understand the story quite well. Oh! Another reason maybe those 'Electromagnetic Waves' mentioned in the story! Remember my Major? In fact, that's not that important in the story as I interpret but I just... keep thinking about that :P

So indeed... I DO THINK that is possible. It is not merely a Sci-fi; it based on workable theories and... in fact... I thought about that before! :P Can we alter our EM brain signals externally to change our minds? Or can our EM brain signals transmit direct through air to action? This is done by MIT already. Their team has developed a method to "switch on the light" by thinking only. Can we apply external force to stimulate a "Spike" (action potential)? I think there's something similar... The TENS should be an action potential simulation theraphy.

Alright... in fact that is somehow a "Sociology + Philosophy" novel, nothing about Sci-fi. It is a story about a Homophobic Boy. I would read this simply because it is recommended by Sandee Chan and Soda Green's 'TsinFeng'. :P

Anyways, after finishing the story, I think the Patrogonist's too homophobic that he has serious mental problems. It's sad and I guess that's the THEME of the book.

Also, a PHOBIA is more frightening than a trauma and always will lead to a trauma. Though this is not exactly about the book (but related), it is the only sentence I want to share in these few weeks.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007


(moved from elsewhere)
昨天收到了從網路上新購的 dvd 跟小說,第一時間拿出其中一本小說,拿起剪刀,剪開封套,開始閱讀... 時為晚上十一點四十五分。

我閱讀的習慣是從「推薦文」開始,到「序」,再進主目錄,繼而是閱讀內容。這次也不例外。只看了兩行,真的只有兩行,我就知道,今天晚上,我一定得把她讀完才睡,就這樣一看到兩點半 (雖然中間有半個小時用來幫爸爸 print document)。


但... 我在看完之後,卻哭了一下下。一邊哭,一邊想東想西,可能哭累了就睡著了。


哭過後是否就真的能笑?還是... 我昨天練瑜珈的收穫?因為我真的好久好久沒有在晚上上瑜珈課了。


妳還好嗎?突然很想念妳。突然... 擔心我再不跟妳們連絡的話,妳們會這樣就消失了。

Monday, July 02, 2007

Deadly blast a tourist site in Yemen - Mideast/N. Africa -

(moved from elsewhere)
oooooh.... I just wanna go there this vacation if I hadn't been to Taiwan in May!!! Thinking that Yemen may be safer than other middle east countries but seem not to be true...And... I should thank god that I finally didn't go there....

Sunday, July 01, 2007


(moved from elsewhere)
我最喜歡的打扮: 裡面放了很多我的 DREAM ITEMS 呢~ :P MARC JACOBS 那條褲,看上去很好看,穿上來也不錯,但腿可能不夠長,沒有想像中的好看~

Thursday, June 28, 2007


(moved from elsewhere)

自從 6/3 去左 winnie 個 so-called 兄弟姐妹 gathering 之後就一直病倒到現在...

個日食緊 tea,杯奶茶都未飲晒就勁胃痛,痛既狀況同程度,唔係一般胃痛~ 而且個位置都唔係胃... 係近膽同背瘠...
心知不妙,趕緊去 jusco 食碗麵,好似好 d~ 總叫捱到返屋企~ 食左中藥,無咁痛... 趕快去睡覺~

點知成晚無覺好睡, 勁痛,連個肚一齊痛,根本就無熟睡過,頂唔順去看醫生,sick leave 一天... 順便看埋隻手,係 sun burnt,醫生話唔可以比佢出汗,唔可以日曬,最好係室內,但唔好出風,唔好比佢太乾 @.@ 所以我就係房開冷氣著長袖摟 :p 好唔環保 :p 但咁樣休息左一日,訓左一日,係好 d,星期二返工都無咩野~ 但就仲係好痛,同埋開始喉嚨痛!

6/5 晚返到家,有 d 感冒跡象,即刻食感冒-D,明明好似好好多,點知睡醒開唔到聲,又去看醫生。醫生話感冒~ 亦話... 曬得犀利都會引起身體不適~
看過醫生,返公司,做埋 d 野~ 早走...

本來以為已經好返~ 點知今個星期一.... 勁頭痛... 又tired... 好眼訓咁~ 又發冷... 著左件大冷衫都凍到勁打噴嚏... 又"fee lee fat let"... 可能我老細驚我傳染人... 同我講: 你好病喎~ 不如返屋企休息一陣再做埋個 report 啦~ 咁樣好 d 呀~ 有另一同事經過,問: 你感冒呀? 看左醫生未呀? 快 d 返屋企休息啦! 於是就回家了~

以為這樣就會好返~ 點知... 不斷的發燒.. 食退燒藥...

I'm sick again

(moved from elsewhere)
I'm sick again... Long time haven't cried so "seriously" in the Clinic... :P it's really painful... doctor!
mum's taking care of my aunt who is currently in hospital... so it's time for me to learn how to take care of myself...
but then when every thing seems alrite... my stomach is not feeling well after lunch... like hammers hammering my stomach wall... i'm so sad now...
and... can i have a break? my energy bar is currently in red ... alerting by flashing and alarming inside... it's so noisy that i can't ignore it anymore... how i can do? i need... at least to restore it up to the yellow range... :P will the holiday next week help? Hoping so!!
i've already re-watched 4 taiwanese dramas and in the mid- of the 5th one within June... n i watched 1 movie too... see how serious i am this time? (well... i think in fact it should be of "mild" level :P 'coz i'm feeling peaceful) i'm still finding this time's root cause... but not yet concluded... a few options to think abt... 1) health issues [probably not; i dun think i was that worried] 2) fear abt disappearing [yes... n i think it deals with another deep root cause] 3) disappointment after vacation [i think this triggered!] so i think i need to plan myself something more meaningful to get out of this whirlpool... but what?

