Thursday, January 29, 2009

メイちゃんの執事 - 漫画 Vs. TV

這一季的日劇差不多全部都開播了,我果然很年輕,喜歡《メイちゃんの執事》喜歡到去把原著漫畫看了!!! 因為尚在連載中,還不知道所謂的結局是怎樣。

只是看了原著,會更喜歡~ 雖然這個改篇劇算是做得不錯,但人物年紀的設定如果可以更貼近原著會更好看~

原著執事們是"哥哥",二十多歲吧~ (因為最年輕的畢業生是青山,19 歲) 柴田哥哥也從 Oxford 畢業回來 (雖然他是天才,十四歲就進大學) 柴田弟弟當實習執事時也可以坐下來一起上課,因為弟弟還在強制教育當中喔!(應該像我們十二年免費教育的東西,日本有高中夜校給考不上日校又沒錢上私校的人) 小姐是中學生,由一年級到六年級,也就是 Form 1 to Form 6,日本主流教育的中學跟高中。在日劇裡,小姐們是高中生,完全不理解水嶋或其他執事是"哥哥"的感覺,也就不明白為什麼他們不用念書卻去打工。


メイちゃん <-- 志田未來 柴田弟弟 <-- 山田涼介 柴田哥哥 <-- 山下智久 <-- 看偵探學園 Q 時,覺得山田涼介很像西口公園時的山下智久~ [請參考此 blogger 之經典相片,還有很多很好笑的~ 最好笑是 jr年代的松本潤 (絕對噴飯) 跟錦戶亮,生田斗真也超級好笑]
詩織 <-- 成海璃子 <-- 從琉璃之島開始就覺得她很「壞人」:p


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

追加冬季日劇 list


本來今季的 "我想看 list" (見上篇) 很少, 亦沒有一套的簡介令我有很想很想看的欲望, 但經過第一集後, 我有 amendment 了! =)

今季的日劇, 不知道是受天氣影響還是怎樣, 開首沒有上幾季那種特別震撼的 (如 Bloody Monday 跟 Code Blue), 也沒有特別不知所云的 (當然是 Innocent Love; 還有 Last Friends 剛開始的時候), 很平淡的一種, Cast 也沒有特別的大 (可能 Triangle 是另類吧), 步伐也拖得很慢 (日劇一般都比較細膩比較慢, 但這一季, 以一般日劇的步伐也覺得有點拖 :p) 但卻很吸引我喔! :p 大概是因為大部份的故事都是我杯茶, 所以我很想知道下續 :)

Amended List 如下:

1. メイちゃんの執事 <-- 繼續看! 繼續看! 榮倉奈奈太厲害了! 不過話說回來, 水嶋ヒロ的表現太引人發笑了! 有點格格不入 :p 反觀向井理, 確實有點"高貴男僕"的氣質 :) 還有山田優, 雖然我很不喜歡她 (說起來也奇怪, 從 model 時期我就不喜歡她), 但看了短短幾分鐘, 就覺得此人演戲還不差.

2. Voice <-- 富士月九, 跟很多 bloggers 意見一致, 為什麼這是懸疑片? 而且生田的戲份也太少了吧 :p

3. Triangle <-- 很想知道究竟發生甚麼事, 但要是江口洋介繼續他那笑容, 我很可能會放棄 :p

4. ありふれた奇跡 <-- 出乎意料的好看! 以為是很淡淡的戲, 劇名也說是 ありふれた, 就是平凡呀, 卻令人很有"投入感", 可能因為寫的都是日常生活的"奇跡"吧!

5. 200% 期待的 Code Blue SP <-- 醫學題材的戲多多也不怕悶 :p (er~ hold on!!! 上季的 batista 就沒看囉, 因為不能忍受伊藤淳史 :p) 還是很帥的山下, 很有型的戶田 :)

6. 上一次忘了寫, 想看大河劇"天地人"~ 我承認有 80% 是因為妻夫木聰, 但還有 20% 是因為那段歷史 :) 但自"篤姬"之後, 很難找大河劇~

7. 也是忘了寫, "神之雫"~ 雖然從來沒有覺得亀梨和也帥, 但神之雫還是要看~ 尤其是之前為了紅酒, 奔波了很多地方, 也跑了很多酒倉跟網站!!!

