Monday, July 25, 2011


托 GOOGLE+ 的福,我回歸 BLOGGER 啦!!!!

之前因為 WINDOWS 同 WORDPRESS 合作,我把 BLOGGER 同 WINDOWS SPACE 既所有 BLOG POSTS 都整合左係 WORDPRESS 度,但因為無 SOCIAL NETWORK WEBSITE 既支持,根本無人黎咁制 >.< 連看開我 BLOG 既朋友都唔知我有新 BLOG @@ 呢個係我既錯,因為我居然唔記得登「搬家啟示」 :P

Anyway, I'm back!!! ^______^

Thursday, June 16, 2011

小人兒記事 – 20110613

Burger is coming!!!!!!

After the consultation with Doctor on Wednesday, it was originally confirmed to have my c-section on 18th the Saturday. Doctor said, if she wants to come earlier, we'll see the situation. All I have to do was stay relax and wait.

Yet, my little Burger is too curious about this World! My water broke at 2 AM 13 June!!!  As predicted, just very mild contractions and the doctor advised not to have induced labour since the probability of success would be really minimal :P

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

小人兒記事 – 20110531

Burger is playing hide and seek with the Midwife :P

The midwife was checking Burger's head and thus was pushing quite hard and squeezing my belly as well as Burger head in fact!!!! Then Burger kept moving from right to left and left to right! :P

When the midwife put the "ultrasound scope" thing onto my belly and tried to hear Burger's heartbeat, we could only hear the background noise!!! And the midwife kind of scold at Burger, "Little B, you play hide and seek with me? You're quite naughty!" Then she started to pat and push my belly from side to side (in fact she should be patting Burger) and once Burger showed her leg (probably) on my left side, the midwife pushed on Burger's leg and put that scope thing on the right TIGHTLY! I could feel that little Burger was forced NOT to move and this time we could hear the heartbeat very clearly ^^

And... haha~ the midwife said Burger's heartbeat is very strong as a girl! And thus she guessed that Burger was a boy :P

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

小人兒記事 – 20110530


雖則 FAMILY 無早產 HISTORY,但之前試過無故頻繁宮縮同肚痛,加上無論私家定政府既醫生同助產士都話人人都有機早產,心理上係有 D 負擔,終於今日足月啦,安落晒!^^

不枉我日日同小 BURGER 談心 ^____^

Thursday, May 19, 2011

小人兒記事 – 20110518

今日羅左入院紙啦!! YEAH!!!!

Burger 有 2495G 啦~ 今日醫生比我看條 GROWTH CURVE,話 BURGER 好乖,唔肥,但夠重,岩岩係 50% TILE~

今日仲影到小 BURGER 咬手指 :P 佢個樣好開心~ 好寫意! ^^

Sunday, May 15, 2011

小人兒記事 – 20110514

Was Burger doing Yoga?

Tonight after dinner, Burger danced happily and once Daddy came home, she was a bit over-excited! :P Every thing went on very smoothly...

Then, Mama smelt some Chinese External Medicine and suddenly remembered that Mama shouldn't smell such things as the medicines used are not good for baby in womb. Daddy and Mama went straight home but Burger didn't move at all since then!!!!!

Mama was sooooooo worried (Ok; Mama admits that I've been too sensitive on this) and asked Daddy to chat with Burger. With a long conversation and kisses, Burger still had no reaction!

Daddy suddenly claimed that Burger was doing Yoga... she was performing the 'Big Rest'  (well.. I don't like the original term for this pose, so does my Master, so we change to this). Then Daddy woke her up by using the Yoga method!!!!!

Daddy said to Burger, "Om... Om... Om... Had a good rest and restored our Power. Now slowly and slightly move your arms and legs and toes and fingers. You had a good rest and now slowly get back into your original pose."

Surprisingly!!!!!! Burger DID move her pat pat a bit, though very slightly :P [and though.... Daddy didn't mention pat pat at all... hahaha]

Saturday, May 14, 2011

小人兒記事 – 20110513

或許小 BURGER 真的是一頭食肉獸,昨天的花生 BUN 她不喜歡,今天 GROVE  的煙三文魚三文治卻深得她的歡心喔!

很開心的跳! :)

Friday, May 13, 2011

小人兒記事 – 20110512

眼見踏入 34 週幾,之前飲過幾次媽媽奶粉試用裝都沒有不良反應,今早便開封早前惠氏送來的媽媽奶粉,沖一杯當早餐配上花生 BUN。


但花生 BUN 吃完後,胃還是不舒服,最終忍不住吐了 :( 還不知道是 BURGER 不喜歡花生 BUN 還是媽媽奶呢? 要是 BURGER 不喜歡奶,難道真的外甥多似舅,要喝豆奶嗎??

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Afternoon Tea @Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong

上星期 Kaman 來電誠邀 Afternoon Tea,剛好在健康院等候看醫生中,回答要是醫生「批准」,我沒所謂。

看醫生的時候也特地問了一下:「之前醫生說要多休息,我整個星期都 WORK AT HOME;剛剛姑娘說要多走路,那我可以多逛街了吧?」醫生說,多走路可幫助生產,但也要小心不要過勞,她提意慢慢散步,走路要是太累,肚子有點不舒服,都要坐下,盡可能躺下。也提醒在家工作也要小心不要過勞,精神操勞也會影響小 BABY 的發展。

所以我的理解是... 可以去 Afternoon Tea!!! 不過我要「要求」港島區,因為我應該也是 Take A Cab,而且我要坐得比較舒服的地方 ^^

Kaman 的心水是 Grand Hyatt,但原來有時間限制,一小時四十五分 ONLY;兜兜轉轉才決定去 Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong。

我怕喝茶咖啡因太多,所以選了 HOT CHOCOLATE,很滑很香。Kaman 的 Earl Grey 也很香,但不知茶滑不滑。Pinky 的 Ceylon 顏色很好,加奶後的顏色看上去也很滑。Wing 的花茶,就花茶樣,我對花茶完全沒概念 :P

咸點的 SANDWICH,我只吃了 SALMON CHEESE WHEAT BREAD,好好吃!Burger 對 Salmon / Cheese 很有興趣!


