Monday, December 29, 2008

再續聖誕書單 (一)

(前篇提要) 從誠品搬回來八本書~ 其一原因,是為了換kubrick熊 =p 陰差陽錯,錢事花了,卻只換了兩隻小熊。



1. 《musik》 December
被"大師的告別音樂會"與霍洛維茲所吸引,本來打算在書店裡把想看的部分看完,結果,只是看了一點點卻連之前幾個月的份也想搬回家 =p
2. 《pen 》(日文文藝設計雜誌) 1 December
pen 是我很喜歡的雜誌,range 很大,令我認識很多東西,這一期的"攝影",更是深深吸引著我,剛剛為找出那個 link,發現 2009 年一月是一號跟十五號合併的,要去旭日找找看有沒有預購 =p
3. 暫時找不出 link 來 :p (後再詳寫)

日本翻譯小說兩本 (後再詳寫)

為什麼會選擇日文翻譯小說而不是其他暢銷書呢? 說起來真是諷刺,唸翻譯的我非常討厭閱讀翻譯作品,因為我總覺得原文是最原汁原味的。能看懂原文的人,為什麼不看原文呢?

選擇日文翻譯小說還有一個原因,隨着我慢慢進步的日文,我開始閱讀日文書(雖然都是些青少年讀本或圖文書),也開始找中譯本來參考 :p 難度比較高的一些小說,我都是先看中文,再看日文,再查字典的,我覺得這是最有效訓練"閱讀理解"的方法,就像小時候的"中英雙語版" ^_^

當時很想買一本日文的文型辭典,但沒有 (因為信義的"每層樓結賬"其實很麻煩而且有一點讓人懊惱),臨走的時候發現了一本很可愛的書,即時給放到購物籃中:

《Debussy 您說是印象派音樂? ─ 德布西的室內樂與管弦樂》
Debussy 是我轉跟黃老師學鋼琴後才真正認識的音樂家,也至此成了我的最愛。以前只是在音樂課中老師有提過,不過我的老師肯定不喜愛他或對他沒有研究,對他的講解就是書中的"印象派音樂",沒有其他的附註。從前陳老師要我練的都很奇怪,考試要彈三首曲風不一樣的歌,別人練巴哈,我是韓德爾;每個彈琴的人都熟練的莫札特,我是換老師後(也就是準備 diploma時)才"開始"練起來;別人練蕭邦,她要我練舒曼;致令我"彈琴"的感覺很"獨特",黃老師於是要我好好認識 Debussy,把 Debussy 成為我的看家本領,就像李雲迪的蕭邦一樣 (這樣說好像有點那個,不過就這個意思)~ 好好認識一個音樂家,我的方法就要把人家的事跡連家事通通查說來,這樣才能感受寫歌者的心情吧! 所以,拜給書名囉! =)

1. 《海上教堂》
2. 《陪妳到最後》
我本來是想看他另外一本書 The Widower, 但想想先看這本也不錯,而且,從譯者簡介來看,應該是直接從荷蘭文翻譯成中文的,有點期待。
3. 日文文型辭典 (暫時找不出 link 來)
4. 《Shantaram》
我承認我很膚淺,人家 2005 年已出版的書,我到今年,因為 Johnny Depp 要拍戲才知道,才會有"去買原文來看"的衝動 :p
5. 暫時找不出 link 來

以上就是我的聖誕書單了! ^_^

第一本開始的是《陪你到最後》- 已完成 80%,剛開始看的時候,寫到"病徵"時,我真的好想去看醫生,因為之前的醫生沒有告訴我,腺體發炎可引發 cancer. (是引發嗎? 反正就是本來只是發炎,嚴重的話卻會是 cancer,這是我所理解的) 至現在 80%,讀起來沒有推薦說的那麼感動,或許是因為我一邊看一邊恐慌,有時也會"對號入座"一番 :p 也許這一本書本來就比較適合"身邊都是健康的人"的人閱讀吧! 不過能夠那麼坦誠開放的相處,真的很好,令我更明白我家的"坦誠開放"是源於那一點點的荷蘭血統 =) [真的喔! 我的太婆是荷蘭人喔!]

不過下一次 The Widower, 我想看英文的,好像比較好"翻譯",這個中譯本讀起來怪怪的,極度歐化 =p

Thursday, December 25, 2008

聖誕書單 (未完)

從誠品搬回來八本書,本來還想要多買一點,卻有點心疼,畢竟金融海嘯呢 :p
其實還有一個原因,就是我誤以為全線誠品有在換kubrick熊,在信義店買了一大堆,有點"忿忿不平",重回敦南店,只換了兩隻小熊。因為,本來在信義買的,要是全在敦南買的話,可以多換兩隻,集成一套呢 >.< 但小熊其實要送小濠濠當生日禮物+手信的。

雜誌三本 (後再詳寫)


(to be cont'd)

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


閱讀別人的 blog 已成每天習慣, 就好像閱報一樣. 不知從何時起, 我的 rss feeder 就只有 blogs 沒有了 news.

佳節臨近, 各大勤力 bloggers 都放假了, 出了很多"文章預告"的 entries, 說其實是寫給自己看, 要自己之後一定要補上文字.

突然覺得她們不愧為"專業 bloggers". 我也常常先貼上照片或寫上標題, 卻十居八九最終都落得一個藏在 draft folder 抽屜底的下場, 永不見天日 =p

佳節臨近, 公務"煩"忙, 又忙於打點佳節慶祝活動, 完全沒有時間顧到這邊來 (其實很久也沒有好好打理這裡, 應該找一個更好的藉口), 所以, 想試試別人的好方法!


一. 從台北搬回來的八大本書跟我在台灣買書的"原則"
二. 從台北搬回來的四雙鞋, 這裡又要分開"網購"跟"夜市購"
三. 這一次試了台北一家很多日本人住的新潮商務旅店, 很想寫些東西
四. 我的二號鳳梨酥之選在各大百貨公司消失了!!!!! 這個很嚴重, 因為我的最愛之選在九份, 要不大老遠跑去買, 要不請求送貨到飯店 (但要飯店肯"保管"費用再代為付錢才行, 要不便要安坐客房等候)
五. 在我的定義裡, 我們只是去 hea~ (這個廣東話實在太好用了) 有時間, 會寫一下 "hea 之旅記"
(hea, 聽說亦作撻皮, 作動詞亦作形容詞用. 作形容詞時, 有一解跟無所事事的"表現"有點像, 但沒有那個負面的意思. hea 通常都是主動 "hea" 的 [因此可作動詞用]~ 作形容詞之用法: (跟無所事事比較像) 媽媽見兒子的"表現"很無所事事, 但兒子理應有事要忙, 如做功課, 可說: 你唔好咁 hea 啦~ 此用法有時會變化成"慢吞吞"或"愛理不理"的替代詞~ 做動詞之用法: 一. 忙碌過後輕鬆一下, 可作 "hea下先啦"~ 二. 無緊急之事, 把步伐放慢後, 有人會用 "我宜家 hea 緊" 或同上句 "hea 下先啦"~ 本人通常將 hea 作動詞用: "hea 緊" 跟 "去 hea" / "hea 下" 是我最常用的用法, 用來代替 "香港文" (廣東話夾雜英文單字) 之 relax! 我覺得其實跟 Lohas 慢活有點關係 =) 這也解釋為何 hea 沒有"無所事事"的負面意思~
六. Last but not least (慚愧的我, 現在可想不到合適的中文代替這個 phrase :p 還有, 我覺得這個一點都不 cliche, 簡單握要說出我的意思), 這一季的日劇將近尾聲, 是時候來一個總結跟前瞻吧~
七. 每年都想寫卻只 publish 到 2005 的 "我的回顧" 跟 "我的展望". 今年是特別的一年, 所以, 一定要寫!!!!


Wednesday, December 17, 2008


剛下樓, 在街上 (一條單線行車的"車胡同") 聽到前方剛下課的婆孫的對話:

孫女: (指着正駛離街口的的士) "的士走左喇"

婆: 你想坐的士?

孫女不回答, 微微點頭.

婆: 行路好唔好?


婆: 坐的士定行路?

孫女飛快 (婆的"行路"還沒講完) 回答: 坐的士

婆: 行路唔好咩?

孫女: (完全不理婆的問題) 係呢到等 [已走到街口]

婆: 好啦 (有點無奈的聲線, 還是我多心?) 係到等的士啦.

