Thursday, December 30, 2004

Mr. Shum went DIVING!

Gumyu told me on Tuesday that Mr. Shum went to DIVING!! Don't know where he went. Gumyu said, unless he went to Australia, there should be a risk. And from her xanga, just know that she still can't contact him through his cell phone. But... does he have roaming?

So... where did you go diving, Mr. shum? I remembered that he used to go to Philipines (is it really used to? I heard from him once or twice that he went to Philipines diving.) Hoping that he's still going to Philipines or Australia as Gumyu said.

And... maybe they did contact him already. 'coz my info. is "out-dated", already two days ago.

Well... God Bless!

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