SCONE 更好!我喜歡這一種 SCONE,BUTTER CREAM 很特別,香濃也滑但不油,STRAWBERRY JAM 應該是 FRESHLY MADE 的,但我不太喜歡,雖然 Kaman 說好好吃! ^^

甜點反而... 就 so-so :P 好吃但沒有很好吃的感覺~ 或許,Burger 真的像爸爸,除了 CREAM,爸爸對甜點的興趣沒有很大 :P

最大收獲是... 看到一個約三到五個月的 BABY 跟媽媽還有 AUNTIE UNCLE 來,那 AUNTIE 說,她 made reservation 時特別 request sofa seats and mentioned that they will have a baby and a babycar! The seats are really nice and the baby can just sleep on the sofa!!!! So when Burger was born, we can still have Tea with Burger ^^

Sunday, May 08, 2011

小人兒記事 – 20110507

哈哈~ 看來 BURGER 真的像爸爸,是一頭「食肉獸」 :P

今天 BURGER 要跟爺爺麻麻姨婆姑姑及未來姑丈慶祝母親節,但... 麻麻選了吃素!@@

本來晚飯時間已經很早,6 點正,但爸爸還是選擇四點鐘的時候先「打底」,到了味千吃拉麵,卻吃到了很難吃的拉麵!原來不單單是信德味千難吃,是全部的味千都變得難吃 ><

BURGER 應該沒甚麼心情吧,也沒有跳舞!本來我一吃東西,她就會跳一下舞再睡覺的;到了吃晚餐的時候,BURGER 居然是完全沒有動!!!明顯是一點都不喜歡 :P

反而吃糖水的時候,BURGER 對芝麻糊喳咋很有興趣喔!哈哈~

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

小人兒記事 – 20110503

上一回領教了健康院姑娘們對「體重減輕」的嚴陣以待,這一回檢查前特地吃了一份很豐盛的早餐,誰知... 真的太豐富了!這一回體重增加太多 :P

幸好姑娘說 OVERALL 的體重增加還是太少 (其實從醫院第一次記錄到現再已經重差不多 20 LBS,但她說不是用那個基數@@),她把這一次的增重過多看成「追回落後的磅數」,還要我這 7 個禮拜重 7 LBS!

在等待見醫生時,BURGER 又跳舞了!這一次好可愛!真的從右扭到左,又從左扭回右! ^^ 看了三次之多,我準備用 IHPONE 拍下給 KAKIN 看,鏡頭一對準,BURGER 卻一動也不動,應該是害羞吧!把 IHPONE 挪開,她又開心地跳舞!剛好 KAKIN 打電話來,DADDY 跟她說,沒關係,回家再跳給爸爸看!

助產士跟醫生都說 BURGER 的頭應該在下面了~  醫生說上一回的化驗報告,顯示出有「蛋白質」但種不到菌,所以下一次要回東區醫院再作一次檢查以策安全。是蛋白質嗎?? 怎麼我覺得很奇怪?? 那究竟政府會幫我們驗乙型鏈球菌嗎? 見了醫生,還是甚麼都不知道 @@

Monday, May 02, 2011

Ladies' Talk and Dinner @Cafe Habitu the Table

      Long time haven't hang out with friends since my Doctor didn't allow me to do so and for the health of Burger, I'm more than willing to stay at home ^^

This time is an exceptional case... haha~ Cafe Habitu the Table is very close to my place (and to the hospital as well) and it is very convenient for me to take a cab there. The food there is also fine for me and Burger.

We tried two different kinds of Egg Benedict. The first One is the 'common' tomato and the second one is the 'luxury' CAVIER!!!


But personally I think the Egg Benedict from the Pressroom is better :P

Others, frankly, so-s0 la~ but the pizza is good. Crispy enough yet the Salmon was a bit too salty to me :P

And the drinks... my lemonade tasted fine but June said it was too sour and yes, I think it  would be too sour for 'normal people' ^+^

Very honestly, I don't think I'll go again sine the coffee there (I tried once before) was not too impressive and the food there was just so-s0. But if somehow I pass by the area and would like to sit down and have a chat with my friend, it may be another choice than Starbucks or Pacific Coffee.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

小人兒記事 – 20110429

Burger  跳舞呀!

醫生今天要接生,時間改了又改,最後改到 3:15PM. 上午跟媽咪飲茶後就沒有吃飯,想看完醫生再吃,誰知 Burger 在醫務所裡跳舞!連旁人都看到我的肚皮在跳舞!!

因為醫生還沒回來,護士「勸」我先去吃東西,她一定不忍心小 BABY 捱餓 :) 果真,吃了餃子跟烏冬後,Burger 就安睡了 ^^ 哈哈~

但... 我的體重還是輕了 @@ 護士說不打緊,小 BABY 就像寄生蟲,會先把營養吸引,所以如果小 BABY 生長正常就不用太擔心,當然,繼續沒有增重也是問題啦~


跟醫生說了之前的「假陣痛」跟健康院的跟進,醫生說,有事一定要入院,根據 Burger 現在的體重,醫生說進度良好,還說要是真的早產,34 週就很穩了!不用太擔心小 BABY 的肺功能 @@

這一次,Burger 有 1.967 KG 了!但除了一直超前的"ARM LENGTH", 其他的 MEASUREMENT 都是 31 WK  多至 32 WK,不過醫生說不打緊。Burger 的臉跟上次差不多,只是這一次有看到眼睛,醫生說她「眼仔碌碌」,可一說完,她就閉起雙眼囉 :P

也看到她的腳,她的腳就在我的右腰側,真的很側 :P 可是腳型很可愛,醫生說有 7 CM!!!! 還說「腳挺大」... UMUM.... 腳大是否像爸爸,會長高喔!好好!

