Thursday, March 31, 2011

小人兒記事 – 20110330

Kakin took a day off today but he was only free in the afternoon. So I continued my works at home.

We went out for shopping in the late afternoon near early evening. We went to shop for Burger's outfit! ^^

When looking around the shop and picking up several clothes to "examine", Burger suddenly kicked so hard when Kakin was asking me if that one is good or not!!!! Oh my Burger! Did you hear us? You showed your preference? Hahaha~

So... obviously, we bought that lovely bodysuit =P

We saw a lovely flowery pattern (pink flowers on yellow background) bodysuit at Hallmark. It is so Summer!!!! But finally Kakin chose the Organic cotton version with more subtle colours - brown flowers on "natural" organic cotton colour. Kakin said that bodysuit must be worn during Burger's first birthday banquet no matter it is full-month or 100-days!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

小人兒記事 – 20110329

趁LUNCH TIME 再戰永安,本只打算多買幾件內衣 (和尚袍),誰知永安 BABY FAIR 還沒結束,找到了兩件很可愛的 BODYSUIT~ 心心 PATTERN :) 雖然 MADE IN CHINA 但外銷日本,原價 199,現只需 79!!!!!! Wahahaha XD

回家坐上了一部播 CLASSICAL MUSIC 的 TAXI,BURGER 對 1812 很有興趣!!一直跟着 TIMPANI 的節奏在踢!!!!!

Friday, March 25, 2011

小人兒記事 – 20110324


因為被列為「新證」,檢查之前要看一套 VIDEO,內容同係醫院看的差不多,但 DETAILS 多 D,e.g. 有好詳細自備尿液樣本既介紹。<-- 呢個自備尿液樣本令我苦惱左好耐,究竟去邊到買呢 D 樽呢?以前驗親尿都有醫生 OR 醫院準備既膠樽,個日去到醫院登記,ONLY 話每次覆診都要自備尿液樣本,咁用咩裝呢? 我第一次去醫院檢查係「扮無得去廁所」而羅驗尿試紙的,之後先發現大家用形形式式既膠樽裝 :P 我仲疑惑緊點解 D 人會用呢 D 樽,衛生嗎?原來健康院係有教的!


姑娘話我之前輕左太多,如以第一次記錄,當然重得 OK,但以懷孕前既體重計就重得少,佢話如果一陣醫生無話 BB SIZE 過大,可以食番多 D 野 @@ 下?係咁架咩?我重左好多架啦~

我問姑娘點解個肚有時會硬晒,佢話個子宮要練習收縮,不過通常都未係咁早既週數,叫我一間問下醫生~ @@

入到醫生房,完全唔需要坐低就吩咐你訓上張床到比醫生度 BB SIZE~ 醫生問 BB 有無郁,我回答: 最近好似少左,只係係個肚度微震,之前有 FEEL 到有腳踢咁,有時會突起左~ 醫生既回答好攪笑: BB 呢個週數係微震架~ 大 D 先會踢到突左出黎~ @@ 我心想: 明明之前有突過出黎架喎~

醫生按肚真係好痛 >< 按到下面的位置更痛 >< 唔知醫生係度搵咩呢? ANYWAY~ 搵完一輪,度左一下,佢話 BB SIZE 正常,跟住就聽心跳。就係佢放個 RECEIVER 係我個肚既時候,BURGER 好大力咁踢左一下,推高左個 RECEIVER,醫生話,那~ BB 有郁啦~ 真係幾大動作,好有力喎~

哈哈~ BURGER 可能聽到醫生話"BB 呢個週數係微震架~ 大 D 先會踢到突左出黎~" 所以「表演」一下比醫生看 XDDD 真好!個醫生之前好似覺得我講大話咁~

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

小人兒記事 – 20110321

Mama misses Burger a lot and finally I can see Burger again ^^ This time Burger is facing up!!!!!!! Must be the good works from Maternity Yoga!!! Wahahaha XDDDD

She's soooooo lovely! She wiped her nose with her hand!!!! Even the doctor said she got many hand movements :P
This time, Burger is 27 weeks and finally we can estimate the weight of Burger and we need to keep track of the different measurements.

Burger's forearms are far longer than the 27 weeks average but her head and legs are around the normal size. Yet her belly is one week smaller >< Doctor asked me to take more number of meals and to eat more if possible. She said my weight is under control and can eat a bit more to facilitate Burger's growth and development.