8. (新加的喔!!!) 赤い線 <-- 想看這個很久, 卻有點猶豫, 因為我只認識一個木村了, 其他人, 只是覺得名字熟悉卻想不出樣子~ 這是最早的一部冬季劇, 接 Room of King 的, 現在已經到第五集了~ 看完 king 就想看, 故事有點意思的, 結果就是因為上述理由, 遲遲沒有開始, 上禮拜看完 Triangle 後, 突然心血來潮, 由第一集看到第四集, 超好看喔!!!! 看來我還是很青春 :p 哇哈哈~ 我最喜歡看完之後, 會有點懷念之情, 有點像看完藍色大門後那種對青春的懷念 :) 或許是眷戀吧~ 我看完之後第一時間敷了一個 mask! :p 昨晚把第五集也看了, 而且發現聽力有增強呢! 不過兩套 fuji 的女主角都叫メイ、真的有點怪怪的~ (因為我個人很怪啦, 看電視會很投入 :p 當季的劇呀, e.g. Code Blue 中的山下, 我真的會把他當成耕作去"記住"而不是山下~ 所以上一季看成宮寬貴, 我差點精神分裂 :p)

9. 銭ゲバ <-- 一開始是因為松山ケンイチ才看的, 看了一集以後覺得挺有趣. 但亦如一眾 bloggers 道, 70 年代的漫畫, 始終存在 generation gap. 雖然把故事帶回"現代", 譬如用手機登入打工網站, 但有些概念卻很難表達, 主人翁的思想也很難很完整的傳遞給觀眾. 硬要表達出來便顯的不能與時並進. 我們都愛錢, 但現在還有人把錢收到塌塌米下嗎? 就像老婆婆床底下的餅罐一樣! 我個人覺得, 如"華麗一族"般把故事設回於上世界會比較好 :) 還有風太郎角色上的設定, 從第一集看來還是很帶有 L 的影子, 沒有看到很突出的松山 :)

10. Love Shuffle <-- 首播沒有特別想看, 只是無聊, 就看看, 還 ok 吧, 劇情沒有特別吸引我繼續看, 不知我對松田翔太的喜愛可以讓我維持看多久?

11. 朝日的木9 是"只野仁4", 還沒拿定主意~ 因為只野仁 1 - 3 都看完過, 高橋克典真的很型, 但我沒有那麼"等不及", 還是等 cable tv 播吧~

So far that's all. 但有人推介大野智的"歌唱孩子王", 有時間我會看一下 :)

Friday, January 16, 2009

秋季日劇 summary + list of 冬季日劇

很久沒有寫我在看的電視劇了, 十月份有寫過秋季日劇追看的 list~ 結果完成了很多部, 卻也有中途停掉的.

詳細的感想要等一下吧, 簡短的看一下 "成果" 吧! (這一季我很努力喔! 明明很需要睡眠, 冒着大日子狀態很糟糕皮膚變很差的"大險", 我還是很用功的追看了!)

1. Bloody Monday (有始至終都是一種"很想看下一集"的狀態, 最終回更等不及中文字幕版, 看日文原音版 :p 不過我覺得結尾為 sp 或續集或電影留下的尾巴也太刻意吧, 也許因為原著漫畫還沒完結, 改篇起來也不能太過"至此終了"吧!)
2. Innocent Love (很失望的一套, 原來一直期待往後會有 surprise, 結果是大團圓到極點的結局!)
3. Oh! My Girl (最早看完的一套)
4. 流星之絆 (結局 surprise 得令人下巴都要掉下來! 演員方面, 錦戶亮是退步了嗎? 還是當完變態男友後不能當回正常人?)
5. King of Room (很輕鬆的小品, 卻越看越有意思; 只是鈴木杏的造型真的需要很大忍耐力! 水嶋ヒロ在這邊好像很沒發揮, 花樣裏的學長還看到比較多呢~)
6. Scandal (我不喜歡現在的鈴木京香, 我是看長谷川京子的; 起初很難忍 [因為鈴木現在真的很老, 很不賞心悅目 (我個人感覺啦)], 但後來劇情卻很好看, 令人牙癢癢的, 最後幾集都沒等中文版翻出來就看了, 最終回怕聽不清楚, 我是看日文字幕的 :p)
7. 我居然捨棄了柏原崇跟上戶彩的《セレブと貧乏太郎》而看了深夜日劇 Mendol!!!! 雖然我愛死了柏原崇, 超喜歡上戶彩, 但傻傻的上地雄輔跟不知所謂的劇本 (說實話, 其實有比 Innocent Love 好吧!) , 實在看不下去, 而且不喜歡看柏原崇當壞人 :p
Mendol - 好好笑又有點變態的一套戲: 實在不可能看不出來是女生呀?????!!!! 聽也聽得出來吧! 不過小嶋陽菜還不錯喔! 新一季的"メイちゃんの執事"也有她份兒喔!