[1.967KG 剛好在 50 PERCENTILE 的 CURVE 上;按這個進度,40 週出生就會像媽媽一樣 3KG 多一點喔! ^^ 媽媽心中最理想的體重就是 7LB 啦~ Good Gal!!! ^^]

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

小人兒記事 – 20110425 (Part two)

My aunt (My dad's sis-in-law) suddenly called us and told us she had picked a Baby Cot and a Baby Car for us and asked if we had prepared or not.

So... we don't need to buy the Baby Car!!!! =) Yeah!

And the Baby Registers... our Univ. friends asked again today but frankly we bought most things for Burger :P So maybe they would buy some "1 year old" clothes or other toys or books? Um... if Flora is going to choose the books / toys, that would be great! She is now studying Young Child Education and is teaching playgroup! So she must be a Pro in baby education ^^

Monday, April 25, 2011

小人兒記事 – 20110425



Kakin 說要去急症,因為醫生說再有類似情況要看醫生,但我這一次特別留意肚子有沒有硬,沒有,應該不用看醫生。


誰知臨天光的時候又來!一共三次,只是每一次的程度都有減少,而且肚子也沒有硬,可以確定不是早產陣痛 :P

但為什麼會這樣呢?是太操勞了嗎?可是我已經盡量 HOME OFFICE 了,而且現在是 EASTER HOLIDAYS 喔!

經過幾次驚魂,Kakin 對 Burger 說,要乖乖,我們約好,等過了爸爸生日,Burger 足月了,我們約定六月中見面抱抱!^^

Sunday, April 24, 2011

小人兒記事 – 20110424

Wow!!!! 今天早上起床時發覺 Kakin 的睡姿跟 USG 照到的 Burger 是一樣的!!!

兩者都是一手伸到頭上去,另一手放在下巴上!當初醫生照到 Burger 如此姿勢後也問她:「你在做甚麼?托腮呀?另一隻手卻在搞頭髮」


Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter Holiday starts!!!!!!

Easter Holiday starts!!!!!!

Steve was going to Golf early afternoon today and thus we were having early morning tea in Causeway Bay. After that, went shopping with Mum and confirmed a list of "Gifts" to Burger! ^^

1. Bath Tub - a plain and normal tub without any fancy design; big enough though :P
2. Bath Net - we are newbies in taking care of newborns and thus the Bath Net is a must; the sponge type seems no good
3. Bed Rest - we found the two kinds of bed rest, one with a wedge for Cot use and another one (bed rest only) for bigger babies; we should be buying the wedge one
4. Baby Carrycot / Car - no ideas yet; but thinking about the McLaren since our previous targets (Chicco and Quinny) are too big and not too user-friendly

It's really nice to have early morning tea! After shopping, it was only normal lunch/tea time; not yet 2pm. Hahaha~ Mum's shoulder was not yet recovered and felt painful again so she went home first.

Kakin joined me afterwards and we went for a late lunch. Great!!!!! 魚一丁 has lunch set even on public holidays! BUT... the portion of the Sashimi Rice Set became smaller AGAIN! We tried three times for lunch and each time got a smaller portion than the previous one @@

We were about to go home but I suddenly think of the yawn I'm "craving" for :P I'd like to get more baby yawns for Burger at a lower price :P the cashmere I'm now using is REALLY expensive! (A mum bought HK$3600 yawns  for knitting a jacket for her 10-year-old gal... see how expensive those cashmere yawns are?)

We finally went to 巴黎毛冷 - the place I always went to when I was still at school doing needleworks! Full of... elderlies... heehee~ the shopkeeper is an old man, though he is still offering knitting class. The salesmen were also old men :P except the one at cashier!!! hahaha!! And the customers... most of them are grannies @@

BUT!!! It doesn't matter! The yawns sold there are all good balance of quality and price! The baby yawn I bought is only HK$42 for 50g! And it is sooooo soft and not allergic at all (my hands are goddamn "good" testers for allergy; my hands will get red and itchy IMMEDIATELY if the fabric is not clean or it is allergic to me)!

And silly me... I bought 2 Japanese crochet books (latest in trend; only published in March 2011) and tried to take up this challenge with the newly bought yawns.  But I forgot that I've never touched crochet before and I'm going to learn from the books ONLY @@ Hope I'll be succesful!! ^^

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

小人兒記事 – 20110419



護士要我見醫生,說輕了已經要見醫生確保 BB 生長正常,星期日的假陣痛驚魂也要醫生確定沒有異樣。

醫生說現在一切正常,但還是提醒我,萬一又發生類似狀況便要第一時間入院。因為之前護士說肚子硬是正常的,要 REHEARSAL 的時間,那我問醫生是否肚子硬 + 痛就要入院,答案是肯定的。如只有一樣發生,那可以再觀察一下,不過如有見紅狀況便要去醫院了!她還說,所有婦女都會有早產的機會,所以要安全至上。

至於 BURGER,不知為什麼,這個醫生檢查的時候不斷的「打她」,用手狠狠的把我的肚子從左推到右!又從右上推向左下!最後更「打」我的肚皮,心跳機卻停在同一位置上,由雜音變成心跳。之前的醫生都是輕輕推一下肚皮,再調心跳機的位置;這個醫生卻左推右推來「遷就」心跳機位置,很奇怪。還是她想看看 BURGER 的活動能力?因為經此一役,BURGER 整天都很活躍,跳跳踢踢的,好像生怕醫生又要她「動起來」一樣!很可愛 ^^



Monday, April 18, 2011

小人兒記事 – 20110418

假陣痛驚魂!!!! 究竟這是否假陣痛???






這算是有規律的陣痛嗎?應該不算吧,今天才 31 週喔!

可是!!!半夜上廁所時發現分泌比之前深色,上課時說「見紅」不一定是紅色,也有可能是咖啡色的,那我應該去醫院嗎?猶豫不決之際發現肚子已經沒有硬硬的,也沒有再痛了,而且 19 號要產檢了,沒事還是算了吧!