此時我往右走下斜坡, 還是有點在意剛才一對婆孫的目的地. 倏然想起從前有一小學同學, 一家三姐妹同念一所學校, 住在離學校三個巴士站的地方. 聽起來有點遠, 實際上是"半個"地鐵站的路程, "近"的程度是當年的"校車"或"保母車"都不會載, (強調當年, 是因為知道一些現在的"車站"位置, 實在不能理解) 走路大概十分鐘就可到. 可是她們的媽媽每天放學都帶三姐妹坐巴士回家, 當時很多人都竊竊私語, 說她們姐妹真寶貝, 連十分鐘的路程也不用走.

現在看看, 千禧年後出生的小寶貝們, 可真是寶貝得很, 簡直令人有點近乎討厭的懊惱.

後記 - 最近還發現, 現在的小孩都很吵耳, 沒有從前安靜, 很難想像老師是怎樣上課的. 還有, 幼稚園的小孩童居然已經懂得玩電子遊戲機, 卻連字也沒有認懂幾個. 其實, 是很可怕的!


已經不只一次看到台灣 bloggers 為 emome 撰寫文章, 雖說確實是廣告文, 卻也帶給大家很多資訊跟"用戶指南"~

她們寫得實在精彩, 手機的用途幾乎媲美日本, 令人煞是羨慕. 於是走上 emome 的網站, 看一下收費:

單看服務費用實在令人咋舌! 怎麼可能? 我的 moov 手機版也要 $48, 卻是港幣~ 人家是 NT$49! 有一回, 還不熟悉新手機, 按錯按鈕, gprs 了幾分鐘, 盛惠幾十塊!!!! 我的 mms 還只是網內免費, 之前送出一張又是兩塊! msn 又是另外收費! 其他上網都只是電訊商自己的頻道, 其他的, 諸如各 blog platform, 或是 rss, 又是另外收費. 就算是 email, 手機功能固然有, 收費又是天價!

各大電訊商都有一些"新客戶"優惠, 例如 pccw 的 $98 package (但我還沒仔細看內容), 但現有客戶都不能享用.

上網的網絡商有 wifi 提供, 好像也申請了 (這個我真的很氣! 我明明說的很清楚, 我不需要額外的 wifi 帳戶了, 銷售員也確實回覆了我"不需要", 我卻收到了一封"迎新信"!!!!不過算啦, 要是真的能用, 就用吧, 反正 eeepc 真的很輕巧), 不過我還不知道用手機 wifi 需要額外收費不?

反正在手機上網的問題上, 我查了很多資料, 很多都不能滿足我的需要, (主要是收費真的超高) 才會跑去買了台 sub-notebook, 真的很方便, 除了放在大腿上會有點熱熱的感覺, 冬天正好 =p

看小說也不用看 pda 版, 字又大排版又順! email, msn 打字都很快! 只是沒有 wifi 的覆蓋, 就不能上網了, 這是死穴 =(

我已經有兩個手機帳號, 都是 3G 的, 卻沒怎麼用到, 還是要想想怎麼 fully utilised (突然不知中文怎麼說, "善用" 好像沒有 fully 的意思) 它們吧! 請教達人賜教喔!

Monday, November 24, 2008


[寫下這個標題後卻突然有點不肯定~完全不能確定荒唐的真正解釋跟用法 =p

看來中文真的退步了很多~ (英文也不見得有進步~ 雖然天天在公司還得說英文) 虧我還是翻譯系研究所畢業的~ =( ]

為甚麼突然會寫這麼一個文章呢? 因為昨晚跟大學好友吃飯,連弟弟、小女友、堂姐跟堂妹也一塊兒去,席間大家本只是乖乖地吃飯,安靜得連我都有點不好意思說~

堂妹坐在同學附近,離我有點遠,很怕她會怕生,幸好同學慢慢開始一些她了解的話題~ 於是,開始了大學住宿的話題 (因堂妹也是我們學校的喔)~

大家七嘴八舌的說起以前住校生活,夜晚的消遣~ 很大部分居然是「冒險」!!!!


第一個很「普遍」,幾乎所有我校的人都有聽說過,有沒有做過是另一回事。這個連我堂妹這樣的乖學生也知道。經典度 5+!!!!! (5 滿分)

我校有一個大天幕,真的很大,在下面搭起棚就可以舉行畢業典禮!天幕上有 Catwalk System,方便清潔和維修。這樣危險的地方,當然是閒人勿近。但,不知從何開始,有學生發現保安的漏洞,找到了上天幕頂 (即露天!腳下當然是 Catwalk,旁邊就是玻璃!) 的路徑。從此,學生會半夜上天幕頂喝酒!有些還特地留下啤酒樽,隔天上課的時候,仰頭指着說:「這是我的。」(其實很沒公德呢 =p) 昨天在坐的同學,很多都試過,我呢? 沒有。

還有,據說保安會按時抬頭檢查,同學看到後會即時「逃亡」。千萬不要以為上去的是一條樓梯還是甚麼,那就是一般的 Catwalk System,要連爬帶跳的進去,一不小心就釀成慘劇。


還有一個,迎新的時候就去過,是一條「秘道」。入口居然在一個不會到的地方的男廁中!!到現在也想不到為什麼有這麼一個男廁在那個幾乎沒人到的位置,因為附近甚麼都沒有!出口更妙,是「逃」到「街外」,校長、探訪學人宿舍的對面!!我深信那是一條走火通道,但迎新營總愛把它變得比 Halloween 主題樂園更好玩!

還有半夜偷進教學大樓玩「捉人」。甚麼是「捉人」,其實就是小學生玩的迷藏類東西。或許應該說是甚麼 warcraft or counter strike 沒有武器的真人版吧!經典度,我系是 5,別的大概是 2吧!

嚇壞了沒? 更瘋狂的是......

有人攀欄偷進已關的游泳池喝酒!還把洗衣籃 (用來盛酒瓶的)放進游泳池裡「冰一下」!!!! 還要喝醉!!

還有同學喝醉了把 bus stop 的站牌斷成兩截!

聽說有人偷偷在圖書館過夜!為的是追求躲保安的刺激!工科大學生,應該是壓力過大,瘋了吧!(正確點說是電腦電子系比較「軟」的工科,整天對著電腦鍵盤,想不到 solution 或程式不斷有 bug de 不了的時候) [聽一下我系同學超瘋狂愛玩的遊戲名稱就知道:「小朋友齊打架」!!!]

還有更離譜的 (我弟、小女友跟堂姐都如此 comment),就不方便說囉~

我家的紀念品還在喔,不過要細心找一下 ^_^ 同學說他的「戰利品」還放在家裡,說真的,我覺得很有型喔!=p

還跟我弟&小女友分享了抄 source 的經驗呢!他們真的是經驗老到,連交了的功課都有辦法弄出來~  


Thursday, November 06, 2008

國產 Made In Japan & Bottled Water


快要搬進新屋,一切還在準備中 :( 開始有點緊張能否按時完成 :p


只是~ 所有跟食有關的東西,包括食具,廚房用清潔劑等,我都不敢買中國產的~ 連外國的進口貨也得看清楚標籤~

比如說~ 在日本商品上出現 Made In Japan, 漢字是"日本產"的~ 大部份都是日本的"出口商品"~
要是 Made In Japan 卻寫"國產",大部分都是日本國內有賣的東西~ 所以心理上還是覺得品質比較有保證 =) 可是真的很貴 =(

還有食品~ 隨著奶製品,是雞蛋~ 現在雞蛋都很貴,因為大家都不敢買大陸的雞蛋~ 我家現在吃美國蛋~ 喝豆漿~ 吃美國有機蘋果~ 偶爾還是會吃一下日本奧陸或青森蘋果,獎勵一下自己~ =p

開始學習"格價"的我,發現 Three-Sixty 價格相宜~ 有一天經過,我去買有機 banana 跟 grapes,售價竟然跟普通百佳相若~ City'Super 也沒有從前那麼貴了~

說起 City'Super,昨天在ifc 的 City'Super 看見有甚麼日本節~ 千年悠水減價~ 就試試新品種吧~ (一般我只喝硬水)

嘩!!!!! 一定要去買 2 litre 的!!!! 好像減價到$19!!!!!! 喝一口,有一種去了神寺的感覺! 千年悠水是湧水,屬軟水~ (日本人說那是Natural Mineral Water) 不是蒸餾水~ 所以沒有"淨化過頭"的"醫院味"~ 我不知道大家有沒有留意,蒸餾水是全無雜質,但往往有一種太純的感覺~ 反之,礦泉水有時也有這樣的感覺,但畢竟礦泉水帶礦物,喝起來比較自然~

我家對樽裝水可是大有研究喔~ 自從入油送蒸餾水後,我家幾乎十年沒煮過開水~ 雖然媽媽每天都會煮一壺,但那只是供爸爸泡茶和我的即溶咖啡或紅茶~ 不過最近是礦泉水喔!

