(moved from elsewhere)
近呢幾個月突然有好多戲看,就由今年講起,一套 NaNa2 後,有一大堆既 hollywood movies,又有外語片,多到最後要犧牲我本來好想好想看既日本片「太陽之歌」~ 雖然細佬看完返黎勁讚,但係時間同銀包既限制下,都係犧牲左,留番 dvd 先,好明顯係塚本高史既魅力未夠咁 attract 我。
之但係呢排呢,就咩都無得講啦,好在 will smith 係上個禮拜至上,愛與淚相隨就上上個禮拜。「愛與淚相隨」,勁好看!!有人話,唔係妻夫木聰,你看唔看呀?看!!仲有長澤正美!點知細佬話佢一 d 都唔靚,又唔 cute。唔 cute 咩?ok 呀,「大隻」左少少 jer~
之後係「多羅羅」呀!!妻夫木聰仲要配柴咲幸,同手塚至虫,投降了!我無力抵抗 :p
講左好多 background 都好似未入「正題」,黎啦黎啦,我要講妻夫木聰啦~
星期日係銅鑼灣發記門口等位o個陣向上望下,見到妻夫木聰同柴咲幸既巨型 poster 吊左係 world trade center 到,好似中國畫 vertical scroll 咁~ 本來同 kakin 講緊「我細佬話阿森似塚本高史 rather than 草弓剪剛 」同「媽咪今日話木村仲係好型」既話題,望到咁大既 poster 當然要講下啦,結論係「妻夫木聰可能唔算好靚仔,唔算好「傳統既」有型,但佢好型,好有自己既 style,最重要係佢「好好笑」、「好 cute」(一般男仔你話佢 cute 可能唔係太好,但妻夫木聰既 cute 係好正!絕不低能) 看佢做戲好開心,好舒暢,even 演悲劇,你唔會覺得「愁雲慘霧」,而係融入左去套戲度,唔會覺得死氣沉沉,而係完全感受到「悲從中來」,演小品又好,愛情又好,喜劇更好笑,連古裝(唔算古裝既,相對於中國既民初咁上下啦)都得!其實算唔算結論呢?定係我自己既想法?
跟住就看到一篇 magazine 訪問,被訪者話之前去日本拍戲,聽到木村話「唔會限制自己既戲路,因為拍一套感動人既電影好難,拍一部令人大笑的電影更難」(此乃大概意思,並不是直抄至 magazine) 嗯,原來木村想拍喜劇~ 媽咪就話佢好岩喎,岩咩?媽咪話木村係「全能型」,唔至單單做「憂鬱小生」喎~ 媽咪居然用木村同「阿部叔叔」一齊講!o下?木村同阿部?有咩共通點?但明明係妻夫木聰似阿部多 d 喎,我覺得~
想左好耐,究竟我同媽咪講緊既,係咪同一樣野呢?我係覺得佢地都好全面,演喜劇唔會便鬧劇,演悲劇又演得細水長流,好生活化,呢個特質係咩呢?綜觀亞洲演藝圈,好似都無咩邊幾個可以~ 對!媽咪話過,韓國既元彬,不過宜家去左服役~
今日看 news 既時候,終於解決左我既疑難了!原來這叫做「喜劇感強」既演員!看下下面既 quote:
哈哈~ 我同媽咪 d 洞悉力都幾好喎~ 係唔係有 d 天份寫「藝評」呢?係都唔錯呀,我宜家讀緊科 art translation,如果識寫,translate o個陣應該會好 d~
仲有,我發現好多 artists,不同地區,都係讀 mechanical engineering 的,看來,又一次印證 engineering 的路真的不好走~
personal reflections, share my thoughts on movies, j-dramas, k-dramas, yoga, comics, photos, music, daily life, etc.
