雖則 FAMILY 無早產 HISTORY,但之前試過無故頻繁宮縮同肚痛,加上無論私家定政府既醫生同助產士都話人人都有機早產,心理上係有 D 負擔,終於今日足月啦,安落晒!^^
不枉我日日同小 BURGER 談心 ^____^
personal reflections, share my thoughts on movies, j-dramas, k-dramas, yoga, comics, photos, music, daily life, etc.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Thursday, May 19, 2011
小人兒記事 – 20110518
今日羅左入院紙啦!! YEAH!!!!
Burger 有 2495G 啦~ 今日醫生比我看條 GROWTH CURVE,話 BURGER 好乖,唔肥,但夠重,岩岩係 50% TILE~
今日仲影到小 BURGER 咬手指 :P 佢個樣好開心~ 好寫意! ^^
Burger 有 2495G 啦~ 今日醫生比我看條 GROWTH CURVE,話 BURGER 好乖,唔肥,但夠重,岩岩係 50% TILE~
今日仲影到小 BURGER 咬手指 :P 佢個樣好開心~ 好寫意! ^^
Sunday, May 15, 2011
小人兒記事 – 20110514
Was Burger doing Yoga?
Tonight after dinner, Burger danced happily and once Daddy came home, she was a bit over-excited! :P Every thing went on very smoothly...
Then, Mama smelt some Chinese External Medicine and suddenly remembered that Mama shouldn't smell such things as the medicines used are not good for baby in womb. Daddy and Mama went straight home but Burger didn't move at all since then!!!!!
Mama was sooooooo worried (Ok; Mama admits that I've been too sensitive on this) and asked Daddy to chat with Burger. With a long conversation and kisses, Burger still had no reaction!
Daddy suddenly claimed that Burger was doing Yoga... she was performing the 'Big Rest' (well.. I don't like the original term for this pose, so does my Master, so we change to this). Then Daddy woke her up by using the Yoga method!!!!!
Daddy said to Burger, "Om... Om... Om... Had a good rest and restored our Power. Now slowly and slightly move your arms and legs and toes and fingers. You had a good rest and now slowly get back into your original pose."
Surprisingly!!!!!! Burger DID move her pat pat a bit, though very slightly :P [and though.... Daddy didn't mention pat pat at all... hahaha]
Tonight after dinner, Burger danced happily and once Daddy came home, she was a bit over-excited! :P Every thing went on very smoothly...
Then, Mama smelt some Chinese External Medicine and suddenly remembered that Mama shouldn't smell such things as the medicines used are not good for baby in womb. Daddy and Mama went straight home but Burger didn't move at all since then!!!!!
Mama was sooooooo worried (Ok; Mama admits that I've been too sensitive on this) and asked Daddy to chat with Burger. With a long conversation and kisses, Burger still had no reaction!
Daddy suddenly claimed that Burger was doing Yoga... she was performing the 'Big Rest' (well.. I don't like the original term for this pose, so does my Master, so we change to this). Then Daddy woke her up by using the Yoga method!!!!!
Daddy said to Burger, "Om... Om... Om... Had a good rest and restored our Power. Now slowly and slightly move your arms and legs and toes and fingers. You had a good rest and now slowly get back into your original pose."
Surprisingly!!!!!! Burger DID move her pat pat a bit, though very slightly :P [and though.... Daddy didn't mention pat pat at all... hahaha]
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Friday, May 13, 2011
小人兒記事 – 20110512
眼見踏入 34 週幾,之前飲過幾次媽媽奶粉試用裝都沒有不良反應,今早便開封早前惠氏送來的媽媽奶粉,沖一杯當早餐配上花生 BUN。
但花生 BUN 吃完後,胃還是不舒服,最終忍不住吐了 :( 還不知道是 BURGER 不喜歡花生 BUN 還是媽媽奶呢? 要是 BURGER 不喜歡奶,難道真的外甥多似舅,要喝豆奶嗎??
但花生 BUN 吃完後,胃還是不舒服,最終忍不住吐了 :( 還不知道是 BURGER 不喜歡花生 BUN 還是媽媽奶呢? 要是 BURGER 不喜歡奶,難道真的外甥多似舅,要喝豆奶嗎??