就因為我家都喝蒸餾水,我出外都買礦泉水,Evian 是我多年選擇~ 有時想"扮"喝汽水,就買 lime 的 Perrier (對!是 lime! original 的 sparkling water,我只喝 S. Pellegrino <-- 這是多年實踐跟繳學費的結論喔~) 為甚麼要"扮"? 要減肥喔~ zero 又真的很甜~ 喜歡 S. Pellegrino,因為氣夠多,水的味道也好~

喝日本水呢~ 大概是宿舍附近只有 jusco 吧~ (從不使用宿舍的水機,因有傳聞說很不潔) 反而記得以前都是喝茶~ 日本水一般都選天然,一般選硬度跟 $$ =p 千年悠水看過很久,但從未買過~ 適逢減價就買來看看~

喔!!!那好像在神寺裏可以喝的水,很自然,沒有加工的味道~ 而且很柔軟,有一點淡淡的咸味,好清澈!難怪說千年悠水是令人誇耀的水~ :) <-- 從山腳而來的自然水?!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

08 秋冬日劇

08 秋冬日劇讓人有點失望。

富士月九 Innocent Love 的 cast 令人擔心能否撐起收視重任,最開心的是有我很喜歡的堀北真希和成宮寬貴。但說真的,故事進度有點怪怪的。你說它速度太慢嗎? 她又有很多未能清楚鋪排好的情節。你說他太快嗎? 她又顯的很拖拉。

反倒是 TBS 的 BLOODY MONDAY 很不錯。第一集加長版,先聲奪人,故事吸引,敘事手法我很喜歡,速度適中,能引起觀眾目光。而且,三蒲春馬的確很不錯。之前演《極道鮮師3》時已引起頗大迴響。但我個人不太偏好《極道鮮師》(雖則各主角我也覺得不錯 :P 後面還會說一下速水直道 [原為 もこみち]),所以也不太會看 :) Bloody Monday 的三蒲春馬,讓我有一點眼前一亮,又多一個會演戲的年輕演員。到現在第三集,我還是很看好 Bloody Monday,雖然節奏好像有點脫了軌 :P 而且,成宮寬貴出場了。

二宮和也的《流星之絆》是另外一套我在「追看中」的日劇。從來不太留意二宮和也,他跟深田恭子演出《南くんの恋人》時也不太留意他 (就是看電視也沒有看他的意思 :P)。直到 Clint Eastwood 的《來自硫磺島的信》(Letters from Iwo Jima),竟然起用了二宮和也,這是第一次認真看他演戲,從此,他成為我心目中年輕實力派的No. 1!

最後一套在持續「追看中」的是《Oh! My Girl》,很可愛的童星,很可愛的速水,還有很可愛的加藤羅莎 (原為 ロサ),組成一套很可愛的劇。有些「劇評」已經拿他跟上年的《DREAM AGAIN》比較,但~ 我不喜歡反町隆史,不喜歡志田未来,對加藤あい沒興趣,根本就沒有看過一眼,恕難作出比較 :P

還有因為柏原崇而看的《セレブと貧乏太郎》,無意中看到的《Scandal》,應該會繼續看的《Room of King》,看似很多,卻沒有上一季那種「很好看!一定要看!」的衝動。(<-- 這裡指 CODE BLUE 跟竹野內豐)

Friday, September 12, 2008


這幾天在研究網站搬家的事 (雖然我的網站早就荒廢了),從頭把一篇又一篇的網誌到部落格(亦作博客) 看過一遍 (只看到 2004 年的),昨天看到 2004 年初的一篇談及成宮寬貴,就想著要寫一篇為他「翻案」,誰知原來在 2004 年八月份,看 orange days 的時候已經寫了~

現在再寫,是想說一下這幾年來好像都沒有看到過他作很妖豔的演出,很正常的一個男優,而且演戲越來越好~ 對他在《蜂蜜四葉草》的演出,我很喜歡,覺得比伊勢谷友介更有森田學長的氣質~ 當然我覺得彭宇晏的版本也不錯,但似乎有點太 eddie,怪怪的~

翻案就是要說,他演戲真的很不錯~ 我在找他演的舞台劇 dvd =)

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Blogs arrangement

As mentioned previously, I would like to re-arrange all my blogs and combine them together. But then I found it extremely difficult and time consuming to migrate hundreds posts written over the past six years!!!

I've now posted the link of my Blog Archive in 2002 and 2003, while I still wrote my own HTML codes every time I updated my blog =P

I decided to keep these two links as it reflected my own effect of writing it; but not just posting entries.

For the CGI one I've used for about half an year in 200?, I'd love to keep the original version. Yet it only logs 10 posts at a time and I've already done backup from time to time to my own PC. Now, I would like to post them all back to the net but probably in plain HTML or on one of this ready-use platform - or to integrate with this blog. I'm not sure yet.

Other blogs are 'thematic' - e.g. literature, photgraphy, travelling and Arts. The travelling blog here are co-authored with other friends and thus entries have already repeated in our own blogs.

For those blogs titled 'abandoned' on the left sidebar, I'll either integrate them into this or integrate them into the new one mentioned above for the ex-CGI posts.

When doing so, this allows me to do some revision on myself; e.g. I've just read a few posts on the Blog written in 2006 for my Taiwan friends. This reminds me of what I was thinking then and what my goal was then. I felt pretty astrayed now. This is good, I finally remember what I have to do.

Still the good old saying told by all moms when they gave you a thick beautiful diary to write on: writing diaries will not only enhance your writing skills and most importantly, it is a record of your life! You will need this when you grow older and gradually be confused by yourself. Your diary can lead you the way out from all the swirls in life and lead you to the light!

That's what my mom told me and I found it very ture!

P.S. My mom always writes to us; letting us have a 'record' to refresh our minds!

Tuesday, September 09, 2008


週日跟 PINKY 和 KAMAN 去逛街時,PINKY 問我現在都穿甚麼上班。

很難的問題,我說,基本上都要 FORMAL 但不需要 FULL SUIT。這,應該是 STAFF MANUAL 的 DEFINITION 吧。然後我花了很長的時間去解釋甚麼時候會穿甚麼。


星期一,沒有會議,只是在公司工作,穿了黑色七分 pencil pants,配...... 很難形容的衣服,不是我的類型,是表姐買了。我盡量吧。黑色蝙蝠袖上衣,很薄 see through 的,所以要內搭小背心。(這是一組買的)

今天,要跟政府部門開進度會議,同樣穿了黑色七分 pencil pants,也是配小背心,但換上了短袖的短身西裝外衣。


在公司工作,都穿的比較 OL,可以多一點「花枝招展」,也可以比較輕鬆。

對外會議,看性質,進度會議,不太「花」、一般的「公司服」就 OK,或許可以 formal 一點,譬如我今天的短 Jacket。

有時候也會因應對象國籍不同而有所變化,譬如說,對日本客人,我會多穿 one piece shirt dress 或必較華麗的 shirt and skirt 組合;對法國人,我一定不會忘了我的 Dior addict =p 還有,對 native English speakers 的話,我會多穿 menswear pants 或 pencil skirt 配 blouse 或 monotone slim fit cotton tee AND the must - Silhouettes!!! But I can't walk on a really thin one; so I'll find a pump with "thinner heels" :P

Marketing 的會議,一年四季都離不開 FULL SUIT,還要長袖的,但可以不用 SHIRT,MONOTONE 的背心,BLOUSE,TURTLE NECK SWEATER 也可以。但我是個 「SHIRT 癡」:P 所以還在摸索不老土的穿 SHIRT 法。

我個人而言,MARKETING 會議,做 PRESENTATION 等,是絕不會穿 RIBBON SHIRT 的,RUFFLE 不誇張也可以,企領的,有一點 VICTORIAN STYLE 的打摺是我的最愛 :)

出席國際會議,不用 presentation 的一天都會穿的比較漂亮,但長袖的 proper suit jacket 還是不可少。雖然我的 jacket 都有很可愛的 details,eg 小公主袖、圓邊、一顆鈕、寬領、有口袋、沒口袋、後面開燕叉或有 bow tie、企領反領、不同布料、不同長度等。

當然隆冬又是另一回事。日本的千鳥格 tweed 還有 Burberry 的 Trench coat and Jacket 是我的最愛!全都是我必選的冬天 all time items! =) 衣櫃裡不可少的東西。雖然現在的 trench coat 是 marc jacobs 的格子版,但冬天穿來去做 marketing 也可以。Burberry 的短身 trench,有點像 military 的那一種,用來配 pencil skirt 很好!!