冬季的, 我個人首推:

1. メイちゃんの執事 <-- 我是"改篇少女漫畫電視劇"的忠實 fan 喔! :p 還有榮倉奈奈的造型實在令我眼前一亮!!!! 還沒看到劇照時, 完全不理解榮倉奈奈如何當起平凡到極點又帶點粗魯的メイ!!! 看了第一集, 完全對她改觀!!!! 厲害!!!!
2. Voice <-- 富士月九, 瑛太, 生田斗真, 石原 satomi, 三個我最喜愛的新生代演員, 有一定實力, 實在很難說服自己不要看 :p
3. Triangle <-- 好比香港的台慶劇!!! 人家還是 50 週年大慶呢! 幕前幕後卡士都很強, 又有靚景!
4. ありふれた奇跡 <-- 仲間 + 加瀨 = 我很期待!!!! 兩個很靜的人, 演戲都很靜的人如何飆戲呢?

還有 200% 期待的 Code Blue SP!!! ^_^

Monday, January 12, 2009

Exhibition - The French Revolution

I've finally been to the Exhibition yesterday.

I was inviting my mum and brother to go with me and found out that my brother went there on a Tuesday already - but the museum is actually regularly closed on Tuesdays!!! :P

The venue was surprisingly packed with people and we need to 'wait' and sort-of 'queue' for viewing. We went there in the afternoon and VERY UNLUCKILY there just started a Cantonese Guided Tour. That lady's voice, esp. after going through the mic, was VERY annoying and she had many "um.. um..", "something like that", and even wrong or keep-correcting-names. Steve said she just read out from the paper and obviously she didn't remember it very well by heart :P

There were many kids as well, even babies. Some cries, occasionally screaming but very soon their mouthes were covered by the adults :P, and quite some 'Why?' 'What is this?' questions.

Apart from all these, it was quite a pleasant experience. Although during the Exhibition I heard some murmur saying that those pictures aren't of very good value, I discovered that they were almost all printed on the History book, that probably means, they were the only evidences or historic records of that period of History.

At least, it's quite good a feeling to see the actual painting (even it might be an "after") of young Napolean (I guess almost every History book got that picture :P Young Napolean in front of a waving flag; action like instructing the army to GO)

And the real pictures during late 19th Centuries are quite impressive.

After going to the Exhibition, I went home and fetched my History books.

Oh!!! I was taught some British histories before!!! But I remember none of the class scene - unlike the American Revolutions and even the Ancient Eygpt, I still remember how Ms Chan asked us to draw the America map and how Mr Wong explained us the measuring method in ancient Eygpt.

I was taught how the Pope excommunicated Henry VIII, how Mary I lifeburnt 200+ people, how Elizabeth I became more and more anti-Catholic: Henry VIII, Catherine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn, Jane Seymour, Mary Tudor (i.e. Mary I), Edward VI and Elizabeth I were all taught.

Another part of History is the Stuarts (whole one! From James I to Queen Anne, the Commonwealth (Oliver Cromwell) in between and until the German Prince George (i.e. George I)) - I finally vaguely remember what they were when I came across the term "Bill of rights".

And some of the 'Bristish involved' Battles related issues - definitely the famous "Battle of Waterloo" must have been taught! ^^

And, by the underlines and highlights on the textbook, I discovered that I studied 'The Spread of Muslims" and the "Ottoman Empire"/"Byzantine Empire" before :P Also, I was supposed to know who Catherine the Great was.

Thursday, January 08, 2009

I just set my 'entertainment' (a.k.a. recreational) target in 2009 yesterday and I found a very interesting exhibition today! ^_^

(God Bless! Yesterday, after I'd left the post here, I went to 2009 Arts Festival's website and very disappointingly, NOTHING is interesting except the Chicago Philharmonic, which is exceptional high in ticket price, and the venue IFC-55 [I don't even know recitalist but I'm very interested in going attending a concert in IFC-55])

"The French Revolutions" Exhibition@Hong Kong Museum of History

I found this when reading others' blogs! Why can't I see the link yesterday on LCSD's webpage?

I am a Science student and have only studied History until Secondary 3; but I just love French History. (and I gradually developed an interest in the Tudor History when reading P&P [I don't know why but that's the fact])

I must go! And let me date mum and my little bro first =P


Why do I date mum and my little bro for the exhibition?

Because they will just love it! Hope they haven't been to there =P I should have dated dad too but he is quite busy recently.