Saturday, June 02, 2007

《台北 (+ 平溪線) + 基隆 + 宜蘭 之旅》簡單闡述篇

之前都寫左幾篇有關今次去台灣既事,但都係寫 d shopping 野多 d~ 宜家就黎個簡單闡述篇,話聲比大家知我去左 d 咩地方先~ 遲 d 再慢慢逐日講~

搭夜晚機去台北~ 一早約左司機周先生接我地,係 T2 接完我地就去 T1 接埋 janet~ 然後出發去台北~
食左: 臭豆腐,蚵仔煎,甜不辣和餃子

七點鐘係酒店出發~ 錯過左包埋既早餐~
係台北車站 7-11 Express 買 Drinks
出發去平溪線~ 係瑞芳轉車,瑞芳站裝修,行左出街兜左一圈。
因為列車時間問題,我地先去菁銅~ 行左一圈,食左"日本冰"
時間同 travel info 寫既好唔同,我地早左 finish,要等個半鐘火車實在唔抵,所以改為"行去平溪"
沿路行左 20 min 去平溪,平溪老街,十分鐘就行完~ 食好出名既粉圓~ 超超超好食!!!! d 粉圓係軟軟又QQ的~ 天氣太熱,所以食左棉花冰加粉圓~
搭火車去十分~ 行十分老街~
沿 106 縣道行 2X 分鐘到十分瀑布~
行番去十分車站~ 錯過左返瑞芳既車~ 搭左去侯硐~ 點知出台北班車岩岩走左~ "滯留"係侯硐一個鐘有多!!!! 偶遇兩個香港人~
車站職員叫我地等火車去七堵再轉車返台北~ 我地去到瑞芳落車~ 因為瑞芳都有巴士返台北~ 點知 d 職員都係叫我地返上車去七堵再轉巴士~ 個兩個香港人上返車~ 我地就轉另一班火車去松山~ 因為約左 wendy 係信義區等~ 應該係松山近 d~
係松山火車站搭小黃 (當地 taxi 既叫法,因為 taxi 係黃色)去新光三越~
行左 A4 館,因為要等 wendy 出黎,janet 又無咩興趣 shopping,就去左誠品~ 分頭行~
我~ 當然要係"下面"個幾層 shop 下 ping 先啦~
limi feu 少左~ 但有 philip lim 喎~ dsqaured d 款就麻麻~
大概行左個多 d 鐘誠品,wendy 就到啦~
去左 A9 館上面既一間中菜廳食~ 叫新湘菜~ 四人~ 六送一湯...
食飽飽,沿路經過紐約紐約同華納威秀去 101,上左 85/F 觀景台,台灣夜景都真係幾靚喎~ 仲上埋 91/F 戶外個個添!
看完夜景都未夠喉,去埋美麗華坐摩天輪,係北面望番向 101,一晚從兩個角度看台北夜景~

八點幾出發去基隆~ 去到基隆十一點幾~ 行左去廟口~ 途經康是美買 Handcream 同蚊怕水!
去和平島公園~ 看了太平洋同異石~
late lunch 買左 Burger King 外賣~ 再加一杯超好飲既迷你珍珠奶茶,迷你珍珠又軟又 Q,仲細細粒,非常好~
係七堵轉火車~ 等左半個鐘度~ 一路坐到落羅東~ 返民宿~
再出發去礁溪泡溫泉~ 好靚既飯店~
坐左成好貴既 taxi 返羅東夜市,去左北方餃子舖食餃子當 dinner~ 再行羅東夜市~ 飲左木瓜牛奶~ kakin 食左蚵仔麵線~

出發去羅東既冬山河親水公園~ 來了一趟冬山河 Boat Trip,經過傳統藝術中心既門口~
返民宿羅行李~ 出發去蘇澳!泡左個超凍既冷泉~
好出名既手摃麵 close 左,去火車站看時刻表既時候遇上一個從台北黎既司機,以"油價"既價錢載我地返台北~ 唔好話同我地本來 plan 左坐既七人巴比~ 連坐火車都貴過呢個司機既開價~ 我見佢架車真係"台北車"~ 咁我地就上左啦~
上車之前買左滷肉飯便當同奶茶~ 味道 OK~ wendy 食唔落,買包 only~ 但我覺得 d 包仲飽~ :p
行雪山隧道呀!50 min. 返到台北啦!
係隧道中遇上緊急 AMBULANCE,要讓位比佢過~
返到飯店,放好晒行裝,就去 SHOPPING 了~
行去微風~ 十幾分鐘度~ 食左 GELATO 唔肥既 Ice-cream 同行左新開既 Plaza~
Plaza 真係超正~ 勁多唔同種類既 COSMETICS!!! 仲有 CLOTHES 同日用品~
約埋 janet 一齊食小籠包~ 雖則周生成日話鼎泰豐唔好,而個日周生帶我去食既"路邊攤"又真係好好食,但~ 香港既小籠包真係唔好食~ 所以台灣鼎泰豐我地已經好滿足~ :p
食飽飯都有 d 累~ 但都係要去"探"我最愛既"通化夜市"~ 即係臨江街~

行去台北車站~ 都係 20 min 度~
去到 K-Mall 十點十一,未開~ 行左入一間大型文具舖~
返去 K-Mall 看高過個人既高達~ 過埋去隔離新光三越行地庫~ wendy 買左茶葉~ 係 food court 坐底左一陣~
wendy 要返香港~ 我地 cont'd~
係台北車站坐捷運到石牌站~ 轉 taxi 去天母~
先行三越~ 想看 movie 又無位~
行下天母既 Outlets 同 boutiques~ 發現左一間專賣 sanrio 既 shop~ 好靚既 kitty 呀!全部都係日本空運架!
lunch 食左 MOS burger~
坐巴士去東區~ 先係 Sogo shopping~ 再係行入忠孝東路係巷仔入面~ 去左 Graniph, TAIPEI UC, Urban, I-am, PS Underground 同 d small shops
買左好多戰利品後去 101~ 本來打算醫肚~ 結果行左 101 既 Sogo (不過無野行)
去 NYNY 既茄子咖哩食 dinner~ 順便 shopping~ 又有斬獲~ 哈哈~
跟住梗係要返飯店準備好看大結局啦~ 呢個係我留多日係台灣既理由呀~

最後一日~ 因為 kakin 想悠閒 d~ 所以唔打算去遠 d 既地方~ (同我既 plan totally opposite :p)
食完早餐再去信義誠品~ 買左野又看左野~ 去新光三越 A8 館買手信~
點知間勁好食既 la belotta (spelling 唔 confirmed :p) "closed on monday"... 唯有去衣蝶食囉~ 去左 Afternoon Tea Café~
再行下 Idee,過去隔黎既三越~ 行左上去 Hands Tailung~ 同 plaza 差唔多~
又行左 fnac~ 行第二間了~ 第一間..... 唔記得~ 可能係天母~ :p

要下次先再見啦~ 台灣~ :)

Friday, June 01, 2007

曬傷了的前臂 follow up 篇

(moved from elsewhere)
尋日要去覆診 (中醫),順便比雙手醫生看,我無同佢講係曬親,淨係話好痕,點知佢一口就"咬定": "你去左外地曬過太陽? (我點頭) 曬傷左喎!"要搽番 after sun or qv cream 都得,等一個禮拜應該會退架啦".... 心想: 一個 week... 咁痕點算喎? qv cream.. 屋企有喎~

醫生見我不段"素"隻手,臨走時問: 你係咪好痕呀? 我即刻起勁地點頭: 係呀! 跟住就同我針左兩下啦~
針灸真係止痕架~ 連 d 紅印都退埋~ 只係效果不太持久,我返到屋企行下入廚房,一有 d 熱氣又開始紅番,仲慢慢痕起來~

食完飯沖完涼先記起~ 之前執房,將支 qv cream dump 左~ 好似因為過左期~ 咁點算好呢? 突然醒起之前脫小腿毛,痛到七彩之後,tammy 比過 d body gel 我,話可以舒緩不適~ 我見係 gel,唔理得咁多就即刻羅黎搽啦~ 勁易吸收,搽完舒服晒,仲要好滑添~