我超喜歡外衣和冬衣,冬天,穿甚麼上班都沒差,最多只能說差在 jeans 上吧!

奇怪的是,我很少 cardigan :p cardigan 只出現在公司的椅背上,像小時候上學穿的白色外套吧。我從來只有一套 twin set,但從不一起穿 =p

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Mary Jane and Oxford

認識我的人都知道我是 Mary Jane 的頭號 FANS,還要很 TRADITIONAL 鞋頭圓圓的,卻要 HEELS AT LEAST 3" =P (只是上班以後,各 Mary Jane 也相繼退役,但還是新添置了一些,繼而又退役) 我最愛的一雙是 CAMPER 出品,超舒適的!!第二最愛是 DR. MARTENS 的,但一定要舊版,HEELS 像 DICE 一樣的那種,前年買了一雙新版的,不好穿 :( HEELS DESIGN 不太好,像 CAMPER 的,但承托力差很多,腳很痛。現在努力尋找第三最愛,此時......

終抵受不了誘惑,瘋狂愛上 Oxford Pumps/Booties!還有變奏的 Ribbon Mary Jane~ <--這個應該可以上班穿,不去開很 FORMAL 的會就可以了。

嘗試過九分褲配 Oxford Booties,不錯,還可以去開會。配 ONE PIECE (JUST ABOVE KNEE) OR PENCIL SKIRT (HIGH WAIST 更好) 也很好看。下一次會配 SHORT PANTS。

對 MISS SIXTY 的 OPEN TOE OXFORD BOOT 念念不忘,但想來想去也想不到可以配搭的衣服,因為那 BOOT 很酷很 SEXY,酷我還可以 HANDLE,SEXY 跟我的形象差太遠了 =P 我覺得那雙 BOOT 像 Scarlett Johannson。

很想購置一雙 RIBBON MARY JANE 以滿足我小小的慾望,試穿了很多,卻找不到一雙跟我的腳形配合的。卻在去日本前跟在日本的時候,買了很多雙帶點 LOLITA 味道有 RIBBON 的襪子,配一雙普通的 PUMP,即時變得很優雅,比 RIBOON MARY JANE 還得我的歡心呢。

Thursday, September 04, 2008




回來上網查找一下,才發現 anobii,我一直用豆瓣,fb 的 ibook 跟上台灣的網上書店〈這好像有點離題,但台灣的「羽毛」好像不太好用,讓我再試試吧〉。


家中藏書,昨天翻來看過,是九八年的天地版。翻開頭幾頁,驚訝我甚麼都不記得!〈虧我還自認有點過目不忘的本領,看來是暫時性的,是一條 RAM〉再多看幾頁,驚訝當年年紀少少的我如何看懂!

跟家母閒談,説到很久沒看過「東北話」〈其實也沒多久,之前唸 MA 的時候也要重看《傾城之戀》選段,還有更多,譬如茅盾〉,想必以現在的狀態,壓根兒沒辦法看完吧。母親說,閱讀也是功多藝熟的,跟寫作一樣,不多看不同類型的東西,就會遺忘,就很難去完成比較困難的書吧。她說,就像你現在根本沒辦法像小時候一樣,慢慢「查閱」文言版《紅樓夢》吧!也對,但她不知道我為了做功課,已經把中西各版本都看過了,雖然只是選段。






以前天真的以為〈寫下這個的時候,很想想出一個「天真」以外的詞,避免引起「誤會」,惟此詞本來就是這麼用,所以也不多想了。真的沒特別意思〉,「週記」一定是記敘文。為了換取高分,曾經不下一次創作自以為老師會欣賞的經歷,還老氣橫秋的學像魯迅的加上甚麼「偉論」或「我的感悟」,原來都是自以為是的表現。「週記」就是「週記」,本來就沒必要創作,記下的應該是個人真實的經歷,都應該是作為人曾經在世的印證。「週記」沒必要硬要寫下「領略的意義」,難道一家人出外郊遊,就一定要配上「我們真的要好好愛護大自然啊!」嗎? 可惜從前的我就是如此造作。我不承認是眼光狹窄,只是太在意老師的講評了,〈如是說,也是眼光狹窄的一種表現吧,只是我的世界觀還是存在的。或許是年少時的「利慾薰心」吧!〉如此「感悟」,當年的老師可是十之八九都會打出高分。









想說的是,網路成就了部落格,成就了很多想寫東西的人。部落格就是部落格,包羅萬有,既是日記也是週記更是隨筆,看來是沒必要把所謂「不同類型的部落格」分類〈更不用說現在有那麼好的分類 tag〉,世界大同,部落格的世界也是。所以,當初把部落格分到零零碎碎的我,是如此幼稚呢。


Wednesday, September 03, 2008


17 July 2008 PM

Originally I planned (and told my boss) to leave a bit earlier for the preparation but works were ‘flushing in’ and I could only leave at around 6:15pm. I rushed back home and took a shower and had my dinner.

Final check on all my suitcases and handbags (yes, it has an 's') and passport etc, we set off to the Airport at 10pm and took the 10:30pm bus.

We arrived at the Airport at about 11:30pm and it was so crowded at the check-in counter…. Aisle. It was the Qatar Airline, probably for transfer in Doha to Heathrow.

As I’ve already checked in when I got the tickets in early July, it was quite ‘smooth’. Silly me forget to note down Juli’s japan mobile and we went to Mix for free internet connection (damn that the Pacific Coffee were all occupied). After that, it was already time for going through the customs and boarding.

Burger King was closed but they were still selling foods! Kakin bought a set meal and we shared the chips. I was so thirsty and afraid that no water would be served on plane (it said only breakfast would be served), I bought a big cup of NestTea.

The Airport was silent and peaceful ‘as always’ but the gates were very crowded. Besides our plane, there was another one to Japan (similar time), the Qatar one (a bit earlier) and one for Korea (not Icheon, not Busan but a place called 清洲; a bit later at ~3:00AM!!!)

Our flight was scheduled at 01:45 and the boarding time was 01:20. We all went on board at about 01:30 and started our journey!

As mentioned before, I’d checked the meal being provided and thus not surprised by serving breakfast. Rather, it’s a little surprise to have drinks served before “sleep”. The ‘go’ trip was good; lights turned off and the gal right at my back was using her laptop silently and producing no light pollution. However, after serving the drinks, it was already 0300 HK time and that’s 0400 Tokyo time. The light turned on again at around 0500 Tokyo time for serving breakfast!!!

I managed to sleep for a bit more (fell asleep once buckled up and woke for the drinks =P after woke up, I forced myself to sleep again before the breakfast was served and had a nap though a few minutes only before landed) and was not too tired when got off the plane.

It was almost 07:30 when we went out to the Arrival Hall of Tokyo International Airport (i.e. Haneda International Terminal). It was a very small terminal and once we stepped out the ‘exit’, we saw the ANA Sky Porter service counter and grabbed our mobile phones. Right after this, we rushed to the Bus Terminal No. 3 (with the help of the Airport Assistant) for the free shuttle to Domestic Terminal 2.

Haneda Airport is best known as the Big Bird ‘coz the comics and Terminal 2 is “fully equipped” with shops and restaurants. It is very nice! And, similar to the Manila Airport #2 (I name it so), Domestic Terminal 2 is dedicated to ANA Group (i.e. for airlines under the ANA Group).

Despite the prior knowledge of Japan Domestic Flight Check-in process, we could not find the correct counter at first. After ‘wasting’ some time, we managed to find the correct counter, counter no. 14, and queued for check-in. Things were smooth, and the staff even asked if our final destination was alright as she’d noticed that we would be leaving Hokkaido from Wakkanai!