Well, until very lately, I think this is a family normal activity: parent to discuss History/Literature/Arts or even Physics/ Mechanics/ Biology events with children! This is my family and I just discovered that we are not the norm :P

My dad is somehow an all-round people; he knows many things (e.g. from academic literature [He knows so much poems and even proses!!! He may not know the whole poem but can read out a few lines] to slangs [most expressions I don't know]) to different extents.

My mum is less all-round (she is not that versatile but concentrates on her interests) but kind of "expert" (among C9s of 'coz) on Karl Marx/Communism and Chinese Contemporary Literature. She claimed that she first read the "Manifesto of the Communist Party" in Primary 4 or 5. (Actually it's not that surprising since my Grandfather is a die-hard supporter of Communism but he taught French at school before WWII.) And she always applies Luxin's lines to daily life and she is the one introduced me to read Charles Dickson.

My little brother is genuiuely a History/Chinese Literature student. I still remember the day when I was despartely studying for my World History exam, my bro came over and looked at my textbook. He pointed to a picture and started telling the story of 巴士底監獄. The picture is 'Place de la Bastille'. A secondary 2 girl despartely starred at her primary 3 younger brother. Is it crazy? How come a primary 3 boy knows about the French Revolution?
(umum.... ex-President Chen may really need to re-study History :P)

That is not the most "scaring" thing. My little bro finished the 4 great classical novels (this is the Translation from wiki) before Primary school! And I know he then read and finished the original classical language version too! And, he is finding the original and 柏楊版資治通鑑!!!!

Just last few weeks, my dad and bro arrived the restaurant very late for lunch and reason was: we are watching TV on 四庫全書 ^_^

That's why I have to go with them.


For the French Revolutions, I still know something about it. It is within our Curriculum.

I had World History and Chinese History as two different subjects at Secondary School until Secondary 3; I still remember the Curriculum for World History:

Secondary 1: Ancient Egypt (This is a diasaster and I tried my first "FAIL" :P), Ancient Greece, the Rise and Fall of Rome Empire
Secondary 2: Medieval Times, The Dark Ages, The Crusades, The Renaissance, The Enlightenment, Louis XIV to Napolean, the French Revolutions,
Secondary 3: the Industrial Revolution, American History!!!! Independent Oath!!! 4 July, Mayflower, etc. And we needed to remember by heart all the states and their locations and even the rivers!

So basically we don't know the British History (e.g. the 'Tudor' were being "told" during English/Library lesson through those BBC programmes). And it's almost all French! =P

Probably my teacher loves French History too! No - just kidding. That's probably 'coz our HKCE and HKAL will do Japan and Asia (if I did not remember wrongly); and the English Literature class will touch on British History. So they need to teach Europe History in lower forms.

It is at least different from my bro's; he had to study Cold War as well.

For Chinese History, I can still study up to 4 June but as 'Tiananmen incident'. And we need to study the Syllabus B as well - that is the "Daily Life in Imperial China" <-- I took a course exactly the same title in Year 1 and the first time discovered that Chinese History could be very interesting as well. :P

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Targets for 2009

I've been reading books bought/brought back from Taiwan since I arrived home.

The first target in 2009 is to list out all the books I've bought and share my 'Reader's Report' :) Together with this, I hope to finish all the books by Easter (the progress is very optimistic; I've already finished 2 out of 7 [the eighth book is a grammar dictionary =P])

Another target I suddenly (really suddenly) want to achieve is to visit all the museums in Hong Kong, which I haven't been to. So far I should have been to all the museums in "city" (except the Maritime one :P) but I'm really worrying about those in remote areas. To do so, I will first list out all the museums in Hong Kong ^_^

Here's a list from LCSD website:

LCSD Museums

New Territories
1. Hong Kong Heritage Museum <-- I have visited there once when it first opened.
2. Hong Kong Railway Museum <-- I thought I have been to there during those "Primary School Outing".
3. Ping Shan Tang Clan Gallery cum Heritage Trail Visitors Centre <-- I know this one long before but have never been to there, even adjacent areas :P
4. Sam Tung Uk Museum <-- I must have been to there via some school outings or learning tours.
5.Sheung Yiu Folk Museum <-- Well, in fact, I've never been to the "REAL" New Territories :P

