Saturday, February 28, 2009


好像這是第一次給人在 BLOGGING TAG 了~ 以前的 CHAIN LETTER / EMAIL 我也很少 FORWARD (當然,如果你曾經收過,那就是我用心看過後很想讓你知道的資訊或心意),這一次,在 FACEBOOK 回應了,因為這本來就是很想寫,卻一直拖着的事情。

「Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 16 random things, facts, habits or goals about you. At the end choose 16 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, its because I want to know more about you.」


I'm writing this as I was tagged by my friend. Usually, I'll just ignore these tagging stuff but this one actually interests me so I'm gonna write something.

16 Random things re Candice's Encounter with Japan / J-Pop Culture

1. My first Japanese "lesson" was taught by my aunt at Primary 3 preparing for the visit to the 日本人學校 - I still remember the girl in my "group" is called 藤本, and we needed to sing 'It's a small World' together.

2. My first visit to Japan is in 1994 with my family and my uncle's family. I bought a J-Pop scorebook which is still on the music bookshelf in my mum's room and it has 森高千里(!!!)'s song. [森高千里 is the wife of 江口洋介]

3. My first J-Drama (VCD) experience is Love Generation.

4. My mum likes 山口百惠 and 三浦友和 very much but I have no memory of the two's most famous drama: 赤的疑惑 (which I was supposed to have watched with my mum)

5. I've never be interested in 木村拓哉 though my mum likes him very very much and I accompanied her to watch many dramas by him. Even my mum knows all SMAP members!

6. Besides SMAP, I could once recognise all the names and faces of TOKIO and V6 (which is still a mystery now :P) But I just found out last weekend when I was watching TV, which was showing a V6 music video - I can still recognise all the faces of v6 now!!! (That really surprised me as there was no Artist's name on the screen but I know IMMEDIATELY that was V6 when I saw 長野博!!!! NOTE!!! It is 長野博 not the so-called more famous Coming Century!!!)

7. For the "newer" Johnny's groups, I can only figure out 4 out of 5 in 嵐 (松本潤, 二宮和也 [these two my mum also knows], 櫻井翔 and 大野智) but I dun even know who the fifth one is :P

8. To my surprise, my mum recognises 龜梨和也 and 生田斗真!!!! But I never correctly group ppl in KAT-TUN and NEWS.

9. 山下智久 in 池袋西口公園 is very impressive and is 震撼至今. And my mum said he was like 內田有紀. (it is "was" 'coz not now)

10. My all time favourite is 柏原崇 since 將太的壽司. (in HK, 將太的壽司 should be "earlier" than 情書), while I also like 妻夫木聰 since Water Boys!!!!

11. My J-drama experience is crazy as commented by many of my friends; I have tried douban and it seems that I have watch 200+ dramas since 1990. I have once written a blog entry on the dramas I've been watching within the month and it's like a list of 20!!!! Please ask me for details if you're interested in recommendations! ;)

12. Before any P2P application, I watched the VCD of J-drama with my brother and usu. at night while my parents were sleeping. We used to watch the whole drama at one time e.g. 2100 to 0700 morning or in day time while my dad's out for work e.g. 0900 to 2000 - no pause in the middle!!! My mum will bring us food. The VCD/DVD player must be broken by us :P

13. Before youtube, I watched the "current J-drama" through people in Japan =P

14. Currently, I'm watching the current episode in youtube, youku, tudou or veoh and etc. - I sometimes watch w/o subtitle version.

15. I used to be a visual rock fan - X Japan is all time favourite and also Glay and Luna Sea (I sticked their poster up at hall when in Uni.). I like listening to L'Arc~en~ciel, Kinki Kids and Da Dump though.

16. I like 鈴木保奈美 so I watched 新聞女郎 and then found 瀧澤秀明 not bad :p

Bonus 17. I am now watching: (Also see 我的日劇時間表)

Monday: Voice
Tuesday: メイちゃんの執事, 神之雫, Triangle
Wednesday: キイラ奇異搜查事件簿
Thursday: ありふれた奇跡
Friday: Love Shuffle, 歌のおにいさん (I only watched the non-sub version)
Saturday: 赤い線, Rescue, 銭ゲバ
Sunday: 天地人, 本日も晴れ。異状なし (being suspended by myself :P)

Bonus 18: 中島美嘉 and GReeeeN are now on my iPod.

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