Thing went not that smooth when dropping the baggages at another counter! They said one must drop one’s baggage at one counter. Even you’re travelling together, you can’t calculate together. You must tell them, A has one baggage; B has two baggages and C has one baggage. Well, I think this is not only stubborn but a bit stupid. Anyway, we got all our baggages checked in.

The domestic flight system in Japan is really interesting. First of all, you have to buy the ticket and check in (at the same counter). They will then print you a physical ticket. You need this ticket to drop your baggage and once you’ve dropped your baggage, remember to keep the baggage tickets. They will check the baggage ticket at the exit of your destination airport.

After dropping your baggage, you can go ahead to the x-ray and there, you will use the digital mark on the ticket to print your ‘passenger card’. And we found out that, you can bring water or bottles on to domestic plane, they have a special checking machine for bottles. :P You put your bottle onto the machine (like a mould for it) and it will have different lights turned on. After going through the x-ray and getting your ‘passenger card’, you can proceed to the boarding gate. In front of the gate, you will need the passenger card digital mark to print out your actual boarding pass!!!!!

The plane we got on to Sapporo was a 747!!!

Double-decked and decorated in Pikkachu animation character!!! It was so lovely! =D And surprisingly, the English of both captain and flight attendants were much better than the international flight we got on from HK to Tokyo!
And we have nuts and juices too! ^_^
The flight was delayed for about 30 minutes without any concrete announcement as if it was not a big deal.

I slept for almost 2 hours more and it was so refreshing! We finally arrived Sapporo JR station at around 12:00noon and went straight to the Tourist Information Centre. We booked the bus from Asahikawa to Wakkanai; we bought the JR pass for Furano and Otaru and got relevant information and discount coupons!

The first $ spent in Sapporo (except travelling) was for the beautiful cakes!

We had cheese cakes, chocolate cakes and milk and cameral pudding. With bulky luggages and the cakes, we spent almost 10 minutes to the Hotel which is usually a 5-min.-walk. We checked in the Hotel at about 1:30pm and went out at around 2:00 or 2:30pm. :P

The digital thermometer showed that it was 26C and 23C later, but it felt like 20C! We had a late lunch in the Ramen Republic, a well-known and well-introduced place in all kinds of tourist guide book.

Kaman had a very thick soup curry ramen and both Kakin and I had salt ramen. I do think it was very nice despite the complaints from Kaman regarding the thickness of the soup curry and the mismatch of curry and ramen. ^_^

After fulfilling our stomach, we went to the souvenir shop nearby. There are so many ramen related stuff! But we had ice-sticks! =P very nice! And this started Kaman’s “ice-cream tour”.

We had planned to walk around Sapporo city for the distinctive old buildings but it was raining quite heavily in a sudden. We ‘sightsaw’ a few shops in the Department store and the city view from the windows. When the rain seemed to be pouring less vigorous, we went out for a proper walk.

Seibu in Sapporo was indeed very beautiful! I mean the building and the bus terminus nearby. We took a few pics and went ahead.

We reached the “Ice-cream Parlor” in about 5 min. and was really shocked by the Super Parfait!
I’d love to buy the baunkuchen but finally missed that due to “time constraint”. I should have bought one when I first saw it.

Then it’s raining again and we turned 90C right back to the Old City Office (北海道道廳) then hotel.

The old building is beautiful and I just love this kind of buildings or I should say, buildings of this time period.

Weather wasn’t too good on the first day and probably my companions were too tired (they couldn’t have slept properly the night before), we went back to the Hotel for a rough rest and went out for dinner again in late 5pm.

After resting for some time, we decided to go to the famous shopping streets: 狸小路. We walked along the main street and passed the TV tower.

We reached the streets at early evening and started our ‘shopping’ again! We were first attracted by the fruit shop and just wanted so much to buy the melon and peaches! (and we did at last =P)

Shops were like those in Osaka or else ‘shopping streets’, not too special indeed, but still, shopped for some time.

Finally we were too tired to go ahead to the Susukino area or go back to the JR Tower area for dinner and chose one ramen restaurant along the street!

Once going inside, we found a J-walker magazine cut on the wall and Kaman ordered what recommended in the article.

I still went for the salt ramen. Both Kaman and Kakin ordered similar soup for the ramen and both commented too salty. Mine was very good!!!! =D

Taste just fit mine and the ramen was appropriate too, not too thick and not too thin, neither too hard nor too soft! Later, I found out that it was a very famous ramen restaurant. It was also recommended in those guide books we obtained in the Tourist Information Center (in Japanese) and I checked my Japanese magazine later in HK, it recommended the shop as well. Probably it's very popular among native Japanese.

Our very long travel day was ended with a medium size of melon, four peaches and one big apple bringing back Hotel. All fruits were too great to be described in black and white; you can only experience it with your taste buds and nose. :P

P.S. I'll post the link of Kaman's Photo Album and other pics taken later. ^_^


4 June 2008

眼見出發之日已逼近,終於約左 mushroom 出黎傾行程,但其實都係「老生常談」,無乜 output。但 the next day mushroom had already headed for Bangkok and not until she came back, I was in the Philippines already.

It was like ‘can we finally manage all stuff? What shall we do next then?’ but anyway, I must go to the Philippines and she to Bangkok, so just ‘let it be’. =P

15 June 2008

I was finally back from the Philippines and was too busy at work and didn’t find mushroom at all. Not until end June when I finished the first draft of the Report.

End June to early July

Just about 2 weeks left before our departure date and we just had a very preliminary and simple plan, probably mushroom had more for herself. It was quite ‘scary’ in fact as we didn’t made up our mind by that time and still wanted to go to say 10 places in 3 hours. Impossible.

13 July 2008

Haven’t packed anything yet and in fact the final route was not even worked out. Just based on the discussion with mushroom, based on the simple plan and route, I ‘imagined’ what I needed to bring for the trip and tried to work out my ‘shopping plan’ before that.

15 July 2008

A final shopping with Kakin in CWB and packed all basic items into my ‘soft’ suitcase. Those daily items had also been packed into ‘portable convenient bags’ together with my ‘soft’ suitcase; in about an hour, I’ve finished my packing! Gradually, I think I become very pro in packing now :)

16 July 2008

Final checking and packing into my suitcase and a final reading on the Japanese travel magazine.

Monday, August 11, 2008

No replay in HK for Kitajima

I'm so angry! I 'flied' back home today right after work and turned on the TV straight a way, watch and watch and watch and NO Kitajima "news" or replay!!!!!!!
Poor me... finally, I've chosen YouTube instead of bare waiting. ><
Luckily Steve is in Japan and I've already asked him to take video for me when he saw the news =P

Monday, August 04, 2008


係決定左七月去之後,其實都j無乜 prepare 過,直到農歷新年 mr kao 既 email 話佢七月會係東京搞 exhibition 之後先開始「正式籌備」。
為左就 mr kao 攝影展既時間,我揀左七月十九號出發去北海道,當時係三月。幫細佬用 asia miles 出左張 Tokyo 機票後就即刻搵 suki 問 package 價同機位,我仲記得,當時仲幫細佬個 friend手問埋五月底去 Bangkok or Taipei 同幫我地自己問埋佛誕去 Bangkok 既野。最後,竟然十八號晚十九號凌晨機都係 full 晒!兜兜轉轉,又問埋 egl 同縱橫遊,決定請多一日假 (最後 turned out to be 多左兩日半),十八號凌晨出發,二十八號凌晨到香港,整整玩足十日,如果由離開屋企門口計,係十二日長,對我黎講,算係名乎其實既「長假」。
係未定好機票前就已經買左本香港出既 guide book,又買左一本台灣一本日本既 magazine,仲上左 n 個 websites 同 mushroom 夾住 d 行程。
我覺得 preparation 唔算一等一既充足,但起碼 hotel,hostel,pension 都 book 晒,咩 pass 抵 d,巴士點搭都 check 過晒,火車班次同船期都 check 過,夾過行程,算係唔錯啦~
可能出去做野做得都幾多次,習慣左到一個新既地方係香港機場買本 guide book 係飛機到望下,再唔係就係當地機場拿 map 拿 brief guide 係車到望下,做完野無人帶就自己出去「闖」下,flip 下 guide book pick up 一個 spot 既「半準備式」四圍走 travel mode,今次顯得好有 planning,同埋無以前咁驚青,唔會話無準備唔知點咁,隨意 d 都好,otherwise 就好似 guided tour 咁,去邊食野都定住晒,我地今次呢,就有 d 邊走邊逛,邊走邊找吃的感覺。

Friday, August 01, 2008

I'm back from Japan!