Hong Kong & Kowloon
6. Hong Kong Film Archive <-- I love going to Film Museums! I've been to the one in Kaohsiung as well!!!!
7. Hong Kong Museum of Art <-- It seems to me a must to go there regularly :P
8. Flagstaff House Museum of Teaware <-- No reason haven't been there while the location is so convenient!
9. Hong Kong Museum of History <-- I think I went there when it first opened and ever since then, I've been there a few times with my parents and brother.
10. Law Uk Folk Museum <-- Umum... I think I mixed up all the "xx Uk" museums :P I don't know exactly which one or which few ones I've been to during Primary School days.
11. Lei Cheng Uk Han Tomb Museum <-- I don't remember I've been to this one :P
12. Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence <-- This is my target! Last time when I arrived there, it was closed ><
13. Hong Kong Science Museum <-- Once upon a time, it was an excellent place to visit! However, after visiting other places' Science Museums, I've totally lost my interest here.
14. Hong Kong Space Museum <-- I still love to go watching movies!
15. Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre <-- I went there once for my Art homework; hope to visit there again!
15. The Hong Kong Heritage Discovery Centre <-- I've totally forgot this one! I haven't been to Kowloon Park for ages though I wanted to pay it a visit when it first opened in 2005 :P
16. The Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum <-- I was "brought" to the museum by my father; frankly, the museum is not big at all but much to see :P I spent almost 30 min. in reading one of the letters to Dr Sun and we watched a mini-movie there. I think we are the few who spent more than 3 hours there!!! :P
17. Fireboat Alexander Grantham Exhibition Gallery <--Oh!!! I've mixed this up with the Coastal Defense museum :P but how about the Maritime one? Anyway, they are my targets this year!

Other Museums
18. Art Museum, the Chinese University of Hong Kong <-- I was a CUHK student but I don't think I've been to there.
19. Hong Kong Correctional Service Museum <-- When has it been set up? Is this the one we called "Stanley Prison" during the Primary School outing?
20. Hong Kong Maritime Museum <-- Oh!! This one is in Stanley! Then I've been to there la! ^_^ Maybe I can pay a visit again to refresh my memories.
21. Hong Kong Planning and Infrastructure Exhibition Gallery <-- Oh, why we have such "interesting" museum? Will there be anybody really interested in Planning?
22. Lions Nature Education Centre <-- Of 'coz, school children (for our generation =D) must have visited this.
23. Museum of Ethnology <-- well, how about having meal at the restuarant nearby? OK - let's make it my target this year!
24. Museum of Medical Sciences <-- Dunno why this must be an item on the outing list and somehow high school kids are just addicted to the word "Medical" and must have paid a visit there.
24. Po Leung Kuk Museum <-- I've never been to Po Leung Kuk so I must not have visited this.
25. Police Museum <-- In fact I quite enjoy the visit there; I found it very lovely :P
26. Racing Museum <-- No idea what it is!! I dunno Jockey Club has a museum!
27. Tung Wah Museum <-- No idea x 2: Target!
28. University Museum and Art Gallery, the University of Hong Kong <-- Well, I've only been to the Entrance :P
29. Exchange Exhibition Hall <-- Oh! I just know TODAY we can visit there!!!!

Oh! HK also has 29 museums on LCSD official list! And in fact many other Exhibitions Venues are available such as those Private Galleries, Artists Workshops, and of 'coz the different Universities.

Also, the building heritages and other living "museums" may be of more learning/appreciating values and interests.

Well, it must be a fruitful year in 2009 :) Let's have a thorough plan.

Friday, January 02, 2009


原來我的最愛鳳梨酥在台北車站有分館了!!! (幸好有托 wendy 在九份幫忙買 :p)

這一次在台北走過無數次地下街, 從中山站 (因為飯店正正在中山站) 到台北車站再到站前地下街, 是方向不同嗎?

很多人都推荐李鵠或李家大房, 但我們家呢, 卻鍾情李儀
皮鬆化, 蓉是 QQ 的 (即廣東話的"煙軔"), 不甜, 有點入口即溶卻又有咬勁, 很矛盾的感覺 ^_^

我吃過的李家大房, 是薄的那一種. 雖然也很鬆化, 但太鬆了, 有"碎"的, 而且皮太薄 :p 李鵠呢? 印象很模糊, 也許下一次可再試 :p

其他的呢? 厚的則太硬, 前幾天在 office 就吃了一個很硬的梅子酥, 不好吃 >< 薄的真的太薄了, 又易碎, 完全沒有"酥"應有的質感, 而且一點都不 Q =P

不過這一次的鳳梨酥也是當天在九份出爐, 第三天就運抵我家, 即吃 :p 不知道台北車站的質素如何? 下一次一定要試試看 ^_^