Monday, August 11, 2008

No replay in HK for Kitajima

I'm so angry! I 'flied' back home today right after work and turned on the TV straight a way, watch and watch and watch and NO Kitajima "news" or replay!!!!!!!
Poor me... finally, I've chosen YouTube instead of bare waiting. ><
Luckily Steve is in Japan and I've already asked him to take video for me when he saw the news =P

Monday, August 04, 2008


係決定左七月去之後,其實都j無乜 prepare 過,直到農歷新年 mr kao 既 email 話佢七月會係東京搞 exhibition 之後先開始「正式籌備」。
為左就 mr kao 攝影展既時間,我揀左七月十九號出發去北海道,當時係三月。幫細佬用 asia miles 出左張 Tokyo 機票後就即刻搵 suki 問 package 價同機位,我仲記得,當時仲幫細佬個 friend手問埋五月底去 Bangkok or Taipei 同幫我地自己問埋佛誕去 Bangkok 既野。最後,竟然十八號晚十九號凌晨機都係 full 晒!兜兜轉轉,又問埋 egl 同縱橫遊,決定請多一日假 (最後 turned out to be 多左兩日半),十八號凌晨出發,二十八號凌晨到香港,整整玩足十日,如果由離開屋企門口計,係十二日長,對我黎講,算係名乎其實既「長假」。
係未定好機票前就已經買左本香港出既 guide book,又買左一本台灣一本日本既 magazine,仲上左 n 個 websites 同 mushroom 夾住 d 行程。
我覺得 preparation 唔算一等一既充足,但起碼 hotel,hostel,pension 都 book 晒,咩 pass 抵 d,巴士點搭都 check 過晒,火車班次同船期都 check 過,夾過行程,算係唔錯啦~
可能出去做野做得都幾多次,習慣左到一個新既地方係香港機場買本 guide book 係飛機到望下,再唔係就係當地機場拿 map 拿 brief guide 係車到望下,做完野無人帶就自己出去「闖」下,flip 下 guide book pick up 一個 spot 既「半準備式」四圍走 travel mode,今次顯得好有 planning,同埋無以前咁驚青,唔會話無準備唔知點咁,隨意 d 都好,otherwise 就好似 guided tour 咁,去邊食野都定住晒,我地今次呢,就有 d 邊走邊逛,邊走邊找吃的感覺。

Friday, August 01, 2008

I'm back from Japan!

I'm back from Japan! It was very nice! =D
This was the annual vacation / leisure trip since 2003! Grateful I could have chance and afford such annual trips! ;)
In 2003, we went to Taipei with Chris and Fiona for a 4-day trip and this "tied the knot" between Taiwan and me! :P Since then, I've been there from time to time. And also started my "self planning package tour"!
In 2004, we joined a Guided Tour to S. Korea. It was very nice and since we could speak 0% Korean and we decided this in 10 minutes, true, it's 10 minutes, and departed in a week, it was a very good choice! :P
In 2005, we did not go overseas unless Macau was counted.
In 2006, we spent 9 days in Europe, so to speak but actually it was only Greater London and Paris. But it was too nice; and I really love walking in Paris, the atmosphere was sooooo good! Just love to plan the trip ourselves esp. for Europe; all the Guided Tours are too tight and cannot really experience the taste of the city!
In 2007, we went to Taiwan again for a longer period: 6 days. This time, not only Taipei (with Janet and Wendy) but went out to the "outer" Taipei (with Janet) and the county Yilan (on the Northeast of the Island) (with Wendy). It was great to spend time travelling with Janet and Wendy again. Both gals are lovely "Travel Partners!" Pity that I could not join Janet some years ago for the Phuket trip.
And this year, we spent 10 days (if travel time is included; it's 12 days!!!!) in Japan: Central and North Hokkaido and Tokyo with KaMan. Haven't been travelling with KaMan since the form 7 graduation trip but it was just so natural and fun to be with her! =D
And during these years, I actually kept telling myself to "report" my travel journal after each trip; but so far I've just done the Korea one :P and not even uploaded all photos to the web albums. Hope to finish and "back date" all these to create a wonderful travelling portfolio for not just all my dear friends and readers but also as a present to myself for logging all my wonderful experience and memory!