I'm back from Japan! It was very nice! =D
This was the annual vacation / leisure trip since 2003! Grateful I could have chance and afford such annual trips! ;)
In 2003, we went to Taipei with Chris and Fiona for a 4-day trip and this "tied the knot" between Taiwan and me! :P Since then, I've been there from time to time. And also started my "self planning package tour"!
In 2004, we joined a Guided Tour to S. Korea. It was very nice and since we could speak 0% Korean and we decided this in 10 minutes, true, it's 10 minutes, and departed in a week, it was a very good choice! :P
In 2005, we did not go overseas unless Macau was counted.
In 2006, we spent 9 days in Europe, so to speak but actually it was only Greater London and Paris. But it was too nice; and I really love walking in Paris, the atmosphere was sooooo good! Just love to plan the trip ourselves esp. for Europe; all the Guided Tours are too tight and cannot really experience the taste of the city!
In 2007, we went to Taiwan again for a longer period: 6 days. This time, not only Taipei (with Janet and Wendy) but went out to the "outer" Taipei (with Janet) and the county Yilan (on the Northeast of the Island) (with Wendy). It was great to spend time travelling with Janet and Wendy again. Both gals are lovely "Travel Partners!" Pity that I could not join Janet some years ago for the Phuket trip.
And this year, we spent 10 days (if travel time is included; it's 12 days!!!!) in Japan: Central and North Hokkaido and Tokyo with KaMan. Haven't been travelling with KaMan since the form 7 graduation trip but it was just so natural and fun to be with her! =D
And during these years, I actually kept telling myself to "report" my travel journal after each trip; but so far I've just done the Korea one :P and not even uploaded all photos to the web albums. Hope to finish and "back date" all these to create a wonderful travelling portfolio for not just all my dear friends and readers but also as a present to myself for logging all my wonderful experience and memory!   

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Grateful that I was back

23 June 2008
I was so lucky that I was back from the Philippines! Our colleague is still there working hard.
Yesterday when watching the news, I expected the typhoon was hitting the 'center and southern' Philippines and was not at all "worried" about our colleague. Even last night, when I was sending an email to our client, I didn't remember to send my regards :P
Today when watching the news during lunch time, it was too scaring! The whole ship (not a ferry at all!) capsized!!!! Oh My God! God bless and pray for them!
Talking about prayers, I really have the thank God for giving us sunshine when we were there working especially for our divers to carry out undersea inspection. I personally must thank God for guiding me through my 'stomachache' in the Philippines. That morning when I woke up, I didn't notice I was having a diarrhea or a stomach problem, not until when left the room. I was very worried at that very moment as I was too afraid that my boss would send me back to Hong Kong alone ON TIME. (luckily that was not the case or I would probably waste a ticket :P) I didn't dare to risk having milk and so just took a toast and a white coffee (yes, but this is cream instead of milk). Lucky that I have stomachache pills with me all the time 微笑 表情符號 Immediately I took one and... at the very last moment, I made my prayer. I promised God to start studying the Bible more diligently and really!!!!! my stomachache was relieved. Thank God for still forgiving me for being too lazy.


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Candice is back from the Philippines!!! (reposted here)

It's correct, it's Philippines!

I was planning to Thailand with Ms. Mushroom but finally she went "alone" with her colleagues and I stayed in Hong Kong. Then suddenly, I got a Project in the Philippines! So I've been to the Philippines on business for almost a week!

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

很不喜歡 active x (reposted here)

因為 active x control 的 setting,我白打了百多字!

換了新裝,寫了一篇文章解釋一下,也順道抒發一下當下的情感。用詞遣句雖不至很講究,但也用過心,居然在臨門一腳給那個可惡的 active x control 搞砸了。

興致也沒了,可還是要交代一下 :p


春天總是生氣勃勃,處處顯露生機,綠葉也慢慢取代了枯枝。但這樣的景象,從小就令我很不安。隆冬剛過,一切還來不及準備,萬物卻換上了新裝,人的步伐總是這樣慢了幾拍。為了釋懷,我通常會重新佈置房間,像是重新出發一樣,調整一下心情。不過這已經是很久以前的習慣了,搬家之前,在大學宿舍也會,sars 肆虐期間也有,回家以後也堅持了一陣子。




背景圖片是我現在同步追看的韓劇桌面桌布。雖然我常常同步追看日劇台劇 (上一季只有一套日劇,一套台劇也沒有),但其實從來沒有同步追看過韓劇。這一次之所以會看 On Air,跟它的劇情卡士輿論主題完成連不上關係,理由只有一個:太久太久沒看過朴先生出現在螢光幕前了!(cd 封套除外) 簡直可以用望穿秋水來形容。為了支持一下回歸韓國電視的朴先生,決定要看!

本來打算放只有朴先生的桌布,但也很喜歡同劇美女,又找不到方法適當地 (appropriately;因為這是 obtained from somebody, 不能隨意更改) 除去「老人」(relatively) ,只好放一個「完全版」。

回家後會加上朴先生的 ost 當背景音樂 :p

Change a Spring template!

wanna change the background long before Winter comes!!!

been working on the codes for the background other than the template available here... but the progress is extraordinary slow probably 'coz i WAS addicted to blogging but not now :P

Spring's come and it's time to change a more lively background! So let's do it first! ^_^

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

The Other Boleyn Girl

I've asked Tim to book the ticket once I got the CM from; went to watch it on Thursday the public holiday. It was quite a full house, surprisingly, though the house in fact is very small. Almost all audiences are English-speaking-people with exception of a middle-aged couple and two school girls, and of 'coz the two of us.

Not sure what moved them to the cinema but probably the history of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn.

It's always hard to adapt a novel into playscript especially when it is a piece of 'history-related' work that you cannot omit certain historical reference, e.g. the fate of Mary Boleyn and William Stafford. The appearance of William Stafford is neither faithful to the novel nor the history (so far as I remembered, I didn't verify this). However, as the film has to have the role of Mr. Stafford for telling Mary's ending, it can only be created like this or it will introduce another branch of the story.

After watching the film, I had to admire even more the scriptwriter of Harry Potter and LOR. You will have no problem in following the story if you haven't read the book before; even if you have, you can still follow the adapted story and will not found uncomfortable.

However for this film, I found it quite difficult to trace and the texture and tension is not fully developed. Tim said he was totally confused and didn't really understand the "sudden" changes of the King or the sisters. :P

To treat it as a pure imaginery story, it is still hard to comprehend why the King will rather risk his reputation by pulling down the Queen and to marry Anne. The relationship between the two seemed not well developed and it is NOT persuasive enough. Oppositely the line between Stafford and Mary seemed better though it was totally different from the book. Maybe just like what I've done for my Translation course, it may be a better approach to rewrite the dubbing script when it is hardly self-explanatory in the target langauge. Here, the target language is "visual film within 2 hours" and the source langauge is "written book of 2 inches", this 'vertical' translation may best be done by "Rewrite in an acceptable sense" than "Omission". Omission will leave blanks to the story.

About the casting, Tim said he couldn't recognise Natalie Portman, dunno if this is a sign of good performance but at least it is a good try I would say.

For Scarlett Johansson, I really can't see Mary in her. Maybe the Scarlett in "Lost in Translation" fits more but not today's Scarlett.

George and Jane Parker's roles are quite eye-catching to me. Jane Parker is vivid!! And I love George's crying scene in prison and the scene he said NO to his marriage to Jane Parker; watch out his eyes. :P

One remaining eye-catching role to me is Stafford. I've never imagined Stafford like this but I like the way he looked at Mary, not really staring but looking into hers with his own deep thought and heart. Excellent! And only a simple look or glimpse, their line is vividly described :P

I really can't relate this Henry VIII to Eric Bana. This Henry looks more charming and younger than the actual Bana. This is my opinion.

So far it is a bit disappointed to be honest but I know it is hard to transform 2 inches to 2 hours. And now, I'd like to have a look at the BBC TV version and see if it's worth to buying it.

