Monday, December 12, 2005

2005. 12. 09 (Fri) Disneyland Hong Kong

終於係上個禮拜五去左 disneyland hong kong 啦!!! 原來都好多人架,不過唔係咁多大陸人,反而有好多好多「牛奶朱古力」人!即係咩? 咪南亞人囉,e.g. 馬拉呀,filipino 呀,indian 呀咁囉!總之有好多講「兩文三語」既人啦!(明明聽到佢地講 slingish 口音既英文,轉個頭就聽到 putonhua 同 s'pore 口音既廣東話啦~

In fact i found it very interesting to be in disneyland hong kong ar... really as interesting as in Japan! juz a bit smaller, but i thought it's better! 'coz i could play all the stuff inside!!! XDDDDD

oooohhhhh... yup! some of u may criticize that they don't have a toonsland in hk one.. only a garden for pic taking.. but frankly i don't really care.. 'coz i didn't take a single pic with the cartoon characters!! heehee~ my focus is not them~

also dun compare the different attractions with other amusement park or adventure playground... e.g. the space mountain with the roller coaster.. even in ocean park.. that's definitely not the same! disneyland = theme park, for u to enjoy! it's not an adventure playground for u to play! so to me... both ocean park and disneyland hong kong are attractive!!! ^O^

but of 'coz.... if the land can be a bit more bigger, that would be a bonus! 'coz i quite enjoy the feeling of 'ooo.... hurry hurry!!!! to play as many as possible'!! wahaha~~~

i would share pics taken and our 'route' later!

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