本來今天有媽媽聚會的說‧‧‧我都不能去了 >_<

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

小人兒記事 – 20110411

很大件事!尋晚又嘔啦~ 嘔到七彩,個肚又痛,個胃「那」到癲左!BURGER 又係無乜郁,決定去看產科醫生!

係診所到個胃痛到癲,「那」到傻左!姑娘話只可食白粥!話聽日可以食用水 BOIL 既米粉同通粉,不過一滴油都唔可以落!

醫生仲勁,醫生話水都唔飲得,要飲粥水 :O


不過 BURGER 就有郁,醫生話 MOVEMENT 同心跳都正常,暫時應該只係腸胃炎影響我,無影響到 BURGER,咁都安心 D~

點解我成日病? 其實我已經好小心食野同帶口罩,但都病,好彩全部都唔影響 BURGER JER~

Monday, April 11, 2011

小人兒記事 – 20110410

腸胃炎好像還沒好,胃還是會抽著的痛 ><

昨天回奶奶家吃飯,晚飯過後到香港仔逛了一圈,又有收獲!終於買了一件棉背心給 BURGER! ^_^ 也買了一張黃色小鴨的「抱被」,像一個用冷氣被做成的睡袋,夏天開冷氣應該可以用到,冬天會很好用 (除非 BURGER 像她小表姐一樣胖胖的就另當別論了 :P)

清明假期在家清理包包時發覺沒有 DIAPER BAG,本來準備當做 DIAPER BAG 的 TOTE BAG,實際研究過後不太實用,要重新選購。
(其實不用重新選,那天我走過 MARC BY MARC JACOBS 已經看到了獵物,只想跟媽咪 AND KAKIN 確認一下本來的 TOTE BAG 不實用 :P)

讓 KAKIN 一起去看是因為他也需要拿 DIAPER BAG 嘛,要選一個他喜歡的 PATTERN! ^^ 結果買了這個:

還有換片墊!SO GOOD!


Saturday, April 09, 2011

小人兒記事 – 20110408

Today is my date with Burger! :)

She has grown some flesh on her face!!!!! I can visually see her cheeks with flesh!!! ^_^ So lovely cheeks!  This time she doesn't move a lot but she puts her hands cover her chin! :P What a lady! :)

Her arms are still very long (as long as a normal 31 wk baby!) and her head and legs are around the mid-29 weeks average. Yet her belly is still smaller. But the "estimated due date" by her overall size is exactly the same as my EDD!!! Good! She's now 1460g; i.e.  3.2 lbs already! ^^

[I checked the chart again; this time, Burger is on the 75 percentile curve!! Wow! Good job baby... but don't be too fat :P you're a gal]

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

小人兒記事 – 20110404

蔡醫生話成份藥食一次,跟住無乜大事就唔好再食~ 成個週末都過得 OK,點知尋晚又唔舒服,食左「止肚痛」藥都唔得。

今朝起身,覺得 BURGER 好似 MOVEMENTS 少左添,唔知係唔係我痾得太勁 FEEL 唔到 BURGER 既 MOVEMENT? 有 D 擔心,打電話去問蔡醫生可唔可以食止痾藥同羅病假紙,點知蔡醫生話要再聽下個肚~

落到去,唔晒等好耐,蔡醫生一放個聽筒係個肚到,BURGER 就郁到突起 :P 安心晒 :P 蔡醫生話止痾藥或多或少都會影響子宮收縮,所以呢個週數 (29 WEEKS) 已經唔可以亂用啦~ 好在問一問 JER~

Sunday, April 03, 2011

小人兒記事 – 20110402

頂唔順,星期六都去看醫生!醫生話要食清淡 D,希望快 D 痾清 D 菌。

看完醫生,本來想去買冷,我織比 BURGER 件背心,織織下唔夠冷,停左兩個幾月 :P 點知老闆娘未開門 ><

行行下等媽咪同 KAKIN YOGA 放學,行左去一間日韓時裝店,以前賣日本大人野多,原來宜家有好多小朋友野,BB 野都有,但唔多~ 我買左三對 SOCKS!!!! 好 CUTE!!!!! 不過媽咪同 KAKIN 見到話「好細,BB 唔好係大腳八,OTHERWISE 著唔到」@@ 係咩? 寫住 0 - 6 MONTHS,我估 OK 添~

Saturday, April 02, 2011

小人兒記事 – 20110401

八點半要到醫院,對我來說已是十大酷刑 ><

很難得的一天,跟 KAKIN 一起下樓,卻苦無 TAXI;唯有去坐小巴。坐上小巴只是八點十分,卻一直等到十七分才開車!我的天!我一定遲到了!

八點四十分到醫院,應該不算太糟吧 :P 程序先是抽血、五至十分鐘內喝完 350 CC 糖水、等兩個小時、再抽血。網絡上流傳這兩個小時將會過得很慢,沒人陪的,最好帶備解悶工具。雖然 IPHONE 很方便,但萬一 FB 媽媽 GROUP 很安靜,那有 IPHONE 還是會很難過,所以我帶了 KINDLE 還 DOWNLOAD 了一本育兒書的試讀本。但原來我們醫院有安排 VIDEO 給我們看喔!VIDEO 的內容正是這間醫院產前講座的內容,包括分娩程序、產後護理,還有 BB 護理!

聞說糖水很難喝,要一點一點的喝,醫院的助理也叮囑我們拿透明膠袋以備萬一。第一口,我是想說,很好喝喔!根本就是溫的蜜糖水嘛!一口氣喝了大半杯吧,就感覺到有一點「太甜」,最後的 100 CC 也費了一點勁才把它吞進去 :P




測試後去了太古城吃飯再回家工作,忍不住到 UNIQLO 逛一圈,買了一件超可愛的 BODYSUIT 給 BURGER,是粉紅波點,WOW,SO TRENDY!!!!

