(moved from elsewhere)
看天氣報告話有雷雨,所以仲帶晒傘呀、雨衣呀咁,羅起左支身體防曬又放番低,想住應該唔需要用,點知我去個幾日天氣好到爆,個太陽遲遲都唔肯落山,熱力夠晒!好在我有支 spf 50 既防曬乳液,塊面先「保得住」!但我既身體...
本來係o個邊都無乜野,第一日(到達既第二天)曬左一個早上,雙手就變左兩截色... 我當日著短袖既 polo shirt,由 the mid of arm 直落去到手指都係黑晒!之後覺得唔對路,羅把傘出黎遮太陽,個頭髮先無咁傷。當日着牛仔裙,本來想住咁會無咁"局",點知低估左熱力,熱到我呢個平時汗腺幾乎算得上閉塞既人流汗!一出汗就死啦,我大腿唔瘦架喎 :p 好在條裙係 stretch 既貼身款,雙腿唔會太大動作,無咁慘!
第二日醒 d,着背心加薄褸,遮到 elbow 位又唔會好熱!因為帶左又唔想"sai" (=waste) ,專登係條鬆鬆 one piece 抵加條打底褲,好在我醒目帶定多幾條 leggings 同打底 pants!本來係基隆市都無乜野,但我都醒目買定支 lotion 以備不時之需。去到和平島,落左車,我地懷疑我地落遲左,所以 info 話要行五至十分鐘既路程,我地好似行左成十幾分鐘。一路都係 d 鎮仔既街,無遮無掩,個太陽就係你上面,開左傘都好似透曬 d 光入黎咁。去到個海邊公園看海同石,又係要沿路行,海邊,乜遮擋都無,名符其實「兜頭兜面」射 d 陽光入黎!行左無幾耐,我已經知道"lai"野 (=中招),短褲無"遮"到既大腿部位開始有 d 刺痛,實係 d 類似熱痱既東東。所以一去到羅東既民宿,有機會換衫我就即刻換番條新加坡短褲!:p
之後 keep 住搽 lotion 就好番好多,但另外有 d 位,唔係熱痱,真係"損"得太厲害,(因為我大腿真係有 d 唔合比例既粗,所以熱得太勁就有此等狀況),就改搽藥膏,本來都好好地,返香港個日著 jeans,先發現條 cropped jeans 咁"鞋",又有 d 整損自己 d 肉既感覺。返到香港,著左一日裙返工,又好似有 d "惡化",即刻換番條褲,不過我覺得最好都係著 leggings! :p 好似我係台灣咁~
上面講左,因為 keep 住搽 lotion 同著新加坡短褲,好快就好番啦~ 咁我返到台北,又唔想着條新加坡短褲周街走,就着對 leggings 係 jeans skirt 入面,原來好 work 喎,因為對 leggings 係 cotton,又軟又舒服,仲索汗添!
但因為我 keep 住幾日都係着背心加薄褸,elbow 對落既前臂就遭殃了。曬到黑晒都算,開始又紅又痛,係台灣都即刻搽 lotion,點知一般既 body lotion 直程滲入唔到,白色一達達,要 massage 好耐先變透明,即係話乾到七彩又有角質啦~
返到黎,想住齋黑jer~ 點知尋晚開始 forearm 勁痕,天呀!又曬傷左啦~ ><
對腳又未好番,d 損點仲越黎越"爛"咁.... 點算呀???!!!!
仲有..... 被蚊針到幾乎變花柱既小腿~ 好在我有噴蚊怕水,咪一定變左 dot dot 腿~ :p 不過宜家都係好痕,有幾粒開始有變"好多小水泡"既現象... 要小心處理...
無怪得知,個邊"早晨新聞"既天氣報告叫人"防曬防中暑"... 防曬真係好重要,因為唔係黑唔黑既問題,而係"善後"既麻煩~
好痕呀!好難頂呀!有無特效止痕藥架? 我想跳落水呀!!!! 咁樣會無咁痕~ :p
personal reflections, share my thoughts on movies, j-dramas, k-dramas, yoga, comics, photos, music, daily life, etc.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Summer has come!