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Afternoon Tea @Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong
上星期 Kaman 來電誠邀 Afternoon Tea,剛好在健康院等候看醫生中,回答要是醫生「批准」,我沒所謂。
看醫生的時候也特地問了一下:「之前醫生說要多休息,我整個星期都 WORK AT HOME;剛剛姑娘說要多走路,那我可以多逛街了吧?」醫生說,多走路可幫助生產,但也要小心不要過勞,她提意慢慢散步,走路要是太累,肚子有點不舒服,都要坐下,盡可能躺下。也提醒在家工作也要小心不要過勞,精神操勞也會影響小 BABY 的發展。
所以我的理解是... 可以去 Afternoon Tea!!! 不過我要「要求」港島區,因為我應該也是 Take A Cab,而且我要坐得比較舒服的地方 ^^
Kaman 的心水是 Grand Hyatt,但原來有時間限制,一小時四十五分 ONLY;兜兜轉轉才決定去 Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong。
我怕喝茶咖啡因太多,所以選了 HOT CHOCOLATE,很滑很香。Kaman 的 Earl Grey 也很香,但不知茶滑不滑。Pinky 的 Ceylon 顏色很好,加奶後的顏色看上去也很滑。Wing 的花茶,就花茶樣,我對花茶完全沒概念 :P
咸點的 SANDWICH,我只吃了 SALMON CHEESE WHEAT BREAD,好好吃!Burger 對 Salmon / Cheese 很有興趣!
SCONE 更好!我喜歡這一種 SCONE,BUTTER CREAM 很特別,香濃也滑但不油,STRAWBERRY JAM 應該是 FRESHLY MADE 的,但我不太喜歡,雖然 Kaman 說好好吃! ^^
甜點反而... 就 so-so :P 好吃但沒有很好吃的感覺~ 或許,Burger 真的像爸爸,除了 CREAM,爸爸對甜點的興趣沒有很大 :P
最大收獲是... 看到一個約三到五個月的 BABY 跟媽媽還有 AUNTIE UNCLE 來,那 AUNTIE 說,她 made reservation 時特別 request sofa seats and mentioned that they will have a baby and a babycar! The seats are really nice and the baby can just sleep on the sofa!!!! So when Burger was born, we can still have Tea with Burger ^^
看醫生的時候也特地問了一下:「之前醫生說要多休息,我整個星期都 WORK AT HOME;剛剛姑娘說要多走路,那我可以多逛街了吧?」醫生說,多走路可幫助生產,但也要小心不要過勞,她提意慢慢散步,走路要是太累,肚子有點不舒服,都要坐下,盡可能躺下。也提醒在家工作也要小心不要過勞,精神操勞也會影響小 BABY 的發展。
所以我的理解是... 可以去 Afternoon Tea!!! 不過我要「要求」港島區,因為我應該也是 Take A Cab,而且我要坐得比較舒服的地方 ^^
Kaman 的心水是 Grand Hyatt,但原來有時間限制,一小時四十五分 ONLY;兜兜轉轉才決定去 Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong。
我怕喝茶咖啡因太多,所以選了 HOT CHOCOLATE,很滑很香。Kaman 的 Earl Grey 也很香,但不知茶滑不滑。Pinky 的 Ceylon 顏色很好,加奶後的顏色看上去也很滑。Wing 的花茶,就花茶樣,我對花茶完全沒概念 :P
咸點的 SANDWICH,我只吃了 SALMON CHEESE WHEAT BREAD,好好吃!Burger 對 Salmon / Cheese 很有興趣!
SCONE 更好!我喜歡這一種 SCONE,BUTTER CREAM 很特別,香濃也滑但不油,STRAWBERRY JAM 應該是 FRESHLY MADE 的,但我不太喜歡,雖然 Kaman 說好好吃! ^^
甜點反而... 就 so-so :P 好吃但沒有很好吃的感覺~ 或許,Burger 真的像爸爸,除了 CREAM,爸爸對甜點的興趣沒有很大 :P
最大收獲是... 看到一個約三到五個月的 BABY 跟媽媽還有 AUNTIE UNCLE 來,那 AUNTIE 說,她 made reservation 時特別 request sofa seats and mentioned that they will have a baby and a babycar! The seats are really nice and the baby can just sleep on the sofa!!!! So when Burger was born, we can still have Tea with Burger ^^
Sunday, May 08, 2011
小人兒記事 – 20110507
哈哈~ 看來 BURGER 真的像爸爸,是一頭「食肉獸」 :P
今天 BURGER 要跟爺爺麻麻姨婆姑姑及未來姑丈慶祝母親節,但... 麻麻選了吃素!@@
本來晚飯時間已經很早,6 點正,但爸爸還是選擇四點鐘的時候先「打底」,到了味千吃拉麵,卻吃到了很難吃的拉麵!原來不單單是信德味千難吃,是全部的味千都變得難吃 ><
BURGER 應該沒甚麼心情吧,也沒有跳舞!本來我一吃東西,她就會跳一下舞再睡覺的;到了吃晚餐的時候,BURGER 居然是完全沒有動!!!明顯是一點都不喜歡 :P
反而吃糖水的時候,BURGER 對芝麻糊喳咋很有興趣喔!哈哈~
今天 BURGER 要跟爺爺麻麻姨婆姑姑及未來姑丈慶祝母親節,但... 麻麻選了吃素!@@
本來晚飯時間已經很早,6 點正,但爸爸還是選擇四點鐘的時候先「打底」,到了味千吃拉麵,卻吃到了很難吃的拉麵!原來不單單是信德味千難吃,是全部的味千都變得難吃 ><
BURGER 應該沒甚麼心情吧,也沒有跳舞!本來我一吃東西,她就會跳一下舞再睡覺的;到了吃晚餐的時候,BURGER 居然是完全沒有動!!!明顯是一點都不喜歡 :P
反而吃糖水的時候,BURGER 對芝麻糊喳咋很有興趣喔!哈哈~
Wednesday, May 04, 2011
小人兒記事 – 20110503
上一回領教了健康院姑娘們對「體重減輕」的嚴陣以待,這一回檢查前特地吃了一份很豐盛的早餐,誰知... 真的太豐富了!這一回體重增加太多 :P
幸好姑娘說 OVERALL 的體重增加還是太少 (其實從醫院第一次記錄到現再已經重差不多 20 LBS,但她說不是用那個基數@@),她把這一次的增重過多看成「追回落後的磅數」,還要我這 7 個禮拜重 7 LBS!