Friday, April 25, 2008



之前係 ANIMAX 看過動畫版,但只有幾分鐘,一集都無。漫畫都未看完。

但唔知點解,好有興趣將日劇版看完 :p 對之前既「電影版」都好有興趣~

之前係 web 度看左好多「影評」,知道係一套好青春既戲,有人話:「我太正經太乖了,所以很羨慕戲中人的輕狂,有點覺得自己浪費了青春」。

看完套戲之後,覺得都唔係好輕狂 jer~ 都好 standard,唔知輕狂係邊 :p


根據套戲,歸納左一 d so-called「輕狂歲月」("大學生 hea 歲月"可能更岩) 既特徵,如下:

一、一班朋友去海邊玩 (唔係游水),總要"訂"人落海,搞到 d 衫濕晒 <-- 無地域性,肯定 top 10 特徵
二、玩通宵 <-- 一樣無地域性
三、唔夠 CREDIT、DEFER、走堂 etc. <-- 只要係計 credit 既 course 都 applicable
四、總有個 SOC 房之類既地方 hea
五、FYP 唔到最後都唔做 or 唔到最後都唔知點做
六、尋找自我旅程 <-- 根據唔同地方有唔同做法,有鄉村既就去鄉村,本來係鄉村既就去城市,香港地就通常去下 outward bound,去下 third world 做 volunteering works,exchange,or 去 europe trip :p
七、一齊係 hall (or shared flat) 煮下飯仔
八、觀星 / 賞月 + beer <-- 無地域性,肯定 top 10 特徵
九、打工做 part time<-- 無地域性,肯定 top 10 特徵
十、去行花市 (香港) OR 夜市 (台灣) OR xx 祭/煙火祭 (日本)

看黎看去都只係搵到呢幾點,都話唔係好輕狂,我咁乖都做過晒 :p 哈哈~

不過就真係「青蔥歲月」啦~ 宜家叫我去行花市我會覺得好無聊囉 :p 不過夜市我又會去喎~ 去到海邊,整濕晒身就免啦~ 哈哈!!!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Tung Chung Lantau Trip

Finally got to visit Jacqui~ went to Tung Chung/Lantau for a day trip~

Long time haven't been to Tai O... it changes quite a lot but still dogs are quite common there

The mochi is no longer made by Ar Po but a nice old couple and still delicious ^_^

Shopped around the Outlets Mall!!!!! Great!!!!! I got a pair of FIN at only HKD$450!! Vivienne Tam's one-piece is only at HKD8xx!!!

Most importantly.... the SONY 'home concept' "cake-like" PC is sold at 30% off about HKD$4000 less!!! Tim said, 'if we're going to buy that, I must come here.' :P

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

My Paper in fact got A-!!!
<-- I finally got my paper back and it was marked 'A-'!!! I got my Abstract as 'A' and how come my final grade was that!!!! I got my C-E translation back too! It was also marked an 'A-' and my hw were quite good (>80% marks)... how come the final grade wasn't that!!!

Blog Transferring!!

I've transferred almost half of my blogs here la!! ^_^

Monday, March 17, 2008

I'm back again

How many times I've written this title? Anyway, I'm back; though may soon leave again :P

Last time I left here... 'coz only a few friends will come here but many of them will check the 'star'. At the beginning, I would post the link here for my friends to come whenever they clicked the 'star'. But then it seems a bit time wasting. So... I gave up here and update my entries in the msn space directly.

However, it's too frustrating that their server's not stable at all. Sometimes cannot load pages, other times cannot publish properly! Also, the photo embedded function is not at all friendly to me. ><

So I'm back. :P But I've bought a domain too and webhosting service too... so I may try hosting my blog later! ^_^

Anyway, this is to tell... I'm back.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Sivananda Yoga

(moved from elsewhere)
Bought a Yoga magazine yesterday for mum; read it together last evening...
Mum liked very much as it got all "schools" of Yoga and more importantly it got quite some contents on "mind/self learning"...
This raised my curiosity to check actually which "school" of Yoga I am learning? Though the very foundamental issue is "e
Checked the 'textbook' our master ordered for us... it is a direct publication from the Divine Life Society...
This "school" of Yoga is collectively known as 'Sivananda Yoga', but ours is a bit different as our Master's Master was student direct of Swami Sivananda himself instead of his disciple who "established" Sivananda Yoga. But our Master has also been advised by the Swami who set up the Sivananda Yoga. Complicated... and that's why there's no obsessive need to persist... Our Yoga is not just an exercise but indeed a belief and self training.
Changed this blog's tagline, extracted from articles written by our BIG Master!
Good intentions alone will not do. They must be backed up by good actions. <-- very meaningful and I should remember it always! ^_^