Overall, doctor commented Burger as having a 'good size' and she is now 1059g! ^_^

(*** I checked a baby weight chart; Burger is exactly on the 50-percentile curve, so probably that's why the doctor said she's having a good size ^^)

Saturday, March 19, 2011

小人兒記事 – 20110318

今日係TEAM GATHERING;原本計畫 CYCLING + BBQ,我只去 BBQ SECTION,但上個禮拜感冒未好,決定 EXCUSE 一次,反正之前都係WORK AT HOME,如果身體唔係真係好好 CONDITION,我都唔想「去玩」。^^

點知天有不測之風雲,天文台話天陰有雨,老細們決定「放棄」有益身心既 OUTING,改為我 TEAM 最鐘意而英國紳士 BIG BOSS 最唔鐘意既唱 K + BOWLING + 食飯。:P

OFF TOPIC: 相信此一變動會令我地 TEAM 既「社會服務PLAN」 加速上馬。我無返 OFFICE 既一段時間,話說我 TEAM 成員 (多為熱心公益既基督徒) 向 BIG BOSS 獻計,推行探訪獨居老人、兒童院、低收入家庭等活動,BIG BOSS 唔想 ONE OFF,但又怕唔夠 $$ SPONSOR (當公司越來越多典型香港人,越來越少英國紳士,用公司 PROFIT 去做呢 D 公益事務都唔係咁容易),所以計劃正龜速進行中。

因怕 K 場空氣混濁,我本打算只食 LUNCH,然後返公司等 BOWLING 時間,晚飯就 PASS 了。點知阿姐好好咁選左 RED MR,話貪個度「空氣好」,叫我一齊去 (其實係阿姐好鐘意唱 K,由舊公司跟到過黎佢都無變過,一唱 K,分分鐘就會唔去 BOWLING 了 :P),既然如此,咁就去啦~

可能 RED MR 係新開,真係一 D 煙味都無,仲要無刺鼻既空氣清新洗劑,唔錯!

BURGER 當然未去過唱 K 啦,亦好少聽 POP MUSIC,除左 DADDY 會係 MOOV 度播既 EASON 或者舊歌。初初我都驚 BURGER 唔鐘意,但 OK 喎,MAMA 唱歌個陣,BURGER 會踢得好開心,又會跟住節奏踢,好得意!

唱 K 既最後當然既爆 ROCK 歌,我好驚嚇親 BURGER,亦深知 > 90 db 唔好比 Burger 聽咁多,但又唔好意思走,所以羅左件大褸 COVER 住個肚,ZIP 隻袖落張凳到坐住 (怕VIBRATION 太大),再羅個袋 COVER 住個肚,Burger 無奇怪動靜,我想我應該是成功了 :P

唱完 K,本來仲想去荷花看一下,點知 KAKIN 好早出到黎,就先去 SOGO 買奶樽,本來 BURGER 六月出世,五月前買好晒就 OK,但日本 311 大地震再加上核電危機,唯有早D去"入貨",我地唔係想"同人搶",只怕到時無得入口!!!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

小人兒記事 – 20110309

Today is the second and also the last Prenatal Class.

We have physiotherapists showing us the 'correct' breathing method during delivery and guiding us through the breathing exercises. Some prenatal exercises for exercising the precise muscle that would help delivery was also taught. They are quite simple when compared to the Maternity Yoga ^^ But I discovered that the muscle exercise will involve contraction of muscle near the uterus and don't know if it will hurt or lead to preterm uterus contraction... I must pay more attention to it when doing such exercises.

One big 'news' from the class: - I can do Cat Pose and Bridge Pose during my Yoga lesson; just I need to adjust the height and strength I'm doing it. The Cat Pose helps relieving back pain during Maternity and the Bridge Pose helps strengthening the muscle (increase the elasticity and flexibility of the muscle) which is VERY VERY IMPORTANT to delivery! =)

Other topics include the Post Delivery Care at Hospital and some tips for taking care of ourselves at home after delivery.

The Prenatal Classes did give us a clearer picture about Pregnancy and Delivery. I especially appreciate the Nutritionists' works :) since I know nothing about it before. For the exercises, it would be even better if we could try those poses out during class and let the Physiotherapists to check our poses.