在等待見醫生時,BURGER 又跳舞了!這一次好可愛!真的從右扭到左,又從左扭回右! ^^ 看了三次之多,我準備用 IHPONE 拍下給 KAKIN 看,鏡頭一對準,BURGER 卻一動也不動,應該是害羞吧!把 IHPONE 挪開,她又開心地跳舞!剛好 KAKIN 打電話來,DADDY 跟她說,沒關係,回家再跳給爸爸看!
助產士跟醫生都說 BURGER 的頭應該在下面了~ 醫生說上一回的化驗報告,顯示出有「蛋白質」但種不到菌,所以下一次要回東區醫院再作一次檢查以策安全。是蛋白質嗎?? 怎麼我覺得很奇怪?? 那究竟政府會幫我們驗乙型鏈球菌嗎? 見了醫生,還是甚麼都不知道 @@
幸好姑娘說 OVERALL 的體重增加還是太少 (其實從醫院第一次記錄到現再已經重差不多 20 LBS,但她說不是用那個基數@@),她把這一次的增重過多看成「追回落後的磅數」,還要我這 7 個禮拜重 7 LBS!
在等待見醫生時,BURGER 又跳舞了!這一次好可愛!真的從右扭到左,又從左扭回右! ^^ 看了三次之多,我準備用 IHPONE 拍下給 KAKIN 看,鏡頭一對準,BURGER 卻一動也不動,應該是害羞吧!把 IHPONE 挪開,她又開心地跳舞!剛好 KAKIN 打電話來,DADDY 跟她說,沒關係,回家再跳給爸爸看!
助產士跟醫生都說 BURGER 的頭應該在下面了~ 醫生說上一回的化驗報告,顯示出有「蛋白質」但種不到菌,所以下一次要回東區醫院再作一次檢查以策安全。是蛋白質嗎?? 怎麼我覺得很奇怪?? 那究竟政府會幫我們驗乙型鏈球菌嗎? 見了醫生,還是甚麼都不知道 @@
Monday, May 02, 2011
Ladies' Talk and Dinner @Cafe Habitu the Table
Long time haven't hang out with friends since my Doctor didn't allow me to do so and for the health of Burger, I'm more than willing to stay at home ^^
This time is an exceptional case... haha~ Cafe Habitu the Table is very close to my place (and to the hospital as well) and it is very convenient for me to take a cab there. The food there is also fine for me and Burger.
We tried two different kinds of Egg Benedict. The first One is the 'common' tomato and the second one is the 'luxury' CAVIER!!!
But personally I think the Egg Benedict from the Pressroom is better :P
Others, frankly, so-s0 la~ but the pizza is good. Crispy enough yet the Salmon was a bit too salty to me :P
And the drinks... my lemonade tasted fine but June said it was too sour and yes, I think it would be too sour for 'normal people' ^+^
Very honestly, I don't think I'll go again sine the coffee there (I tried once before) was not too impressive and the food there was just so-s0. But if somehow I pass by the area and would like to sit down and have a chat with my friend, it may be another choice than Starbucks or Pacific Coffee.
This time is an exceptional case... haha~ Cafe Habitu the Table is very close to my place (and to the hospital as well) and it is very convenient for me to take a cab there. The food there is also fine for me and Burger.
We tried two different kinds of Egg Benedict. The first One is the 'common' tomato and the second one is the 'luxury' CAVIER!!!
But personally I think the Egg Benedict from the Pressroom is better :P
Others, frankly, so-s0 la~ but the pizza is good. Crispy enough yet the Salmon was a bit too salty to me :P
And the drinks... my lemonade tasted fine but June said it was too sour and yes, I think it would be too sour for 'normal people' ^+^
Very honestly, I don't think I'll go again sine the coffee there (I tried once before) was not too impressive and the food there was just so-s0. But if somehow I pass by the area and would like to sit down and have a chat with my friend, it may be another choice than Starbucks or Pacific Coffee.
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