不過可能始終唔係 after sun,過左一陣又痕過~ 我忍住好耐架啦~ 跟住就係睡覺啦~ :)

今朝搽完個 gel,今朝成朝都 keep 到,雖然間中有 d 痕,都有 d 忍唔住要"ao",但無變紅... 不過就起粒粒~

食完 lunch,想住忍到返屋企就 ok,點知都係唔得~ 頭先勁痕,起晒粒粒同紅色一達達,忍唔住落街買 cream。

專登去附近間有 R 字既藥房,本來想買 qv,但 qv 好大支,就問下個藥劑師有無野可以搽我隻手 d 野。果然係藥劑師,我 d 同事個個以為我敏感,好奇怪曬太陽會曬到咁,個藥劑師又係一口咬定: 你曬親呀? 我連忙點頭: 係呀!於是個藥劑師就推薦左一隻"燙火膏"比我: 好似 after sun 咁,仲 moisturizing 呀~

咦~ 原來我曬到"sun burnt"... 只係我既 sun burnt 係起泡泡... 不過無水架喎~

一搽個陣勁唔吸收,成隻手黏稠稠~ 不過係冷氣底下,勁快就乾晒咁~ 宜家搽左一個鐘度,都仲好舒服... 又看唔到紅色啦~ 不過右手可能搽得唔夠多,有 d 乾乾地既感覺,可能要補番 d 先~

不過雙手其實都仲有 d "hing hing" 地... 右手又比左手熱 d~ 係咁架啦,你估神仙藥咩~ 不過尋晚針完,真係連 hing 都唔 hing 架喎~

希望快 d 好番啦~ ^^

Thursday, May 31, 2007

曬傷了的前臂 + 生熱痱的大腿

(moved from elsewhere)

看天氣報告話有雷雨,所以仲帶晒傘呀、雨衣呀咁,羅起左支身體防曬又放番低,想住應該唔需要用,點知我去個幾日天氣好到爆,個太陽遲遲都唔肯落山,熱力夠晒!好在我有支 spf 50 既防曬乳液,塊面先「保得住」!但我既身體...

本來係o個邊都無乜野,第一日(到達既第二天)曬左一個早上,雙手就變左兩截色... 我當日著短袖既 polo shirt,由 the mid of arm 直落去到手指都係黑晒!之後覺得唔對路,羅把傘出黎遮太陽,個頭髮先無咁傷。當日着牛仔裙,本來想住咁會無咁"局",點知低估左熱力,熱到我呢個平時汗腺幾乎算得上閉塞既人流汗!一出汗就死啦,我大腿唔瘦架喎 :p 好在條裙係 stretch 既貼身款,雙腿唔會太大動作,無咁慘!

第二日醒 d,着背心加薄褸,遮到 elbow 位又唔會好熱!因為帶左又唔想"sai" (=waste) ,專登係條鬆鬆 one piece 抵加條打底褲,好在我醒目帶定多幾條 leggings 同打底 pants!本來係基隆市都無乜野,但我都醒目買定支 lotion 以備不時之需。去到和平島,落左車,我地懷疑我地落遲左,所以 info 話要行五至十分鐘既路程,我地好似行左成十幾分鐘。一路都係 d 鎮仔既街,無遮無掩,個太陽就係你上面,開左傘都好似透曬 d 光入黎咁。去到個海邊公園看海同石,又係要沿路行,海邊,乜遮擋都無,名符其實「兜頭兜面」射 d 陽光入黎!行左無幾耐,我已經知道"lai"野 (=中招),短褲無"遮"到既大腿部位開始有 d 刺痛,實係 d 類似熱痱既東東。所以一去到羅東既民宿,有機會換衫我就即刻換番條新加坡短褲!:p

之後 keep 住搽 lotion 就好番好多,但另外有 d 位,唔係熱痱,真係"損"得太厲害,(因為我大腿真係有 d 唔合比例既粗,所以熱得太勁就有此等狀況),就改搽藥膏,本來都好好地,返香港個日著 jeans,先發現條 cropped jeans 咁"鞋",又有 d 整損自己 d 肉既感覺。返到香港,著左一日裙返工,又好似有 d "惡化",即刻換番條褲,不過我覺得最好都係著 leggings! :p 好似我係台灣咁~

上面講左,因為 keep 住搽 lotion 同著新加坡短褲,好快就好番啦~ 咁我返到台北,又唔想着條新加坡短褲周街走,就着對 leggings 係 jeans skirt 入面,原來好 work 喎,因為對 leggings 係 cotton,又軟又舒服,仲索汗添!

但因為我 keep 住幾日都係着背心加薄褸,elbow 對落既前臂就遭殃了。曬到黑晒都算,開始又紅又痛,係台灣都即刻搽 lotion,點知一般既 body lotion 直程滲入唔到,白色一達達,要 massage 好耐先變透明,即係話乾到七彩又有角質啦~

返到黎,想住齋黑jer~ 點知尋晚開始 forearm 勁痕,天呀!又曬傷左啦~ ><

對腳又未好番,d 損點仲越黎越"爛"咁.... 點算呀???!!!!

仲有..... 被蚊針到幾乎變花柱既小腿~ 好在我有噴蚊怕水,咪一定變左 dot dot 腿~ :p 不過宜家都係好痕,有幾粒開始有變"好多小水泡"既現象... 要小心處理...

無怪得知,個邊"早晨新聞"既天氣報告叫人"防曬防中暑"... 防曬真係好重要,因為唔係黑唔黑既問題,而係"善後"既麻煩~

好痕呀!好難頂呀!有無特效止痕藥架? 我想跳落水呀!!!! 咁樣會無咁痕~ :p

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Summer has come!

(moved from elsewhere)
Summer has come already! So changed the background to one with more Summer stuff!
夏天到了!! 所以換一個多一點夏日色彩的背景~

After going to the 'cold spring' in Taiwan, I really wanna go swimming!!! Can anybody tell me... where in HKG can I have 'clear and clean' water to swim in?

I must do some exercises in order to fight for the hot sun and the troublesome skin problem arouse from the heat!!!!