下午在家工作,播 CLASSICAL MUSIC 給 BURGER 聽,再試一下 1812,找來了一個 7 分鐘的「後半部」,BURGER 當真會跟着節奏踢喔!很神奇!VIVALDI 的四季也有一些「好反應」,大概 BURGER 跟我一樣,不喜歡 BAROQUE 跟 MOZART,哈哈哈!


下午在家,有點餓,下午茶,嘗試了一口牛奶,沒有反胃,再多一口,也 OK,就慢慢把它喝完。喝完沒問題,沒有反胃也沒有吐,還以為終於完全過了孕吐期 (對!我的孕吐一直到現在間中還是有的!),誰知,晚上來大瀉!!!


Friday, April 01, 2011

小人兒記事 – 20110331

尋日買左好多靚靚 BODYSUITS 比 BURGER,但 BURGER 婆婆話唔夠方便,最好買多 D 「長袍」~ 咩係長袍呢? 上網 D 「搜購指南」都無既 @@ 咩唔係TWO WAY BODYSUIT 就 OK 嗎?

於是今日再趁 LUNCH TIME 戰永安,重點選購長袍!!!! 行左兩圈,無既? @@ 一件都無掛出黎~ 再「勦」下褶好平放個 D 先~ 好不容易才找到兩件!!!!!! 即入!

再行遠少少,喔~ 原來大特賣既「車仔」上都有,但好少款同收得好埋 :P 最後買左兩件 NEWBORN 同一件大少少既SIZE~ 返到屋企,BURGER 婆婆話「就係呢 D 啦~ 但點解咁大件既?成歲著都得囉!」@@ 唔知呀~ 可能宜家 D 人唔鐘意用掛~ :P

不過講真,D 質地真係好舒服 :P 但如果我係 BURGER,我未必會鐘意,好似着睡裙咁,我都會著褲係入面,訓覺感覺良好 D 哈哈~ XD

但如果似 DADDY,BURGER 應該唔抗拒 :P 唔知 BURGER 到時鐘唔鐘意呢?


BURGER 小表姐出世啦~

JACQUI 今朝 11 點幾開刀生左個 BB 女啦~ 呢個 B 女好肥 :P 30 WEEKS 未夠醫生已經同 JACQUI 講好大機會要開刀,OR 早 D 去催生~ 因為... 個頭太大!!!! 到 37 WEEKS 幾佢都無去催生,B 女已經 7 LB 啦!嘩嘩嘩!最新消息係 38 WEEKS 又重多幾 OZ 有 7 LB 7!塊面 D 肉多到... 好想咬一啖 :P


小 B 女出世係...... 燈燈燈瞪...... 8 LB 3 呀!

唔知 BURGER 會幾重呢?

Thursday, March 31, 2011

小人兒記事 – 20110330

Kakin took a day off today but he was only free in the afternoon. So I continued my works at home.

We went out for shopping in the late afternoon near early evening. We went to shop for Burger's outfit! ^^

When looking around the shop and picking up several clothes to "examine", Burger suddenly kicked so hard when Kakin was asking me if that one is good or not!!!! Oh my Burger! Did you hear us? You showed your preference? Hahaha~

So... obviously, we bought that lovely bodysuit =P

We saw a lovely flowery pattern (pink flowers on yellow background) bodysuit at Hallmark. It is so Summer!!!! But finally Kakin chose the Organic cotton version with more subtle colours - brown flowers on "natural" organic cotton colour. Kakin said that bodysuit must be worn during Burger's first birthday banquet no matter it is full-month or 100-days!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

小人兒記事 – 20110329

趁LUNCH TIME 再戰永安,本只打算多買幾件內衣 (和尚袍),誰知永安 BABY FAIR 還沒結束,找到了兩件很可愛的 BODYSUIT~ 心心 PATTERN :) 雖然 MADE IN CHINA 但外銷日本,原價 199,現只需 79!!!!!! Wahahaha XD

回家坐上了一部播 CLASSICAL MUSIC 的 TAXI,BURGER 對 1812 很有興趣!!一直跟着 TIMPANI 的節奏在踢!!!!!

Friday, March 25, 2011

小人兒記事 – 20110324


因為被列為「新證」,檢查之前要看一套 VIDEO,內容同係醫院看的差不多,但 DETAILS 多 D,e.g. 有好詳細自備尿液樣本既介紹。<-- 呢個自備尿液樣本令我苦惱左好耐,究竟去邊到買呢 D 樽呢?以前驗親尿都有醫生 OR 醫院準備既膠樽,個日去到醫院登記,ONLY 話每次覆診都要自備尿液樣本,咁用咩裝呢? 我第一次去醫院檢查係「扮無得去廁所」而羅驗尿試紙的,之後先發現大家用形形式式既膠樽裝 :P 我仲疑惑緊點解 D 人會用呢 D 樽,衛生嗎?原來健康院係有教的!


姑娘話我之前輕左太多,如以第一次記錄,當然重得 OK,但以懷孕前既體重計就重得少,佢話如果一陣醫生無話 BB SIZE 過大,可以食番多 D 野 @@ 下?係咁架咩?我重左好多架啦~

我問姑娘點解個肚有時會硬晒,佢話個子宮要練習收縮,不過通常都未係咁早既週數,叫我一間問下醫生~ @@

入到醫生房,完全唔需要坐低就吩咐你訓上張床到比醫生度 BB SIZE~ 醫生問 BB 有無郁,我回答: 最近好似少左,只係係個肚度微震,之前有 FEEL 到有腳踢咁,有時會突起左~ 醫生既回答好攪笑: BB 呢個週數係微震架~ 大 D 先會踢到突左出黎~ @@ 我心想: 明明之前有突過出黎架喎~

醫生按肚真係好痛 >< 按到下面的位置更痛 >< 唔知醫生係度搵咩呢? ANYWAY~ 搵完一輪,度左一下,佢話 BB SIZE 正常,跟住就聽心跳。就係佢放個 RECEIVER 係我個肚既時候,BURGER 好大力咁踢左一下,推高左個 RECEIVER,醫生話,那~ BB 有郁啦~ 真係幾大動作,好有力喎~

哈哈~ BURGER 可能聽到醫生話"BB 呢個週數係微震架~ 大 D 先會踢到突左出黎~" 所以「表演」一下比醫生看 XDDD 真好!個醫生之前好似覺得我講大話咁~

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

小人兒記事 – 20110321

Mama misses Burger a lot and finally I can see Burger again ^^ This time Burger is facing up!!!!!!! Must be the good works from Maternity Yoga!!! Wahahaha XDDDD

She's soooooo lovely! She wiped her nose with her hand!!!! Even the doctor said she got many hand movements :P
This time, Burger is 27 weeks and finally we can estimate the weight of Burger and we need to keep track of the different measurements.