A bit disappointing is that the Class doesn't include Newborn Care >< I don't mind giving a bit more $ but I would very much like to attend such as classes...

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

小人兒記事 – 20110307

懷有 BABY 以來已經第 N 次感冒了!最近的流感真的很厲害,一不小心就中招了!而且我發現,公司的中央冷氣系統真的是細菌傳播的好途徑!!!

公司對我很好,懷有 BABY 以來我幾乎都 WORK AT HOME,趁最近孕吐沒那麼厲害、BABY 狀況也比較穩定就回一下公司,誰知每一次回去後都會惹上感冒!!!

因為已經踏入 25 週,本想到婦產科醫生去檢查一下比較妥當,誰知 DR LAM 又放假了 >< 媽咪問:「為什麼你的醫生常常放假?要接生怎麼辦?」我想... 應該是這段時間剛好沒有人要生,她才會安心去放假吧!

那只好去看家庭醫生吧!媽媽好想 Burger 喔!不知是心理作用還是甚麼,Burger 今天好像很安靜呢!

Monday, March 07, 2011

小人兒記事 – 20110306

Mama got a flu again!!!! >< Probably 'coz I didn't wear a mask during the Concert on Friday.

Yet Burger is 'full of energy'!! She played happily with Daddy and kicked him so hard. When Daddy was whispering to Burger, he placed his ear onto Mama's tummy as well. Daddy planned to listen to Burger's "little" movement but she just gave him a hard kick! That made Daddy kind of 'shocked' :P

My little Burger, you're no longer little, you're growing bigger and bigger, healthier and healthier! ^_^ Can't wait to see you soon =) When's my next appointment with the Doctor?

Sunday, March 06, 2011

小人兒記事 – 20110305

Burger is having larger and stronger movements!!!!
We can visually see her movement from my tummy! Tonight she kicked so hard at Daddy's ear and Daddy said it should be the head instead of the feet. So... Burger is having a Header?

Saturday, March 05, 2011

小人兒記事 – 20110304

It is Kakin's idea to bring Burger to a classical music concert! We chose the Halle Orchestra.

Today, I attended a meeting the whole afternoon. It was a meeting conducted in mostly 'British' English. (Most participants are British with a few HKers) Burger has NEVER been in a WHOLLY-ENGLISH environment and surprisingly, she kicked and moved excitedly the whole afternoon!!!!!!

At first, I thought it was my illusion and paid no attention to it. Yet during the show, the conductor started the show by introducing the romantic piece (in very obvious British English). Burger kicked again and she stopped when the music started!!!!

I also found out that she was not so interested in the strings or woodwinds but is very interested in percussion!!!!! She followed the drums to kick in the SAME RYTHM!!! But guess most babies will do so since it got the most vibrations! :P

Thursday, March 03, 2011

小人兒記事 – 20110302

This is the first Prenatal Class!

We have Nutritionist offering nutritional advices during pregnancy, after delivery, during breastfeeding and for baby nutritions.

I need to have at least 3 portions of Carbohydrates in order to faciliate baby's growth. I also need to have 6 oz. of Protein, plenty of Iron and FAT (!!!!) to sustain baby's growth AND brain development besides the very famous DHA and AA!!!!

Guess how many glasses of milk I need to provide adequate calcium to my baby as well as to protect myself from Osteoporosis? Two is NOT enough!!!!! Up to 4 glasses a day is not exaggerated! But of 'coz, we should take skimmed milk! But NOT skimmed cheese or soy milk since skimmed cheese/soy milk is always associated with high sodium which will increase the chance of swelling.

Swelling can be prevented by a low sodium diet and also HIGH potassium can help! Enough calcium can also ease leg cramp! ^_^

Very useful information.

The second part of the class involves the procedures of delivery!!!! Umum... always sounds scary and this will never ease your concern on 'When should I go to hospital if no bleeding and water not yet broken? How painful or how frequent should I go?' Kakin said, Take It Easy and he believes it's instinct that I will know when Burger's coming! ^_^


And I received 4 cans of formulated milk powder and many other gifts after the class. I also filled in the application forms of those 'MaMa Club' by formulated milk manufacturers, which claimed to be the best way to secure milk powder supply. Scary and incredibly, the milk powder supply of certain brands are very scarce here in HK.