Academic Report

(moved from elsewhere)
Stupid me... i only discovered that our result had already been out from my friend's Xanga.. :P
大懵的我.... 在朋友的 xanga 上才發現,成績原來已經公佈了~
Immediately logon to the system to check my result, as expected... thanks god! but i think i could have done better in the linguistics one then i could try having a full mark GPA for this semester... :P
立即登入查成績的系統,結果如預期的... 感謝主! (其實我開始很懷疑我的信仰... 不過這是題外話,現在還真的是 Thanks God! 那是「主」還是「神」,容後再討論吧) 不過我覺得我可以在"語言學"那一科做的更好,那我就可以在這個學期嘗嘗 GPA 滿分的滋味! :P

I did better in this Semester.... dunno if it has some relationship with the fact that i only need to take 'elective courses' this semester and no core courses are required... as from my UG experience... i did best in elective courese.. probably 'coz i choose subjects i like and hv interest in and thus better result....
這個學期的成績比上一個好~ 不知道這與'選修科'有沒有關係? 這個學期不用上'必修科'... 以大學的經驗來看... 我從來在'選修科'都有不錯的成績... 大概是因為我會選我一些我有興趣我喜歡的課吧~ 這樣一來.. 成績應該是比較好的~

anyway... very happy that my 1st year master study is a 'happy ending' and now looking forward to another new good start next year!
總知~ 我第一年的碩士課程就這樣"大團圓結束"了... 非常開心!! 現正期盼着明年另一個好的新開始吧!

Monday, April 23, 2007

Shanghai 24 hrs!

除了那位熱情的朋友外,他還另外請了一位女生一起來,說是他的同事。不知道是不是他的「對象」?還是為了我這位女生帶一個伴吧?因為我們還去了上海的 PUB 喔。(不是 CLUBBING 啦)
十一點鐘,出發到 PUB 去了。很不錯,跟香港(基本上是中環、銅鑼灣跟西貢的,其他的我也沒去過)的沒很大的差別,只是酒比較便宜,BUDWEISER 都只不過是 RMB15。
上海晚上很冷,雖然預知了十度,但還是很冷,因為我只有一件 POLO 跟一件 SUIT JACKET。
基本上,這就是我這一次在上海僅餘的FREE TIME......

Friday, April 20, 2007

Mozart's Letters (about the Translation)

(moved here)
last nite we had a presentation on "Mozart's Letters"...
personally i think it's quite hard... not only 'coz the so-called English original is already a Translated Text... but also the languages Mozart used and the word-play he had... it might be easier to translate from German (and also some Italian and French as i know... ) to English but it would be totally different if putting it in the Chinese context.
one excerpt my classmate showed is as follows:
"So if you want to send a reply to me from that town of Augsburg yonder, you see, then write at once, the sooner the better, so that I may be sure to receive your letter, or else if I'm gone I'll have the bad luck, instead of a letter to get some muck. Muck! -Muck! - Ah, muck! Oh, sweet word! Muck! Chuck! That too 'is fine. Muck, chuck!-muck!-suck-oh, charmante! muck, suck! That's what I like! Muck, chuck and suck! Chuck muck and suck muck"
Attention was paid to the three words: muck, chuck and suck...
The Chinese version reads: 糞蛆、垃圾、污泥... which was criticized as almost 'total failure'... first of all... the rhyme's lost... the meaning's not the same... and so and so... but this raised another question... does the English convey the original German meaning? or the English itself already altered "something" to make the... say... rhyme and filthy context vivid in English? Prof. Tung said we had no way to check the German and to compare it... and since German and English are from the same root... the words, she supposed, the choice of English words... such as the rhyme and the meanings should be able to reflect the German 'spirit'... but it wouold be too difficult for translating them into Chinese... can's note: Total Agree! Prof. Tung added that the Chinese translation itself did not seem right... though they're all talking about dirty things but the degree or nature of that dirty things may not be comparable... and this differs from the English version...
As I'm too interested in this, I checked the German Original!!!! It reads:
wenn sie mir also wolln antworten, aus der stadt Augsburg dorten, so schreiben sie mir baldt, damit ich den brief erhalt, sonst wenn ich etwa schon bin weck, bekomme ich statt eincn brief einen dreck. dreck! - - dreck! - o dreck! - o süsses wort! - dreck! - schmeck! - auch schön! - dreck, schmeck! - dreck! - leck - o charmante! - dreck, leck! - das freüet mich! - dreck, schmeck und leck! - schmeck dreck, und leck dreck!
Brilliant!!!! The three words are: dreck, schmeck, leck... The first and last one are correct but not the middle one.
Dreck, a noun, usu. meaning is mud or muckiness.Leck, a noun, meaning 'leakage' or 'seepage' BUT it is also a slang or colloquial bad language. It acts as a VERB in 'Leck mich am Arsch!' meaning 'Kiss my ass'(or similar meaning). This 'bad' phrase once appeared in Mozart's song and thus I think 'Leck' here should be a verb. That is, personally I think the word 'suck' the translator used is referring to its 'verb' meaning instead of noun, as appears in the Chinese translation.For the middle word, it spells "schmeck" which is wrong. Possible answers may be "schneck", an Austrian langauge meaning slug; or "schmeckt", singular verb form for "to taste" (so far as I know, it is related to food! e.g. The tea tastes good). So I think it is possible that the word 'chuck' the translator used may also refer to the verb form instead of the noun form (as my classmate showed the class).
In fact the last "sentence" gives us clue that schmeck and leck (or chuck and suck) are probably verbs based on basic grammar... if two nouns go together... the first one is describing / giving further explanation to the second one... e.g. Music Class = a class of music... thus the suggestion of "verb forms" follows the context more reasonably than the suggestion of "noun forms" as translated in the Chinese version.This may be another Translation Issue. The German original here only helps us to (maybe) understand more or get a closer meaning to the author. But simply from the English version, we can indeed discover the 'verb' and 'noun' issues especially when having a deeper look at the author or the author's other works (issues like little formal education, rude, relationship with father, family, etc.).The Chinese translation here failed to convey the meaning and taste of the source text not just because the choice of words are awkward as we discussed but the translator also failed to taste the real bit of Mozart.

Try thinking the three words again in "Muck (noun), Chuck (verb! or replace it with the German original [let's take it as 'taste']), Suck (verb!)" and probably you can better understand what Mozart's playing with his cousin, the one whom he might have once felt in love with.

Very nice indeed... naughty but witty...

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

back from shanghai

i'm back! but not from a vacation!!

this year's easter overlapped with our ching ming festival n thus could go no where...
n unfortunately... a business trip "touched the edge" of my holiday!! >< n i'm not yet told of any compensation leave... probably no... it would indeed be possibly... poor me...

after the so-called five days' holiday.... i'm even more tired than before!!!!

first day of the holiday: went for a "spa" treatment... not really a spa :P just a massage section... n is part of 'chinese medical treatment'... then had lunch with mum n aunties... after that went for a hair treatment... both color n treatment... another three hours (almost!)... then shopped for the kids' "bon bon" with mum... when back home... it's already half six!!

