Tuesday, February 22, 2011

小人兒記事 – 20110221

Today is a lucky day for me!!!! ^_^ I met soooooo many nice and helpful doctors!

Mum accompanied me to the hospital for the first time and she was sooooo shocked about the large number of mainland pregnant women there. (But frankly, that hospital is one of those with less mainlanders already!!!) Since she did not go into the clinic room with me, she discovered soooooo many "funny" things about those mainlanders.

This is my second time to have a structure scan @public hospital. It was so fast; no need to wait at all. The doctor performing the scan was very young and absolutely nice! She was supposed to check the heart only but she did examine all other organs as well. She paid so much patience to wait for Burger changing position.

At first, Burger was still in Child Pose!!!! Oh my baby, why do you love to stick to the plecenta so much? Instead of kicking me out of the examination room for another 15 minutes, the doctor said she could check out other things (which she was not supposed to do!!!) She examined the size of Burger. She checked the Brain and head size and also the belly size. Then she came back to examine the heart. She tried to tap Burger with the "scanner" and asked her to move in a very gentle voice. Miracally, Burger did change position!!!! Burger hasn't been like that before! The doctor could see quite clearly the heart and the blood movement this time. She said everything is alright. Then she offered to examine other organs as well. She said, 'This would probably be the last ultrasonic scan before your delivery, so let's have other organs checked as well though they are already confirmed all okay last time." Since the doctor was sooooo nice, I asked the doctor if she knows Burger's gender.

She then examined the area very carefully and said "no protruding thing"! (Haha~ same as what Dr Lam told me) She then continued to check the kidneys, stomach, etc. and I thought it was the end, she came to check the gender AGAIN!!!! After a while, she said "YES! SHE is very healthy". What a subtle way in telling me the good news! ^_^

Hello! My Baby Girl... You're named Trudy after your mom's (i.e. my) German name Getrude! ^_^ But I'll still call you Burger.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

小人兒記事 – 20110215



醫生還主動問我上星期在公立醫院的結構結果,告訴她心臟還是照得不清楚;聽後醫生說還是為 Burger 再檢查一下較好。

這一次也是直接 ZOOM IN 心臟位置,醫生說 Burger 這次的位置很好,blood flow from aorta 看得很清楚。那兩點白點還是明顯,但並沒有影響 valve movement,醫生判斷現在不用理會。

我好奇問那個是甚麼 valve,她答「二尖瓣」,我心想那究竟是 aorta valve 還是 mitral valve? 便問: 是連接 aorta 的那個 valve 嗎? 她說不是,是連接心室心房的 valve。我小聲說,那就是 mitral valve 囉。她沒有說不是。可是,我剛剛在看日劇,發現二尖瓣 = aorta valve!!!!!! 那究竟是那一個呢?

Monday, February 07, 2011

小人兒記事 – 20110207

今天是到公立醫院照結構的日子,很緊張,幸好 KAKIN 趕得及請假和我一起去。


第一次照的時候,醫生也有解說那裡是腦、那裡是胃、那裡是腎、不同的骨頭、大腿、小腿等。小人兒現在身長 (從頭頂到屁屁) 15 CM,腹圍也是 15 CM! ^_^

只是還是照不了心臟!醫生叫我出去逛幾個圈,看看小人兒會不會轉身。還有,原來公立醫院孕婦照超聲波也要 FULL BLADDER,醫生提醒我喝多點水。

喝了整整一瓶 500 ML BONAQUA,逛了好幾圈,回到超聲波室時,醫生直接放大心臟部分,看了頗長時間也沒作聲,我也看到 FOUR CHAMBERS 也看到那兩點白點,只是這一次,當醫生換一點點角度時,那白點當真不見了!醫生說心臟還是看得不太清楚,一個星期後要回來再看 =P

我還以為這樣就可以回家,誰知還要見另外一個醫生。醫生拿着報告說所有器官都是 NORMAL,可是 HEART 是 NOT WELL EXAMINED,所以要回來再照。

KAKIN 已急不及待的問醫生那個 VALVE 的問題,因為我看到醫生的電腦,知道她沒有看到「照片」就形容問:「我剛剛看 BB 心臟的時候有看到四個 CHAMBERS,可是其中一個 CHAMBER 有兩點明顯的白點‧‧‧」我還沒把問題問完,醫生就說那是 ORTIFACT,是REFLECTIONS 跟角度問題。

真的是 ORTIFACTS 嗎?等了一個多星期還是沒有結果。