Burger's forearms are far longer than the 27 weeks average but her head and legs are around the normal size. Yet her belly is one week smaller >< Doctor asked me to take more number of meals and to eat more if possible. She said my weight is under control and can eat a bit more to facilitate Burger's growth and development.

Overall, doctor commented Burger as having a 'good size' and she is now 1059g! ^_^

(*** I checked a baby weight chart; Burger is exactly on the 50-percentile curve, so probably that's why the doctor said she's having a good size ^^)

Saturday, March 19, 2011

小人兒記事 – 20110318

今日係TEAM GATHERING;原本計畫 CYCLING + BBQ,我只去 BBQ SECTION,但上個禮拜感冒未好,決定 EXCUSE 一次,反正之前都係WORK AT HOME,如果身體唔係真係好好 CONDITION,我都唔想「去玩」。^^

點知天有不測之風雲,天文台話天陰有雨,老細們決定「放棄」有益身心既 OUTING,改為我 TEAM 最鐘意而英國紳士 BIG BOSS 最唔鐘意既唱 K + BOWLING + 食飯。:P

OFF TOPIC: 相信此一變動會令我地 TEAM 既「社會服務PLAN」 加速上馬。我無返 OFFICE 既一段時間,話說我 TEAM 成員 (多為熱心公益既基督徒) 向 BIG BOSS 獻計,推行探訪獨居老人、兒童院、低收入家庭等活動,BIG BOSS 唔想 ONE OFF,但又怕唔夠 $$ SPONSOR (當公司越來越多典型香港人,越來越少英國紳士,用公司 PROFIT 去做呢 D 公益事務都唔係咁容易),所以計劃正龜速進行中。

因怕 K 場空氣混濁,我本打算只食 LUNCH,然後返公司等 BOWLING 時間,晚飯就 PASS 了。點知阿姐好好咁選左 RED MR,話貪個度「空氣好」,叫我一齊去 (其實係阿姐好鐘意唱 K,由舊公司跟到過黎佢都無變過,一唱 K,分分鐘就會唔去 BOWLING 了 :P),既然如此,咁就去啦~

可能 RED MR 係新開,真係一 D 煙味都無,仲要無刺鼻既空氣清新洗劑,唔錯!

BURGER 當然未去過唱 K 啦,亦好少聽 POP MUSIC,除左 DADDY 會係 MOOV 度播既 EASON 或者舊歌。初初我都驚 BURGER 唔鐘意,但 OK 喎,MAMA 唱歌個陣,BURGER 會踢得好開心,又會跟住節奏踢,好得意!

唱 K 既最後當然既爆 ROCK 歌,我好驚嚇親 BURGER,亦深知 > 90 db 唔好比 Burger 聽咁多,但又唔好意思走,所以羅左件大褸 COVER 住個肚,ZIP 隻袖落張凳到坐住 (怕VIBRATION 太大),再羅個袋 COVER 住個肚,Burger 無奇怪動靜,我想我應該是成功了 :P

唱完 K,本來仲想去荷花看一下,點知 KAKIN 好早出到黎,就先去 SOGO 買奶樽,本來 BURGER 六月出世,五月前買好晒就 OK,但日本 311 大地震再加上核電危機,唯有早D去"入貨",我地唔係想"同人搶",只怕到時無得入口!!!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

小人兒記事 – 20110309

Today is the second and also the last Prenatal Class.

We have physiotherapists showing us the 'correct' breathing method during delivery and guiding us through the breathing exercises. Some prenatal exercises for exercising the precise muscle that would help delivery was also taught. They are quite simple when compared to the Maternity Yoga ^^ But I discovered that the muscle exercise will involve contraction of muscle near the uterus and don't know if it will hurt or lead to preterm uterus contraction... I must pay more attention to it when doing such exercises.

One big 'news' from the class: - I can do Cat Pose and Bridge Pose during my Yoga lesson; just I need to adjust the height and strength I'm doing it. The Cat Pose helps relieving back pain during Maternity and the Bridge Pose helps strengthening the muscle (increase the elasticity and flexibility of the muscle) which is VERY VERY IMPORTANT to delivery! =)

Other topics include the Post Delivery Care at Hospital and some tips for taking care of ourselves at home after delivery.

The Prenatal Classes did give us a clearer picture about Pregnancy and Delivery. I especially appreciate the Nutritionists' works :) since I know nothing about it before. For the exercises, it would be even better if we could try those poses out during class and let the Physiotherapists to check our poses.

A bit disappointing is that the Class doesn't include Newborn Care >< I don't mind giving a bit more $ but I would very much like to attend such as classes...

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

小人兒記事 – 20110307

懷有 BABY 以來已經第 N 次感冒了!最近的流感真的很厲害,一不小心就中招了!而且我發現,公司的中央冷氣系統真的是細菌傳播的好途徑!!!

公司對我很好,懷有 BABY 以來我幾乎都 WORK AT HOME,趁最近孕吐沒那麼厲害、BABY 狀況也比較穩定就回一下公司,誰知每一次回去後都會惹上感冒!!!

因為已經踏入 25 週,本想到婦產科醫生去檢查一下比較妥當,誰知 DR LAM 又放假了 >< 媽咪問:「為什麼你的醫生常常放假?要接生怎麼辦?」我想... 應該是這段時間剛好沒有人要生,她才會安心去放假吧!