second day of the holiday: had a long sleep till 10!!! yoga... n at the same time watching japanese tv drama.. :P lunch... shopped with mum.. tried to find a suitable vast but failed... then went to Taikoo shing for the movie "sunshine" with tim... great show i think... at least i think 真田広之 is very cool... though not that much acting... :P home for dinner as i needed more time for packing things! :P

third day of the holiday: early departure! got the 8:40am ship(?) / ferry (?) to Zhuhai... arrived there at ~10:00am... 'poorly' we're the 1st arriving there so we went to "yum cha"... went to visit my great grand mother at the age of 96... she couldn't recognise us this year.. last year she was sleeping when we were there... the year before last... she recognised me as my mum... set off to the... wht should it be called? it's neither a graveyard nor a cemetery... but a place for hosting the passed-away's ashes... set off at around 12:00noon... after a series of chinese customs... we finished the 'ceremony' and had lunch at 1:30pm... a very long lunch that we proabbly finished at around 3:30pm... then we went to Zhongshan... in fact there's no point for us to go to Zhongshan... as we should be in Macau the day after... but why? 'coz my uncle's going to give us a ride to Macau n he had bought a 'villa' (as called by himself) in Zhongshan... :P dinner with relatives (we drove from Zhuhai to Zhongshan together! :P) n dunno why finally still a quite late sleep...

fourth day of the holiday: early departure again!!! set off at 8:30am... n arrived Macau at 10:00am... had breakfast nearby... then WAITED!!! at home... wait for what? my youngest uncle n his family.... anyway... we went to the graveyard... n various temples... n carried out all the customs... n... we MISSED LUNCH TIME!!! so after all the stuff... we went for the egg tarts and cakes and lemonades and yoghurt!!! a "NOT GOOD" dinner.... don't follow those guides... we booked our 'usual' restaurant not early enough... n thus cannot make a table early.... n then we tried to find another restaurant nearby by looking at those guidebooks... n then find a really.... not-good-at-all one... so we decided not going back anymore... went to the pier quite early... at around half eight... but waited inside the pier for hours!! 'coz our tickets were at 1:30am...

fifth day of the holiday: day set off for SH.... long time haven't been to SH... but unfortunately my schedule's too tight that i didn't have much time spend on leisure! had a hair shampoo in the salon... then had lunch with mum n steve... then rushed to the airport! flied to SH n really poorly my boss got his ankle hurt n was in a wheelchair... n thus... as the other guy was holding all the luggages... i was the one taking after the wheelchair!!!

SH trip's quite funny... though busy.... will post in another post!

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

FINA World Championships (2)

(moved from elsewhere)

Japan got silver in Men's 4 x 100m Medley Relay... sort of unbelievable... and even more... they just lagged Australia 0.23 seconds... though not that small... but smaller gap than what they led Russia!

Noticed anything wrong? probably you know it... USA was disqualified... the reason... Crocker jumped too fast... and further reason? 1) possibly (be more 'cautious' when using these two words: probably and possibly after watching the Pursuit of Happyness) not much practice in handover 2) probably they're behind Japan after the breaststroke... but indeed it isn't strange!! it's just a Heat and Hansen's 'sick'... but Kitajima's swimming hard!!

anyway, without the USA... sorry to say... the Final became more exciting and interesting to watch!! :P

Japan was in the 4th lane!!!! God!!! This lane seemed to have given the Japanese power to fight for the medals!
Morita's start was good... at least lead for a while... finished the fourth... 54.76 fine.. his norm... (i didn't remember his exact result in Athens.. but probably he's not working out his best in this whole event) then Kitajima had a real wonderful performance... not even picked up the 1st position.. but he finished at 59.23!!!!!! in fact broke the 100m breaststroke CR already! And just a 0.1s lag the WR! If he swam this in his individuals, he should have got one more Gold! Then it came to Yamamoto... another great guy... as steve said, 'i remember his face 'coz he had stepped on the "medallist's stairs" in other international games before!' He said in a news that he kept telling himself to swim hard to 'defense' the 1st position for his teammate! He did it in 51.9, his best time in this event. Same as Kitajima, if he swam like this in his Individuals, he might have chance to fight for a medal, which he should have enough 'power' to fight for one but dunno what happened to his Heats.

Anyway, I guess the Freestyle swimmer also worked very hard... we all witnessed how he became the 2nd then the 3rd... and almost the 4th... even the commentary said that Japan might lose the medal even their first three swimmers did a good job...
but somehow... that freestyle guy just got some 'force' and 'power' to swim!! and caught up the Russia! and even 'invading' the Aussie!
Finally from the TV... it's quite unbelievable that the Aussie and Japan almost touched together (you know... from TV.. bare eye can't distinguish too small differences)...
Only 0.23s lagged the Aussie... and that's why... the King of Breaststroke... steve said he really swam like a frog... :P Kitajima-san said they are 'swimming' toward Beijing! btw... they broke the Japanese record...

just wonder if China can hv some result in swimming too? the Japanese and Korean Asian game medallists have some performances.. at least some.. like entering the Finals... where's ours? besides the Women's Team and Wu Peng?

anyway.... looking forward to Beijing!!! ^_^

P.S. mushroom's asking me to join her as a volunteer... i plan to do so too... just worrying if we r qualified.. as i know... they require 'sports background' ppl....

Saturday, March 31, 2007

HK Sevens

(moved from elsewhere)
HK 19:12 Korea!!!!! ^_^
Yeah!!! Beat Korea!!!!
Robertson! Robertson! Robertson!!

FINA World Championships

(moved from elsewhere)
China took bronze in the 4 * 100m medley relay!!!!
Just dunno where they caught up the GB, Russian and Germany!!!

and.. PHELPS!!!! took the 6th Gold.. 100m butterfly..... poor Crocker... led for... at least 85m (and i guess it's almost 90m)!!! and the brilliant Phelps just came from behind and finally got it!!!! Incredible!!!!!! Just nail to finish and get it! Genius.. is genius...

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

eng learning

(moved here)
had an interesting lecture last nite talking about verb phrases but this is not the interesting part as wht our prof said linguistics boring… yes he did say it but not in class.. :P he said it when he drove me to the station
the most interesting part is to know that hk students can hardly do past perfect correct it’s surprising too how come? prof said according to a research survey done by the eng dept they interviewed many (the number was not told) cuhk stds and found out that the most difficult part in learning eng is tenses [my NB: the #1 difference between chi and eng is tense n thus i always wonder if the scholars deliberately set the questionnaire leading to the intended result; of ‘coz this shouldn’t be the case but i wonder why not prepositions the most difficult?] and the weakest part in their eng is past perfect!!!!! i supposed it was the 'big' group covering both simple and continuous.
prof he showed two examples (remeber they are wrong english!) that most hk stds did / wrote (quoted from prof he; i'm not sure and in fact i doubted)
i visited cuhk when i arrived shatin
i had dinner after i arrived home
so as prof he said strictly speaking they were wrong in both sentences a 'had' was missing before 'arrived'
n he spent a few min in explaining the time line time point n why it should be part perfect
strange... simple past perfect should be a 'clear enough tense'... how about future perfect? personally i think they're "related"... if u get the concept of 'perfect' well, there shouldn't be any problems in understanding past and future perfect.... but not present perfect.. present perfect has other meanings and usage...
english is a tense language with 12 tenses (so far as i've learnt)
to make it simpler... let's say the timeline has pt. a b c d and e, and now is at pt. d;
basic rule is:
simple past perfect is a; past is b but u have to explicitely mentioned the pt. b when u use the tense; present perfect is c; simple present is d, future is e, any action has not yet happened but planned to happen before a future reference point (e.g. e) is future perfect.
these are the basic six tenses without continuous. when putting continuous to them... we formed 12 tenses.
are they so difficult?
i remember i learnt these in primary school, but not the whole 12 tenses.
we should have learnt 9 in details without great details in the perfect continuous.
the whole 12 tenses were further explained in great details during the junior high school
i remember i once saw my friend's notes from the tutorial centre, A1 or A in A, they also detailed ALL 12 tenses!!! so it shouldn't be sth. strange to hk stds... can i conclude that?