(moved from elsewhere)
Summer has come already! So changed the background to one with more Summer stuff!
夏天到了!! 所以換一個多一點夏日色彩的背景~
After going to the 'cold spring' in Taiwan, I really wanna go swimming!!! Can anybody tell me... where in HKG can I have 'clear and clean' water to swim in?
I must do some exercises in order to fight for the hot sun and the troublesome skin problem arouse from the heat!!!!
Summer has come already! So changed the background to one with more Summer stuff!
夏天到了!! 所以換一個多一點夏日色彩的背景~
After going to the 'cold spring' in Taiwan, I really wanna go swimming!!! Can anybody tell me... where in HKG can I have 'clear and clean' water to swim in?
I must do some exercises in order to fight for the hot sun and the troublesome skin problem arouse from the heat!!!!
Academic Report
(moved from elsewhere)
Stupid me... i only discovered that our result had already been out from my friend's Xanga.. :P
大懵的我.... 在朋友的 xanga 上才發現,成績原來已經公佈了~
Immediately logon to the system to check my result, as expected... thanks god! but i think i could have done better in the linguistics one then i could try having a full mark GPA for this semester... :P
立即登入查成績的系統,結果如預期的... 感謝主! (其實我開始很懷疑我的信仰... 不過這是題外話,現在還真的是 Thanks God! 那是「主」還是「神」,容後再討論吧) 不過我覺得我可以在"語言學"那一科做的更好,那我就可以在這個學期嘗嘗 GPA 滿分的滋味! :P
I did better in this Semester.... dunno if it has some relationship with the fact that i only need to take 'elective courses' this semester and no core courses are required... as from my UG experience... i did best in elective courese.. probably 'coz i choose subjects i like and hv interest in and thus better result....
這個學期的成績比上一個好~ 不知道這與'選修科'有沒有關係? 這個學期不用上'必修科'... 以大學的經驗來看... 我從來在'選修科'都有不錯的成績... 大概是因為我會選我一些我有興趣我喜歡的課吧~ 這樣一來.. 成績應該是比較好的~
anyway... very happy that my 1st year master study is a 'happy ending' and now looking forward to another new good start next year!
總知~ 我第一年的碩士課程就這樣"大團圓結束"了... 非常開心!! 現正期盼着明年另一個好的新開始吧!
Stupid me... i only discovered that our result had already been out from my friend's Xanga.. :P
大懵的我.... 在朋友的 xanga 上才發現,成績原來已經公佈了~
Immediately logon to the system to check my result, as expected... thanks god! but i think i could have done better in the linguistics one then i could try having a full mark GPA for this semester... :P
立即登入查成績的系統,結果如預期的... 感謝主! (其實我開始很懷疑我的信仰... 不過這是題外話,現在還真的是 Thanks God! 那是「主」還是「神」,容後再討論吧) 不過我覺得我可以在"語言學"那一科做的更好,那我就可以在這個學期嘗嘗 GPA 滿分的滋味! :P
I did better in this Semester.... dunno if it has some relationship with the fact that i only need to take 'elective courses' this semester and no core courses are required... as from my UG experience... i did best in elective courese.. probably 'coz i choose subjects i like and hv interest in and thus better result....
這個學期的成績比上一個好~ 不知道這與'選修科'有沒有關係? 這個學期不用上'必修科'... 以大學的經驗來看... 我從來在'選修科'都有不錯的成績... 大概是因為我會選我一些我有興趣我喜歡的課吧~ 這樣一來.. 成績應該是比較好的~
anyway... very happy that my 1st year master study is a 'happy ending' and now looking forward to another new good start next year!
總知~ 我第一年的碩士課程就這樣"大團圓結束"了... 非常開心!! 現正期盼着明年另一個好的新開始吧!
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