那只好去看家庭醫生吧!媽媽好想 Burger 喔!不知是心理作用還是甚麼,Burger 今天好像很安靜呢!

Monday, March 07, 2011

小人兒記事 – 20110306

Mama got a flu again!!!! >< Probably 'coz I didn't wear a mask during the Concert on Friday.

Yet Burger is 'full of energy'!! She played happily with Daddy and kicked him so hard. When Daddy was whispering to Burger, he placed his ear onto Mama's tummy as well. Daddy planned to listen to Burger's "little" movement but she just gave him a hard kick! That made Daddy kind of 'shocked' :P

My little Burger, you're no longer little, you're growing bigger and bigger, healthier and healthier! ^_^ Can't wait to see you soon =) When's my next appointment with the Doctor?

Sunday, March 06, 2011

小人兒記事 – 20110305

Burger is having larger and stronger movements!!!!
We can visually see her movement from my tummy! Tonight she kicked so hard at Daddy's ear and Daddy said it should be the head instead of the feet. So... Burger is having a Header?

Saturday, March 05, 2011

小人兒記事 – 20110304

It is Kakin's idea to bring Burger to a classical music concert! We chose the Halle Orchestra.

Today, I attended a meeting the whole afternoon. It was a meeting conducted in mostly 'British' English. (Most participants are British with a few HKers) Burger has NEVER been in a WHOLLY-ENGLISH environment and surprisingly, she kicked and moved excitedly the whole afternoon!!!!!!

At first, I thought it was my illusion and paid no attention to it. Yet during the show, the conductor started the show by introducing the romantic piece (in very obvious British English). Burger kicked again and she stopped when the music started!!!!

I also found out that she was not so interested in the strings or woodwinds but is very interested in percussion!!!!! She followed the drums to kick in the SAME RYTHM!!! But guess most babies will do so since it got the most vibrations! :P

Thursday, March 03, 2011

小人兒記事 – 20110302

This is the first Prenatal Class!

We have Nutritionist offering nutritional advices during pregnancy, after delivery, during breastfeeding and for baby nutritions.

I need to have at least 3 portions of Carbohydrates in order to faciliate baby's growth. I also need to have 6 oz. of Protein, plenty of Iron and FAT (!!!!) to sustain baby's growth AND brain development besides the very famous DHA and AA!!!!

Guess how many glasses of milk I need to provide adequate calcium to my baby as well as to protect myself from Osteoporosis? Two is NOT enough!!!!! Up to 4 glasses a day is not exaggerated! But of 'coz, we should take skimmed milk! But NOT skimmed cheese or soy milk since skimmed cheese/soy milk is always associated with high sodium which will increase the chance of swelling.

Swelling can be prevented by a low sodium diet and also HIGH potassium can help! Enough calcium can also ease leg cramp! ^_^

Very useful information.

The second part of the class involves the procedures of delivery!!!! Umum... always sounds scary and this will never ease your concern on 'When should I go to hospital if no bleeding and water not yet broken? How painful or how frequent should I go?' Kakin said, Take It Easy and he believes it's instinct that I will know when Burger's coming! ^_^


And I received 4 cans of formulated milk powder and many other gifts after the class. I also filled in the application forms of those 'MaMa Club' by formulated milk manufacturers, which claimed to be the best way to secure milk powder supply. Scary and incredibly, the milk powder supply of certain brands are very scarce here in HK.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

小人兒記事 – 20110221

Today is a lucky day for me!!!! ^_^ I met soooooo many nice and helpful doctors!

Mum accompanied me to the hospital for the first time and she was sooooo shocked about the large number of mainland pregnant women there. (But frankly, that hospital is one of those with less mainlanders already!!!) Since she did not go into the clinic room with me, she discovered soooooo many "funny" things about those mainlanders.

This is my second time to have a structure scan @public hospital. It was so fast; no need to wait at all. The doctor performing the scan was very young and absolutely nice! She was supposed to check the heart only but she did examine all other organs as well. She paid so much patience to wait for Burger changing position.

At first, Burger was still in Child Pose!!!! Oh my baby, why do you love to stick to the plecenta so much? Instead of kicking me out of the examination room for another 15 minutes, the doctor said she could check out other things (which she was not supposed to do!!!) She examined the size of Burger. She checked the Brain and head size and also the belly size. Then she came back to examine the heart. She tried to tap Burger with the "scanner" and asked her to move in a very gentle voice. Miracally, Burger did change position!!!! Burger hasn't been like that before! The doctor could see quite clearly the heart and the blood movement this time. She said everything is alright. Then she offered to examine other organs as well. She said, 'This would probably be the last ultrasonic scan before your delivery, so let's have other organs checked as well though they are already confirmed all okay last time." Since the doctor was sooooo nice, I asked the doctor if she knows Burger's gender.

She then examined the area very carefully and said "no protruding thing"! (Haha~ same as what Dr Lam told me) She then continued to check the kidneys, stomach, etc. and I thought it was the end, she came to check the gender AGAIN!!!! After a while, she said "YES! SHE is very healthy". What a subtle way in telling me the good news! ^_^

Hello! My Baby Girl... You're named Trudy after your mom's (i.e. my) German name Getrude! ^_^ But I'll still call you Burger.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

小人兒記事 – 20110215



醫生還主動問我上星期在公立醫院的結構結果,告訴她心臟還是照得不清楚;聽後醫生說還是為 Burger 再檢查一下較好。

這一次也是直接 ZOOM IN 心臟位置,醫生說 Burger 這次的位置很好,blood flow from aorta 看得很清楚。那兩點白點還是明顯,但並沒有影響 valve movement,醫生判斷現在不用理會。

我好奇問那個是甚麼 valve,她答「二尖瓣」,我心想那究竟是 aorta valve 還是 mitral valve? 便問: 是連接 aorta 的那個 valve 嗎? 她說不是,是連接心室心房的 valve。我小聲說,那就是 mitral valve 囉。她沒有說不是。可是,我剛剛在看日劇,發現二尖瓣 = aorta valve!!!!!! 那究竟是那一個呢?