Saturday, March 10, 2007


(moved from elsewhere)
昨天,朋友 LKF 之聚,本來要 OT 的我沒抱「樂觀」態度,想可能只能去喝一杯吧,晚餐該沒我的份。
但‧‧‧OT 的晚上,正當我很努力地工作,期望多做一點,WEEKEND 不要「通頂」時,我被「趕」走了。因為我沒有 KEY,不能久留,我 team 的同事早已走個清光,當 another division 的 director 回家時,我必須離開了。
八時四十分,HAPPY HOUR 剛過的時間,LKF 人頭也算是湧湧,一行六人在 LKF 走了幾圈,連 SOHO 也去了,還找不到一間「合心水」的。
氣氛與舒適,我們選擇了後者,看來我們真的是太累了,在 LKF 竟然要圍坐在桌子旁喝酒。
第一次,在 LKF 喝啤酒。感覺很奇怪,但因為不想喝 TEQUILLA,在 MEXICAN 的地方,看來也別無選擇了!
很好吃的 NACHOS MACHOS! 真的好好吃!
第一次,離開 LKF 後去 CAUSEWAY BAY!!!第一次真正踏足登龍街!(是的,我只會在去 STANLEY 的時候才踏足那一點點的登龍街。) 平常離開 LKF,最常去的「後續」是皇后碼頭。:P
本來今天還要跟另外一班朋友聚聚的,但我要工作 >< 他們剛剛打電話來,現在在 SHOOTERS! 真的很抱歉,我要好好睡了,去迎接明天的「OCEAN PARK 之旅」!不過,話說回來,好久沒去 SHOOTERS,沒去 SHOOTERS,就沒喝 SNOWBALL 了。SHOOTERS 的 SNOWBALL..... 我人生的第一杯 COCKTAIL 喔! ^_^ 也因為在別的地方喝過一杯很難很難喝的 SNOWBALL,(完全不明白為何可以那麼難喝) 我從此只會在 SHOOTERS 喝 SNOWBALL~ 雖然年代老遠,雖然已很少在 MENU 上看到這個名字 (真的很少看到,為什麼呢? COCKTAIL也有潮流嗎?),希望 SHOOTERS 還是有吧。

謝謝大家,希望沒有打擾到你們的雅興,下一次我會好好說清楚「去」還是「不去」!不過真的是 ENJOYABLE NIGHT~
跟和女生出去的感覺不一樣~ :P

對,還要謝謝你的"$$ REFUND"~

Monday, March 05, 2007

大 S 之啟示

(moved from elsewhere)

至從去年「暑假」,家中換掉了舊電視,換上薄薄還 support 高清的 plasma,又添置了一台新的 dvd 機後,我又從新 "pick up" 我看偶像劇的習慣。不用屈就在 14" 的 laptop monitor,感覺很好,有點回到中學看日劇的時候。一齣接一齣,dvd 錢很貴 :p 雖然「習慣」了大大的 monitor,可更不習慣沒有「同步」追看的感覺,結果又回歸到我的 laptop 去。:p 現在看「同步」的,很方便,因為有一個給人家發放 video clips 的平台。反正只想感受一下追看電視的感覺,線上看,對我沒差。

好不容易終於「排」到大 S 的新劇,《轉角※遇見愛》,很驚訝!

至流星花園後,我很崇拜大 S,因為她保養實在太好了!以 26 歲之齡演 18 歲的少女,形似神似!

我頭髮很長的時候,可是有跟着她的保養方法去做喔!只是現在沒有了 :P



可昨晚看了才一集的劇,我就去做 mask 了。

大 S 風采依然,演起有點小姐脾氣的大小姐還是像的,但我真的可以把她跟三十歲連繫起來!我不知道這是不是角色或導演的要求,只是我個人很驚訝。

因為影片 quality 不好,我看不清楚「細節」,只是我的感覺中,缺少了「年青活力」的感覺。才四年的時間,我覺得「感覺上的變化」差很多。

寫到這裡,我記得小 S 說過「我姐姐像仙女」,倒讓我想起我心中真正的仙女,已歸天的仙女,之前有寫過,祝福她在天上要過得好,又讓我想起她的臉,好美,一定要像她那樣,發至內心的和藹善良。


果然,26 歲是皮膚的分水嶺。好好把握 26 歲前之時光是我現在最重要的事情!

Friday, March 02, 2007

瑣事數件之二《ifc 閒逛篇》

(moved from elsewhere)
新年過後一直要到 ifc 去買點東西,雖近在咫尺,卻遲遲沒有行動。不是跟同事飯聚,便是另有更重要的事要辦。
終於在前天的 lunch time 抽空到了 ifc 一趟。

買了要買的東西後,便去搜羅一下吃的。為了避開一樓的人潮,我走上二樓去,當然也是因為想做一些 window shopping! :p 走呀走,被迎面而來的一雙好漂亮的靴子吸引着,套在靴子裡的牛仔褲也很漂亮。牛仔褲跟靴子的空間鬆緊適宜,尤其配上那雙帶點牛仔感覺的靴子,很美。被這美腿所吸引着,往上望,整條腿都很美喔,那麼 slim 卻感覺不到瘦,再往上望,很 smart 的 jacket ?/ blazer?,反正很簡單,tee + jacket + jeans + boots,但就很有型,而且很高,剛好我穿了 converse,更突顯那女子的高,感覺好像看到外國人一樣。好奇心,也就是八卦心,推使下,拿出 guts 來一個「對望」吧!名模喔!可是是誰呢?我真的不能一眼認出,等她走過我身邊時,我腦海浮現一個名字:陳嘉容。希望我沒有認錯吧,她 figure 真的好美喔,剛好她好像在忙整理東西,有小露一下小蠻腰,小腹真的好平好平,好羨慕喔!雖然我不瘦,但我還是挺 proud of my waist 啦,畢竟我曾經苦練 sit up 多年,功力還有少許,雖然現在有生疏,但我小腹到現在還不錯吧。(其實也沒有啦,我才剛剛發現我要再好好練習 sit up) 究竟怎樣才可以那麼平呢? 真人,我真的沒看過那麼平的小腹;電視,好像連香港小姐們也比她有脂肪。現在每天晚上至少練三組共60下,該增加到100下了。已經練回大概一個月,雖然中途有停過很多天,但 100 下也沒甚麼啦!好!努力!有了更了不起的目標囉!