Monday, July 23, 2007
(moved from elsewhere)
在台灣熱到爆點的《超級星光大道》第一季完滿落幕,說真的,有點失落~ 第二季的,由於還在初段,還沒有很想很想看的衝動~
水準真的很高,高到我想叫那個所謂唱的還不錯,最近不斷在「control control」的新生代女歌手 hk born abc 回去好好練習,更不用說其他的。
他們的 cd,我真的訂了,我想我會換鈴聲了。雖然我現在的也是很不錯的蔡旻佑,但我還是要換。:p
對了,我的 mp3 list 已經很久沒有廣東歌了,最近的一首是張敬軒。香港歌手,只剩下陳奕迅跟方大同。
大家除了看 American Idol 那些 11 歲的超級女孩外,也可以看看這些台灣的~
在台灣熱到爆點的《超級星光大道》第一季完滿落幕,說真的,有點失落~ 第二季的,由於還在初段,還沒有很想很想看的衝動~
水準真的很高,高到我想叫那個所謂唱的還不錯,最近不斷在「control control」的新生代女歌手 hk born abc 回去好好練習,更不用說其他的。
他們的 cd,我真的訂了,我想我會換鈴聲了。雖然我現在的也是很不錯的蔡旻佑,但我還是要換。:p
對了,我的 mp3 list 已經很久沒有廣東歌了,最近的一首是張敬軒。香港歌手,只剩下陳奕迅跟方大同。
大家除了看 American Idol 那些 11 歲的超級女孩外,也可以看看這些台灣的~
Thursday, July 05, 2007
I finished another novel...
(moved from elsewhere)
I finished 2 books in 2 days; be more exactly it is 2 nites. Great!
Good books... but all in Chinese or again, to be more exact, Taiwan Chinese. Fun and funny. It's fun to read as it's quite funny and some characters just appear too stupid. The way of writing is fun too! Like experimental cinema, total off track the mainstream or should I say Classic Literature? I don't think it should be categorised as Leisure Reading though it should have been planned to serve that purpose.
In the Preface, the author said, 'You will have more fun if you treat it as a Sci-fi. But all in all, it is in fact not a Sci-fi.' So I read it as a story happening in our Time dimension but probably in a different Space dimension. Don't know if my 'strategy' is working out properly or if it is in fact not a Sci-fi at all, I managed to understand the story quite well. Oh! Another reason maybe those 'Electromagnetic Waves' mentioned in the story! Remember my Major? In fact, that's not that important in the story as I interpret but I just... keep thinking about that :P
So indeed... I DO THINK that is possible. It is not merely a Sci-fi; it based on workable theories and... in fact... I thought about that before! :P Can we alter our EM brain signals externally to change our minds? Or can our EM brain signals transmit direct through air to action? This is done by MIT already. Their team has developed a method to "switch on the light" by thinking only. Can we apply external force to stimulate a "Spike" (action potential)? I think there's something similar... The TENS should be an action potential simulation theraphy.
Alright... in fact that is somehow a "Sociology + Philosophy" novel, nothing about Sci-fi. It is a story about a Homophobic Boy. I would read this simply because it is recommended by Sandee Chan and Soda Green's 'TsinFeng'. :P
Anyways, after finishing the story, I think the Patrogonist's too homophobic that he has serious mental problems. It's sad and I guess that's the THEME of the book.
Also, a PHOBIA is more frightening than a trauma and always will lead to a trauma. Though this is not exactly about the book (but related), it is the only sentence I want to share in these few weeks.
I finished 2 books in 2 days; be more exactly it is 2 nites. Great!
Good books... but all in Chinese or again, to be more exact, Taiwan Chinese. Fun and funny. It's fun to read as it's quite funny and some characters just appear too stupid. The way of writing is fun too! Like experimental cinema, total off track the mainstream or should I say Classic Literature? I don't think it should be categorised as Leisure Reading though it should have been planned to serve that purpose.