Monday, February 07, 2011

小人兒記事 – 20110207

今天是到公立醫院照結構的日子,很緊張,幸好 KAKIN 趕得及請假和我一起去。


第一次照的時候,醫生也有解說那裡是腦、那裡是胃、那裡是腎、不同的骨頭、大腿、小腿等。小人兒現在身長 (從頭頂到屁屁) 15 CM,腹圍也是 15 CM! ^_^

只是還是照不了心臟!醫生叫我出去逛幾個圈,看看小人兒會不會轉身。還有,原來公立醫院孕婦照超聲波也要 FULL BLADDER,醫生提醒我喝多點水。

喝了整整一瓶 500 ML BONAQUA,逛了好幾圈,回到超聲波室時,醫生直接放大心臟部分,看了頗長時間也沒作聲,我也看到 FOUR CHAMBERS 也看到那兩點白點,只是這一次,當醫生換一點點角度時,那白點當真不見了!醫生說心臟還是看得不太清楚,一個星期後要回來再看 =P

我還以為這樣就可以回家,誰知還要見另外一個醫生。醫生拿着報告說所有器官都是 NORMAL,可是 HEART 是 NOT WELL EXAMINED,所以要回來再照。

KAKIN 已急不及待的問醫生那個 VALVE 的問題,因為我看到醫生的電腦,知道她沒有看到「照片」就形容問:「我剛剛看 BB 心臟的時候有看到四個 CHAMBERS,可是其中一個 CHAMBER 有兩點明顯的白點‧‧‧」我還沒把問題問完,醫生就說那是 ORTIFACT,是REFLECTIONS 跟角度問題。

真的是 ORTIFACTS 嗎?等了一個多星期還是沒有結果。

Saturday, January 29, 2011

小人兒記事 – 20110128



第一次見醫生時,醫生說小人兒很好,SIZE 是"中等",各器官都正常。醫生也很仔細的說明給我們聽。可是,因為小人兒還是在做龜式,醫生說心臟看得不太清楚,吩咐我們先去吃個午飯,走走逛逛,看小人兒會不會轉個位置。


第二次見醫生時,醫生二話不說已用「第二台儀器」看小人兒的心臟,期間她一直沒有作聲,跟先前很不同,令我也有一點擔心,可我清楚看到小人兒心臟的四個心房心室還有「間隔」的 MUSCLE,只是在其中一個「室」有兩點白點。

良久,醫生始說話,告訴我們那兩點白點是比較強的 REFLECTIONS,擔心是某一部分長的比較厚。

回醫生房時,醫生更詳細的畫圖解說,說是拉着 left vetricle 的 valve 的東西有可能有點厚 (但她沒有說明是 AORTIC VALVE 還是 MITRAL VALVE),但這樣的 REFLECTIONS 也有可能是照的角度所造成。 

其餘部分,FOUR CHAMBERS 都正常,沒有心漏,PULMONARY ARTERY 的 BLOOD FLOW 正常。醫生說她隱約看到 BLOOD FLOW 成 "CROSS",是正常的表現,可是 BLOOD FLOW FROM LEFT VETRICLE OUT 被小人兒的背擋着,看得不太清楚,所以要再照。



好擔心的農曆新年,不過 KAKIN 說「醫生也說除了那兩白點,所有部分正常也隱約看到 BLOOD FLOW 正常,不是很好嗎?」


Monday, January 24, 2011

小人兒記事 – 20110123

今天是 PINKY 的大喜日子,因為小人兒的關係,KAKIN AND I 是座上客,勞煩 WINNIE、小菇、丹丹等一眾 YWGS 好友分擔我本要當的「姊妹」責任。

幾天前告知 PINKY 不能當姊妹的原委,她很高興,今天其他姊妹也知道了。


在紅棉道觀禮後,姊妹們要「跟大隊」到酒樓去,KAKIN AND I 把握少少時間到 COVA TEA BUFFET!(趁小人兒很乖,我不常吐的日子才去 :P)

BUFFET 不單單是甜點,還有很多鹹點,如:一口 BURGER!

自從小人兒在我肚子以來,我吐得很厲害,唯獨是 STEAK BURGER,我就不會吐,KAKIN 一直認為小人兒喜歡 BURGER!

看見 BUFFET TABLE 有一口 BURGER,我就「嘗試」一下,一口 BURGER 下肚,沒多久小人兒就踢了一下!!吃其他東西就沒有反應,再吃一口 BURGER,又踢了!很神奇喔!

不過 TEA BUFFET OFFER 的 ORANGE JUICE,雖只小小一杯,卻也讓我小吐了一下。

就是因為那麼神奇的 「BURGER 踢」,KAKIN 為小人兒改了一個乳名叫 BURGER!=P

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

小人兒記事 - 20110110

小人兒在做龜式!!!!! (正名: 嬰兒式 OR 胎兒式)

20110109 晚上一如既往的邊看電視,邊塗茶花籽油AND VITAMIN E OIL~ 誰知一不小心塗到肚臍附近,不知道是不是按到肚臍,整個肚子開始疼痛,像經痛一樣,而且肚子也變得有點硬硬的,嚇得我"WE-WA"大叫。

20110110早上發現肚子還是痛,而且有點啡色分泌,很心急的想見醫生。雖然當天醫生APPOINTMENT 已 FULL,幸好打電話到診所時,護士替我安排到一個時間。

醫生說小人兒很好,看到鼻骨,也看到眼睛的 LENS,心臟也看到四個"室",手腳也看到骨了!只是小人兒尚小,進一步的結構還要等幾個星期,醫生說可如期於一月底照結構。


有色分泌呢? 醫生說,凡有見紅者皆要小心,要多休息。但她不排除這是在公立醫院內診時,醫生不小心弄損的。