還是要多說一下,她的 figure 真的好美,真不愧是「骨肉均稱」的名模喔!


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晚飯後一家四口去了永利,好漂亮喔!很悠閒的感覺,燈光柔柔,空氣頗清新,還有 starbucks!casino 外面又有名店,chanel 的姐姐水準不錯,dior 的也很殷勤。發現了一家看似很好的 lounge,尤見甚多外籍人士光顧,該有品質保證吧!澳門的 bar 跟 lounge,調酒的水平真的不感恭維,試過錯叫一次後,在澳門 cocktail 我只喝 screwdriver,錯不了,一定不會難喝。約定弟弟下一次一定要來這家試試看。回家前,剛好碰上永利門前音樂大噴泉的表演時間,就駐足觀賞一下,真的好漂亮喔!在永利門前拍了很多照片,看上去一點都不像在澳門呢,感覺很好!

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

MSN Nickname

(moved from elsewhere)
我在前一篇說道,我很喜歡她,所以很傷心,我的 MSN NICKENAME 也用上相同的「副題」,弄得很多朋友問我發生甚麼事,沒甚麼,真的沒甚麼。
我想,他們可能都把這個 NICKNAME 跟我之前的 POST 聯繫上吧,謝謝關心,借日本人的常話:「托你的鴻福,現在沒事。」
這麼一來讓我有點內疚,當知道「現在沒事」之後都沒有再「跟進」過,但其實我心裡是很擔心的,相信她該明白!← 這是藉口嗎? 我也糊塗了。




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Thursday, January 25, 2007

Blood Diamond

Haven't actually posted something here for a few days but been writing quite much these days since my 'movie night' last week. Recently, since Christmas I guess, I seem to pick up my movie habit and UA Times Square once again became my "Weekend Spot". I've been spending a few weekends there already. But with the school started, I prefer the First Night Show (not the debut or first show but First Night Show, i.e. Thursday Nite) as I have class during weekends.

Last Thursday I watched Blood Diamond. Before everything, I just wanna watch a "DiCarpio picture" as I haven't watched him acting for a long time; the 'previous' one is probably 'Catch Me if You Can' (in cinema) or 'Aviator' (VCD). Then I noticed the Movie's title in Chinese and didn't know the term. After a while I figured out the English Title and was shocked. Really, I expected something from it, at least more than a movie.

Frankly, I may be biased as I know the story (and should be a bit more understandings on it than the general public). I'm not an "attached" volunteer of any of the humanitarian organizations but I was once a Rotaract Club member and a long term volunteer in school, though some times ago. And I kept involving in some World Vision events and activities and all of them were about Africa.

It is a very sad story in Africa. Originally I try to write something technically on the movie based on what I learnt from the class 'Film Art' and of 'coz the 'Translation of Subtitles' (though I did not read most of the Subtitles, I noticed a few points to share). However, I just read a newspaper article yesterday on the reaction of De Beer, the BIG diamond entreprise and I really like to write something on that.

Not sure if you had already watched it or if you have not planned to watch it. If you're the latter one, I would definitely suggest you going, unless you're a super sentimental person or you're easily emotionally driven by miserables. If you plan to watch it, then maybe just skip this entry and back when you finished it.

It's a story about blood diamonds, smugglers, RUF and the Civil War in Sierra Leone in 1999-2000 transition. Sienna Leona is adjacent to Liberia, which is famous for having diamonds. Liberia is selling legal diamonds to the World, just like South Africa. Sienna Leona is rich in diamonds too. However, for some reasons (which did not explicitly explain in the movie), smuggling of diamonds is too frequent and the income from selling diamonds help the RUF a lot in buying armies. Civil War kept going on and slaughters by RUF everywhere. When RUF found a strong man, they sent him to 'find diamond'; when they found a young boy, they 'picked' him as a baby killer. Thousands and thousands of people's lives are being controlled by these diamonds, technically termed as blood diamond or conflict diamond by its "nature". Millions of refugees fled to Ginea and were in fact 'prisoned' in the refugee camp.

These are the facts told in the movie and it serves as a background information. Remember, all the above are TRUE.

The story started with a fisherman (Djimon Hounsou) being forced to find diamonds by RUF. He found a rare diamond: pink, pure and large, which was highlighted in the movie. He tried to hide it for himself knowing that he would be killed if discovered by RUF. Unfortunately, his act was discovered but on the other hand, luckily the government army arrived and saved him. In the prison, rumour about him hiding a rare diamond entered into the ears of a smuggler (Leonardo DiCarpio), white African, ex-soldier from South Africa but originally from Zimberbwe.

Scenes followed are fisherman finding family, smuggler finding fisherman, smuggler meeting an Amercian journalist, etc.

I guess the scenes causing the biggest impact would be the slaughters, especially with the director's deliberate cut. On one shot, RUF killed hundreds of ordinary people, most of them native women and girls in the remote villages; on the other shot, boys and girls, women and men, foreigners and natives clubbing in the Capital!!! Slaughter followed slaughter, RUF grabbed boys as baby killers. The movie also showed how they trained the boys, how they gave 'medicine' to the boys and how they controlled the boys!!

Perhaps these are magnified in the movie for dramatic effect but that's real life in Africa. People in the peace era can never understand. I cannot understand how they exactly feel either but I once experienced similar thing. I remember once someone told me they were planning to visit Rwanda for the reconstruction of the Country after War. It was like a service or an observatory trip for volunteers to join. But before they had finished planning, the Country was in discrete Wars again!!!!

Baby killer is the GREATEST problem in Africa. The 'medicine' they fed the boys are drugs; they used the drugs to control them!! Unicef (and many other humanitarian organizations) has been doing a lot of works to help these boys but yet a long way to go.
Although there were many factors other than the diamonds driving Africa to today's situation, with NO DOUBT that diamond is one of the most important factor. If diamond cannot be sold at high prices, they would not fight for it. Without money, RUF cannot buy armies and might have fewer slaughters.

I'm not sure if you notice it or not, Al Qaeda was suspected to be heavily involved in the trade of blood diamond in Sierra Leone just before 9-11.
Tim was watching the movie with me and he said he hated diamonds now. He must be the audience that the director loves most!
I'm not saying that diamonds are no good nor did I say that diamonds start the chaos in Africa. The fact here is that those blood diamonds are illegal and should not be bought by any dealers!!!!
Without demand, there would never be a price! I just finished middle school economic class with no further and I understand this well already!
No dealers, no smugglers. All these are relative! The UN had already adopted methods to prevent blood diamonds from entering the World in 2003 but still it is a problem in the PRESENT!!!!!!