Monday, March 10, 2008


很久沒有留意 pop music~ 雖然每個星期天總是會聽上幾小時的電台節目,但好像甚麼印象也沒有~
直到剛過去的星期天,'ear-catchin' 的是李克勤的《天天都是情人節》,再來是古巨基的《勁歌金曲 2 - 情歌王》,前者是 live recording 吸引,後者是純粹的令我"震撼"!!!!!
因為,我發覺,我懂得全部的歌,可能只有一兩首不能一時說出歌名吧!聽完了 12 分鐘的歌,好像回顧了我的"青澀時代",這些歌,很多都是陪伴成長的!
震撼之二:原來我留意台灣的事,不是這幾年的事!還有我的國語,原來真的不單單靠那六年的功夫,是潛移默化的,是累積的。所以,語言是真的要多聽喔!(難怪 christmas party 時我對甚麼許志安都沒印象,我就說嘛,中學不就是聽 take that、boyzone、張信哲、張宇、周華健嘛!<-- 等等,這樣寫,好像我們是上世紀的人,雖然這是"一半的"事實!:p)
王力宏:Forever Love (不可能不知道的歌)愛你不是因為你的美而已我越來越愛你 每個眼神觸動我的心
黎明:兩個人的煙火 (我居然知道這首)最愛你的是我 否則你怎麼讓我否則我怎麼可能赴湯蹈火你說什麼都做
張學友: 如果.愛 (很紅又新)如果這就是愛 在轉身就該勇敢留下來就算受傷就算流淚 都是生命裡溫柔灌溉
光良: 童話 (更紅更新)我要變成童話裡 你愛的那個天使張開雙手 變成翅膀守護你你要相信 相信我們會像童話故事裡
劉若英: 很愛很愛你 (我很喜歡奶茶)往更多幸福的地方飛去很愛很愛你只有讓你擁有愛情我才安心
王菲: 我願意 (ktv 懷舊夜必選歌之一)我願意為你我願意為你我願意為你忘記我姓名只要你真心拿愛與我回應我什麼都願意 為你
古巨基: 好想好想 (我很喜歡這首歌 輕輕鬆鬆的曲子)好想好想 好想好想好想好想和你在一起
周華健: 明天我要嫁給你了 (上面說了,我記得當時有人喜歡周華健,請自首或舉報)明天我要嫁給你啦 明天我要嫁給你啦要不是你問我 要不是你勸我要不是適當的時候你讓我心動
潘瑋柏.弦子: 不得不愛 (還在我的 playlist 中)天天都需要你愛 我的心思由你猜I love you 我就是要你讓我每天都精彩
莫文蔚: 陰天 (我喜歡 karen)開始總是分分鐘 都妙不可言誰都以為熱情它永不會滅總之那幾年 感性贏了理性那一面
陶喆: 飛機場的10:30 (ktv 常有人唱)Baby baby baby baby Oh baby baby Oh baby是不是擁有以後就會開始要失去我給你的越多 你卻越想要躲愛已無法回答所有的問題
黃品源.莫文蔚: 那麼愛你為什麼 (很經典)離開你是傻是對是錯 是看破是軟弱這結果是愛是恨或者是什麼
黃品源: 你怎麼捨得我難過 (更經典)最愛你的人是我 你怎麼捨得我難過對你付出了這麼多 你卻沒有感動過
張震嶽: 愛我別走 (還在我 playlist 中,我的 all time 十大)愛我別走 如果你說你不愛我不要聽見你真的說出口再給我一點溫柔
周華健: 讓我歡喜讓我憂 (上面說了周華健)就請你給我多一點點時間再多一點點問候 不要一切都帶走就請你給我多一點點空間再多一點點溫柔 不要讓我如此難受
張惠妹: 原來你什麼都不想要 (阿妹經典)原來你什麼都不想要我不要你的承諾 不要你的永遠只要你真真切切愛我一遍就算虛榮也好 貪心也好最怕你把沉默 當做對我的回答原來你什麼都不想要
張宇: 用心良苦 (我居然有這個 mp3! 還記得我的鋼琴課有 pop music 一節,這是其中一首)你說你想要逃 偏偏注定要落腳情滅了愛熄了 剩下空心要不要
張學友: 祝福 (經典)傷離別離別雖然在眼前說再見再見不會太遙遠若有緣有緣就能期待明天你和我重逢在燦爛的季節
張學友: 吻別 (經典中的經典)我和你吻別在無人的街 讓風癡笑我不能拒絕我和你吻別在狂亂的夜 我的心等著迎接傷悲
陳昇: 把悲傷留給自己 (陳昇老師的歌~ 不知從那裡聽來,之後就很喜歡)能不能讓我陪著你走 既然你說留不住你回去的路有些黑暗 擔心讓你一個人走
那英: 征服 (一聽就說出"那英")就這樣被你征服切斷了所有退路我的心情是堅固我的決定是糊塗
張惠妹: 聽海 (長期有人那來參賽的歌 所以我知道)聽海哭的聲音歎惜著誰又被傷了心
辛曉琪: 味道 (我記得有一次跟筱旋研究這個)像你身上的味道 我想念你的吻和手指淡淡煙草味道記憶中曾被愛的味道
孫燕姿: 我懷念的 (知道這首~ 一定是因為我弟~ 他是燕姿的 fan!)我懷念的是無話不說 我懷念的是一起作夢我懷念的是爭吵以後 還是想要愛你的衝動我記得那年生日 也記得那一首歌記得那片星空 最緊的右手 最暖的胸口
辛曉琪: 領悟 (經典~ 不會不知道啦~) 我多麼痛的領悟 你曾是我的全部只願你掙脫情的枷鎖愛的束縛任意追逐 別再為愛受苦
張宇: 月亮惹的禍 (也是鋼琴課~ 怎麼都是張宇?)都是你的錯在你的眼中總是藏著讓人又愛又憐的朦朧都是你的錯你的癡情夢像一個魔咒 被你愛過還能為誰蠢動
FIR: 我們的愛 (我那時候喜歡安以軒,看完整套"鬥魚",愛上這首歌)我們的愛 過了就不再回來直到現在 我還默默的等待
我們的愛 我明白已變成你的負擔 只是永遠我都放不開 最後的溫暖 
黃大煒: 你把我灌醉 (應該是在台灣聽的,我只知道是黃大煒)你把我灌醉你讓我流淚扛下了所有罪我拚命挽回你把我灌醉你讓我心碎愛得收不回
范曉萱: 眼淚 (有人在 singing contest 中唱過) Oh 眼淚 眼淚都是我的體會成長的滋味Oh 眼淚 忍住眼淚不讓你看見我在改變 孤單的感覺你從不曾發現 我笑中還有淚
庚澄慶: 情非得已 (大家都有聽過我連續 2x 小時不眠不休不吃少喝看電視的事吧)只怕我自己會愛上你 不敢讓自己靠的太近怕我沒什麼能夠給你 愛你也需要很大的勇氣
梁朝偉: 你是如此難以忘記 (你是如此難以忘記 subject line 又一經典)你是如此的難以忘記 浮浮沉沉的在我心裡改變自己需要多少勇氣 翻騰的心情該如何平息
任賢齊: 心太軟 (不可能不知道吧) 你總是心太軟心太軟 把所有問題都自己扛相愛總是簡單相處太難 不是你的就別再勉強
王力宏:Forever Love (同上)Forever Love Forever Love我只想用我這一輩子去愛你從今以後 你會是所有幸福的理由 Forever Love Forever LoveForever Love
認真看一下,其實都是些經典吧!還有~ 為什麼連歌的經典都是大概十年前的事呢? (上課時老師才說,"近代"亞洲/香港電影最好時就是八十年代末到九十年代喔!)
世紀末都是比較"燦爛""盛世"一點~ 突然想起朱天文的《世紀末的華麗》,我~ 慶幸我身於世紀末,可一嘗世紀末的頹廢,又可"跨過世紀" 從新起步!

Monday, February 18, 2008

(UPDATE) My Movie List

seems that there's not much progress during the CNY... let's have an update on my movie list:

Last time's list with updates in RED! ^_^

Now on show and planning to watch:
1. CJ 7 -- I think I'll go for a DVD since hardly can I find one to watch with me at this time...
2. The Kite Runner -- Confirmed to buy a DVD when released since I dun wanna go to the only few cinemas showing :P
3. Rendition -- Has it off already?
4. 27 Dresses -- I think it has off...

(moved from elsewhere)
On for a while and still can’t find one to watch with: probably will buy DVD
5. Elizabeth: The Golden Age -- confirmed to buy a DVD; hoping for a boxset with the 1998 Elizabeth
6. Linger -- will probably wait for the TV version or the $15 VCD.. hahaha
7. My Blueberry Nights -- will order OST and DVD later
On my schedule:
8. Jan 31, 2008: Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (Dated nike and sum to watch!) -- Great Show; I do think... I love a critics' words: music handicap at center... this is a tale! :P True... I'll go for the OST probably on Wednesday when I'm free to shop; and I just found out that moov has that already.... I'll put Johanna to my playlist.
9. Feb 7, 2008: Enchanted (will watch with kakin) -- not yet. ><
10. Feb 7, 2008: Kung Fu Dunk (Jay Chou) -- still wanna go for it
11. Feb 9, 2008: L Change the World (will watch with kakin) -- can't buy tickets that day; still wanna go for it
12. Feb 14, 2008:P.S. I Love You -- should be going for it
13. Feb 14, 2008: There Will Be Blood -- will try very hard to get this watched!!
14. Feb 7, 2008: Diving Bell and The Butterfly -- Great Work!! A quite serious piece but very nice. Also good for French student, kakin said.
15. Feb 21, 2008: No Country For Old Men (quite high probability in buying DVD) -- hoping
16. Feb 21, 2008: Juno (quite high probability in buying DVD) -- hoping
17. Mar 6, 2008: 4 Months 3 Weeks and 2 Days (quite high probability in buying DVD) -- hoping
18. Feb 14, 2008: (newly discovered! :P) Jumper (will find out the best time slot to go with kakin)

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

My Movie List (Jan - Feb)

(moved from elsewhere)
Here comes my movie list!!! Friends, are you interested in any of these? Do drop me a message then! ^_^

Now on show and planning to watch:
1. CJ 7
2. The Kite Runner
3. Rendition
4. 27 Dresses

On for a while and still can’t find one to watch with: probably will buy DVD
5. Elizabeth: The Golden Age
6. Linger
7. My Blueberry Nights
On my schedule:
8. Jan 31, 2008: Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (Dated nike and sum to watch!)
9. Feb 7, 2008: Enchanted (will watch with kakin)
10. Feb 7, 2008: Kung Fu Dunk (Jay Chou)
11. Feb 9, 2008: L Change the World (will watch with kakin)
12. Feb 14, 2008:P.S. I Love You
13. Feb 14, 2008: There Will Be Blood
14. Feb 7, 2008: Diving Bell and The Butterfly
15. Feb 21, 2008: No Country For Old Men (quite high probability in buying DVD)
16. Feb 21, 2008: Juno (quite high probability in buying DVD)
17. Mar 6, 2008: 4 Months 3 Weeks and 2 Days (quite high probability in buying DVD)

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I will remember him...

(moved from elsewhere)
My thoughts and prayers are with him and his family. <-- borrowed from Mel Gibson... Wordless... but I definitely will miss him.* * *After checking my hotmail, at an earlier time than usual, this news caught my eye on the MSN page. It was like: No kidding... Joke again?Lucikly today, with all the 'rooms' remain unlit (meaning ppl inside should be out), we are more relaxed. I clicked into the link and started reading the news.Oh My God! It seems not kidding! How Come?! I just shopped around HMV last night and struggled if I should buy a DVD of 'The Brothers Grimm' for... didn't know why just for having it at home. And I still can't find the 'Candy' locally... * * *I just noticed that... I watched quite a lot of his movies... The % is quite close to that of Leonardo... I must be loving his acting....

May his soul rest in peace...