In the Preface, the author said, 'You will have more fun if you treat it as a Sci-fi. But all in all, it is in fact not a Sci-fi.' So I read it as a story happening in our Time dimension but probably in a different Space dimension. Don't know if my 'strategy' is working out properly or if it is in fact not a Sci-fi at all, I managed to understand the story quite well. Oh! Another reason maybe those 'Electromagnetic Waves' mentioned in the story! Remember my Major? In fact, that's not that important in the story as I interpret but I just... keep thinking about that :P
So indeed... I DO THINK that is possible. It is not merely a Sci-fi; it based on workable theories and... in fact... I thought about that before! :P Can we alter our EM brain signals externally to change our minds? Or can our EM brain signals transmit direct through air to action? This is done by MIT already. Their team has developed a method to "switch on the light" by thinking only. Can we apply external force to stimulate a "Spike" (action potential)? I think there's something similar... The TENS should be an action potential simulation theraphy.
Alright... in fact that is somehow a "Sociology + Philosophy" novel, nothing about Sci-fi. It is a story about a Homophobic Boy. I would read this simply because it is recommended by Sandee Chan and Soda Green's 'TsinFeng'. :P
Anyways, after finishing the story, I think the Patrogonist's too homophobic that he has serious mental problems. It's sad and I guess that's the THEME of the book.
Also, a PHOBIA is more frightening than a trauma and always will lead to a trauma. Though this is not exactly about the book (but related), it is the only sentence I want to share in these few weeks.
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
(moved from elsewhere)
昨天收到了從網路上新購的 dvd 跟小說,第一時間拿出其中一本小說,拿起剪刀,剪開封套,開始閱讀... 時為晚上十一點四十五分。
我閱讀的習慣是從「推薦文」開始,到「序」,再進主目錄,繼而是閱讀內容。這次也不例外。只看了兩行,真的只有兩行,我就知道,今天晚上,我一定得把她讀完才睡,就這樣一看到兩點半 (雖然中間有半個小時用來幫爸爸 print document)。
但... 我在看完之後,卻哭了一下下。一邊哭,一邊想東想西,可能哭累了就睡著了。
哭過後是否就真的能笑?還是... 我昨天練瑜珈的收穫?因為我真的好久好久沒有在晚上上瑜珈課了。
妳還好嗎?突然很想念妳。突然... 擔心我再不跟妳們連絡的話,妳們會這樣就消失了。
昨天收到了從網路上新購的 dvd 跟小說,第一時間拿出其中一本小說,拿起剪刀,剪開封套,開始閱讀... 時為晚上十一點四十五分。
我閱讀的習慣是從「推薦文」開始,到「序」,再進主目錄,繼而是閱讀內容。這次也不例外。只看了兩行,真的只有兩行,我就知道,今天晚上,我一定得把她讀完才睡,就這樣一看到兩點半 (雖然中間有半個小時用來幫爸爸 print document)。
但... 我在看完之後,卻哭了一下下。一邊哭,一邊想東想西,可能哭累了就睡著了。
哭過後是否就真的能笑?還是... 我昨天練瑜珈的收穫?因為我真的好久好久沒有在晚上上瑜珈課了。
妳還好嗎?突然很想念妳。突然... 擔心我再不跟妳們連絡的話,妳們會這樣就消失了。
Monday, July 02, 2007
Deadly blast a tourist site in Yemen - Mideast/N. Africa - MSNBC.com
(moved from elsewhere)
oooooh.... I just wanna go there this vacation if I hadn't been to Taiwan in May!!! Thinking that Yemen may be safer than other middle east countries but seem not to be true...And... I should thank god that I finally didn't go there....
oooooh.... I just wanna go there this vacation if I hadn't been to Taiwan in May!!! Thinking that Yemen may be safer than other middle east countries but seem not to be true...And... I should thank god that I finally didn't go there....
Sunday, July 01, 2007
(moved from elsewhere)
我最喜歡的打扮: 裡面放了很多我的 DREAM ITEMS 呢~ :P MARC JACOBS 那條褲,看上去很好看,穿上來也不錯,但腿可能不夠長,沒有想像中的好看~
我最喜歡的打扮: 裡面放了很多我的 DREAM ITEMS 呢~ :P MARC JACOBS 那條褲,看上去很好看,穿上來也不錯,但腿可能不夠長,沒有想像中的好看~
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