The De Beer Company, as far as I remember, had staff being discovered to be involved in the trade of blood diamonds. In the news I mentioned earlier, the Company accussed that the movie was 'out-dated'. IT IS NOT TRUE! History is history. History affect our lives and ways of living TODAY!

We understand that, from the Company's point of view, they have to do something when their turnover dropped greatly after the movie. Definitely finding Beyonce to promote buying diamonds is not a good idea to me. The BEST way to comfort customers or to advertise would be telling people the truth! There are already ways to distinguish blood diamonds! Why don't they use that to educate people?

In the UN Webpage, they also teach people "what to do?". They have guidelines for people to follow to find out if the dealer is selling legal diamond according to the Kimberly Process and with any doubts, we should seek for helps. I think this is a better promotion, at least to me.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Happy New Year!!!!

It's already mid-Jan!! Sorry to be late here...

Main reason: the Taiwan quake... that we can't get access to WWW...
So I could only post blog entries on my own website hosted locally in HK :D

Now's better... though the connection speed is still not fully recovered; still cannot play smoothly on YouTube... is also loading slowly... but at least i can use Gmail now!

Talking abt my own website... 'coz of the quake... i digged out all .txt files from my backup harddisk and started to upload the .html to my server. But... as some of you may know, my website closed for a long time and all the layouts / design is sooooo outdated... so finally... really can't bare it... and i just used the most typical blog layout.. though in fact only quite outdated... but i guess it's "usual" for normal blogs.. :P

i'm now trying to relaunch my site and thus very busy working on it! now thinking of the contents... as before... photos, more of my travel or snapshot; writings, most possibly my assignments :P; music, share my favourite CD or my own works; drawings, try scanning my own drawings....

and my diary? i will still keep my personal blog here but with backups on my web... :P worrying another quake... maybe..

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

My 1st Master's 1st Academic Report

(moved here)
My 1st Master's 1st Academic Report is out!

Term GPA: 3.65 WCP Total: 21.90

I'm not too satisfactory as I targeted for a Term GPA of 4 and a WCP Total of 24, i.e. so-called Full Marks.

Though after finishing the papers, I understood that I might not have straight As. I still hoped for a Term GPA of 3.85 as I though I could have two A-s. At least, I got an A for the Abstract, which was claimed to be 10% of the total grade. It is in fact quite disappointing for not having at least an A- for that.

On the other hand, it is quite surprising to have an A. I spent a lot in reading the story and analysing the translation. I got too much to present and I couldn't finish all. Similarly, I got too much to write and I couldn't finish writing all of them despite the consecutive 40 hours non-stop I spent on it. Personally I think (yes.. I still think so now) that I could have done better if I started earlier on my Paper. But probably 'coz I wrote less, I got less mistakes and my Paper reads more concise and precise. :P

Anyway, though I'm not too satisfactory on that, I would post my Paper here for sharing later. ^^ And remember "Brokeback Mountain"? I'll put it on my website to celebrate the relaunch of my Angel Land - Literature Section! Hopefully I could finish it by Lunar New Year... :P

I don't know the mean or average grade for Master, so I just evaluate my result by my own "ruler".

Have to take greater care in choosing subjects in this semester, both practical and useful. But more importantly is my ability in handling that subject.


(moved from elsewhere)

am sick again... >.he said normally ppl who sufferred a GREAT flu at the beginning of the winter would not get sick again 'coz their immunity system had been "triggered"...
it seems to be logical but yet it is not true... at least on me.

yesterday's a big day... n planned to celebrate on sunday... booked tickets for movie n table for dinner...
early sunday morning... nothing special except for a few more frequent sneez... but i hardly realize it until later the day...
lunch time... started feeling unwell... my shoulders were damn painful... and heavy migraine!!!! dizzling... and even nausea after eating a few dim sum...
though knowing that i was not feeling well... i headed for the movie as we booked it already! NANA2 and $$ were more impt. and i guessed i could overcome it... after the movie, felt better with the popcorn... no migraine any more.. sweeties can really help relieving migraine in my case... but my body seemed not to be mine... so went for a 'simple' dinner and went home...
slept really early at around 1030!!!

though slept for 9 hours, i didn't recover at all!!!!!! my stomach and abdomen fought together as well... really couldn't go to work and went to the doctor after getting up... took the medicine and congee and slept again...

slept for about 5 hours, dad came home and had a shower... watched TV with dad for 3 hours and slept again...

totally i've slept for 24 hours!!! but how come i'm still soooooo tired? and... maybe my medicine's working now... yesterday, i just had a congee, 3 mini buns and 1 normal size chinese cake... already got very full... today.... i had 1 mini bun + 1 normal size chinese cake + 1 congee and now started another chinese cake.. :P i have my "hungry" feeling back!!!! but my stomach still appears quite 'full'.... :P

anyway, can have rice tonight and simple but normal meals tomorrow! ^^

Wednesday, January 03, 2007


(moved from elsewhere)
原來只是 msn 同 space 復原的比較快,其他的還沒好。

每年的年頭總是喜歡回看以前的網誌,總結一下。去年的 internet "disaster" 令我至今不能 update 其他 blogs,有點沮喪,而且很懷念,原來我在 blogger 已經兩年多了,不拘泥於 blog 這個字的話,我成為 "blogger" 已經快六年了,時間過得真的很快!

之前說我要把我的 website 從新粉飾,我打算把所有 archive 都放到新的 site 裡,可行的話我都會盡量保持當時的版面,可幸我都有 backup! ^^

雖然我的 Angel Land 會 relaunched,但這裡會保留喔!

之前跟朋友 email,說到沒有 internet 就像沒靈魂一樣,不能集中精神工作,感覺好恐怖,但有點不能自拔;剛剛回看從前的網誌,看到一篇談迷上、迷戀與沉溺,我們不會已經沉溺在網路世界吧?!


Happy New Year!!!!!

(moved from elsewhere)
終於可以連線了!!等了很多天,終於可以 login space 了!Yeah!!
這幾天 internet connection 很慢,又不能 login msn 等即時通,在 office 裡工作都像漫無目的的,加上佳節將至,同事們都無心戀戰似的。

假期過了,工作又開始了,internet 也慢慢恢復過來。在沒有 internet connection 這幾天,心好像頓然開竅有所頓悟;雖然我有很多不同「主題」的網誌,雖然我在很多不同的 blog host platform 都有「帳戶」,但 server 同樣不在香港,連線全部不通。雖然最近不太常更新網誌,但一但沒有了 accessibility,就很掛念,我也等不及了,把荒廢到像前世一樣的 website 從新「開啟」,這一次,也 host 在學校的 server 裡,由西貢變成沙田,但 url 依舊在西貢,因為這是 permanent 的,只是由 student 變成 alumni。

也許這是一個契機讓我真的好好去經營一下我的 website 吧!